I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 67 English

 Chapter 67 - Summer Festival (1)

Sunday — the day of the summer festival.

As expected, I couldn’t quite fall asleep the night before.

My heart raced at the thought of going to the summer festival with friends, a scene of youthful exuberance that I had never experienced in my past life.

I chuckled to myself, thinking how I felt just like a little kid before a school trip. Stretching my body, I got out of bed.

My younger sister, Mai, was away on a track and field trip, and she wouldn’t be back until late tonight.

She had been really upset yesterday, saying, "I wanted to see Mashiro-san in her yukata..." so I tried my best to cheer her up. But knowing her, she’d probably still be down about it all day today.

She even asked me to take a picture of Mashiro in her yukata and send it to her. I hope that will satisfy her, and that she can focus on doing her best at her club activities.

The meeting time was set for 5 p.m.

We planned to meet at the plaza in front of the station near the festival venue.

There were apparently various events happening during the day as well, but with the temperature easily exceeding 30°C, we decided to skip those. Instead, we planned to join the festival in the evening, wandering through the food stalls and enjoying the fireworks as the main attraction.

Before the meeting time, I finished my household chores, did my usual training routine, took a shower, and got changed. All that was left was to grab my wallet, phone, and other essentials, and head out.

Reo and Nishikawa said they’d be coming together, while Mashiro mentioned that her mother would be driving her to the station.

"Mashiro's mom driving her... that's pretty rare, huh."

Her mother, who hardly ever comes home, was actually staying in today to help Mashiro with her yukata and even driving her to and from the festival.

It really was unusual. The last time I saw Mashiro's mother was at the high school entrance ceremony, and even though I’ve been over to Mashiro's house plenty of times since, I hadn’t seen her once.

So for her to come home just for Mashiro’s summer festival... it was a bit hard to believe.

I’m not sure if it was due to a change in her work schedule or a shift in her feelings, but in any case, it was great that Mashiro was able to spend some time with her mom.

"Alright... I should get going."

I glanced at the clock. It was just after 4 p.m.

Deciding to leave early and wait for everyone, I put on my shoes, grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door.

As soon as I stepped outside, the humid air wrapped around me. The sky was completely clear, with not a cloud in sight.

Our camping trip had been ruined by a sudden thunderstorm, but there didn’t seem to be any risk of rain today.

Maybe the weather had finally decided to give us a break after failing to drive a wedge between me and Mashiro during that stormy camping trip. It felt almost like a peaceful concession.

Hoping the weather would stay like this, I began my walk to the station, even though the sweltering heat after 4 p.m. was still oppressive.

As I got closer to the meeting place, more and more people filled the streets.

Everyone seemed preoccupied with the festival, and the excitement in the air naturally heightened my own anticipation.

After a while, I arrived at the plaza in front of the station.

Looking around, I saw a crowd of people already gathered to enjoy the festival.

There were couples holding hands, heading towards the venue; kids wearing character masks, likely having already finished enjoying the festival; and families guiding their children towards the station platform.

Laughter and cheerful voices filled the air from people of all ages, and I couldn’t wait to soak up the festival atmosphere myself.

Just then, my phone rang.

I pulled it out of my pocket and saw a call from Mashiro, her familiar cat icon lighting up the screen.

As soon as I answered, I heard her sweet voice through the speaker, and I couldn’t help but smile.

"Hello, Ryusuke. Are you still at home?"

"No, I’ve already left and just arrived at the meeting spot."

"Wow, you’re early! There’s still over 30 minutes before we’re supposed to meet."

"I couldn’t sit still at home, so I decided to head out early and wait."

"Hehe, you’re so cute, Ryusuke. I’m on my way too! My mom’s driving me, and we’re almost there."

"Got it. I’ll head to where you’re being dropped off. Where will that be?"

"Near the taxi stand. I’ll be dropped off around there."

"Roger that. I’ll head there now."

"Thanks! I’ll be there soon, so wait for me!"

"Alright, see you soon."

I ended the call and began walking toward the taxi stand, my excitement building at the thought of seeing Mashiro.

Before long, I spotted a white luxury sedan approaching — a car I remembered seeing at the entrance ceremony. It slowly came to a stop in front of me.

The passenger door opened.

And stepping out was Mashiro, her glossy black hair tied up, wearing a stunning yukata.

I found myself momentarily breathless.

The white yukata was adorned with delicate wildflowers, complemented by a soft cherry blossom pink obi. It suited her so perfectly, giving off an air of elegance and cool refinement. Her hair was styled into a neat bun, held in place by a beautiful hairpin decorated with purple hydrangea petals on a golden stem.

Her usual cuteness was still there, but the mature, traditional Japanese vibe added an irresistible charm, enough to melt any man's heart.

Her clear blue eyes met mine, and they seemed to shine more deeply than usual, making her even more captivating.

But more than anything, the fact that she was wearing the yukata I had said I liked made me so happy that I couldn’t help but stare at her, more enchanted than ever before.

While I stood there, lost for words, Mashiro spoke up with a slightly flushed expression. Her soft, pink lips trembled a little, and she gazed up at me with a hopeful look, as if expecting something.

"Ryusuke, how do I look? The yukata... does it look strange?"

"There's nothing strange about it. Actually... you look stunning. I couldn’t stop staring. You’re really cute, and it suits you perfectly."

When I told her that honestly, Mashiro shyly averted her gaze. That gesture was so adorable that my heart couldn’t help but race even faster.

"R-Really? Hehe... I’m glad."

Mashiro smiled as she placed a hand on her chest.

That smile was so full of joy that I could feel her happiness radiating through. I smiled back, and a peaceful moment passed between us.

After a little while, the passenger window rolled down, and Mashiro’s mother called out to her, bringing us back to reality.

Mashiro walked over to the car, exchanged a few words with her mother, and bowed her head. The window closed, and the car pulled away from the station.

As we watched the car drive off, I spoke to Mashiro.

"That was your mom just now, right? What did she say?"

"She told me to call her when we’re done. She said she’d come pick me up."

"That’s rare, huh? Your mom coming to pick you up."

"I know, right? It’s been ages since she’s been home. She even helped me put on the yukata and did my hair."

"That makes sense. I’ve heard it’s pretty hard to put on a yukata by yourself."

"Yep! And oh, she said to say hi to you, Ryusuke."

Mashiro flashed me a smile.

She must’ve been really happy to have spent time with her mom, and her face was even brighter than usual, likely from all the help she received with her yukata.

"Let’s move somewhere cooler. It’s still pretty hot here with the sun out, and we’ve got plenty of time before the others show up."

"Okay! Let’s find some shade and take it easy."

With a cheerful reply, Mashiro took my hand, and we began walking together toward the plaza.

Seeing her bounce lightly as she walked next to me, I couldn’t help but smile.

(I have to make sure she has the best time.)

Seeing Mashiro so happy to be with her mom and looking forward to the festival with friends, I swore to make this day even more special for her.

And with that promise in mind, I knew this summer festival would be the perfect moment to create memories she would cherish forever.

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