Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 42 English

 Chapter 42 - And the Curtain Falls on the Festival

"Alright, does everyone have their drinks?"


In the cafeteria, the student council and disciplinary committee members responded cheerfully to Karin's call.

"Then, if I may take the honor! … Ahem. Great job, everyone! Cheers!!"


The orienteering event came to a grand conclusion, and now began a modest celebration—the so-called "Post-event Gathering," a casual after-party.

Thanks to the generosity of the cafeteria staff, food had been prepared, and everyone was free to enjoy themselves at this standing buffet. No one here was uptight about rules or formalities. If you're hungry, eat; if you're thirsty, drink some juice. The word "fees" was also forbidden; the budget had been meticulously calculated by Onigawara-kun to cover everything.

Everyone's faces were filled with satisfaction, and both first-year and second-year students celebrated each other, regardless of class year. The first student-led event of the new school year had been a tremendous success.

"Good job, Marimo. Even though you were behind the scenes, you probably worked the hardest."

"Kou-chan, you too! I didn’t do much at all, really."

We clinked our paper cups filled with grape Fanta.

"If we're talking about who worked the hardest, it’s the first-years today. Karin and Onigawara-kun both did a fantastic job. Even the first-year members of the disciplinary committee worked hard despite not being used to it."

"Nihaha! Totally! Everyone’s got such bright smiles!"

Yeah, that’s right. Our juniors, who’d been at the school for barely a month, had achieved such visible results. Tonight should be all about them having fun. We upperclassmen should quietly stay in the background.

"I’ve found you, Kirishima Kouhei!!"


"What are you doing, getting all cozy with Marimo alone!? I’ll kick you!"

They never let me stay quiet, do they?

"Speaking of kicks, what happened to Aoyama-kun after Hino-san's spectacular kick?"

"I don’t know, and I don’t care about that lowlife."

Hino-san spat out those words with a face like she’d just bitten into something bitter, then washed it down with green juice.

Luckily, Matsui-san, who was nearby, explained.

"He hurt his back pretty badly and had to leave early. It was a whole thing after that."

Matsui-san whispered to me, careful not to let Hino, who was obsessed with Marimo, overhear.

"Hino-senpai chased after Aoyama-senpai with incredible fury, shouting ‘Punishment!’ while kicking him repeatedly, until Aoyama-senpai burst into tears. Eventually, a couple of first-years had to step in and break it up."

"Wow... I’m speechless."

"In the end, the first-year who’d fought with him said it was enough, so it looks like Aoyama-senpai will be suspended for a while. He’s also being expelled from the disciplinary committee."

I thought I should add Aoyama-kun’s deeds under the "just deserts" entry in a dictionary.

Well, now that that's settled, time to grab some food. Starting with fried chicken, of course. Just as I licked my lips, I heard a familiar rumble of footsteps heading outside.

"Uwaaaah! Please stop!!"

"Wait! Let’s eat together!"

"Take a picture with us, Takezou-kun!!"

"I’m sorryyyyy!!"

What in the world?

"Kouhei-senpai! Great job today!"

"Oh, Karin. Good job! You really worked hard today, thank you!"

"Hehe, you can pat my head if you want!"

"If that’s all it takes, I’ll gladly do it! Good girl, good girl!"

"I’m fine by myself, I swear!! Uwaaaaah!"

"My goodness. That person is always causing a ruckus. He’s ruining your head pats, senpai!"

"Hmm. Karin? What’s going on with Onigawara-kun?"

"Oh, that? Hehe, listen to this! Onigawara-kun was such a star in the transport team that a few girls became his fans!"

"Seriously? Well, he is manly and cool."

So, late-blooming Onigawara-kun had his cherry blossoms. Yet, for some reason, he was running away from those very blossoms. Was this the first bloom of the “Senbonzakura” technique?

"Uwaaah! Kirishima-senpaaaaiii!!"

My eyes met Onigawara-kun’s. What should I do? Should I help him?

"Senpai, did you try this yakisoba? It’s delicious!"

"Yeah, it looks great. But, um, Onigawara-kun—"

"You’re thinking about helping him, aren’t you? It’s okay, he deserves to be pampered once in a while! Let’s leave him be!"

"Is that so? Well, if Karin says so…"

"Senpaaaaiii!! Uwaaaaaah!!"

Sorry, Onigawara-kun. Maybe next time.

"Kou-chan! There you are! Oh, Karin-chan!"

"Marimo-senpai! Great job today! Thank you for watching over us the whole time!"

"Huh? Karin knew that Marimo was handling things from afar?"

"Of course I did! Wait, Kouhei-senpai didn’t realize?"

"O-Of course I noticed! Haha, it was obvious!"

Seriously? Does that mean I was the only one who’d been dancing to Marimo’s tune all along?

I must hide this. I must maintain my senior dignity.

"Kou-chan didn’t know until Maru-chan told him!"

Why does Marimo always spill the truth so easily?

"Haha! I figured as much! When you were zoning out in the broadcast room, I thought, ‘Oh, maybe he hasn’t noticed!’"

"Stop! Don’t tease me anymore! I’m already dying of embarrassment!!"

"By the way, senpai? You remember our promise, right?"

Karin and I had made a very serious promise. Even a fool like me wouldn’t forget that.

"Of course!"

"Good! Then, Marimo-senpai!"

With a snap of her finger, Karin pointed at me. Was that supposed to be a Special Beam Cannon?

"Starting now, it’s a competition! I love and respect Marimo-senpai, but I won’t lose!"

Marimo chuckled and pointed at me too. Was this her version of the Kamehameha?

"Yup! I won’t lose either! Let’s have a fair fight!"

Why do they keep pointing at me to declare their competition? And why are they both smiling when they’re supposed to be rivals?

"Senpai, I brought some yakisoba! Let me feed you!"

"Oh, uh, thanks."

With the huge debt I owed today, I couldn’t refuse, so I ate the yakisoba.

"Kou-chan! Have some chicken too! Say ‘ahh’!"

Since I had accepted Karin’s kindness, it felt wrong to turn down Marimo. So, I took a bite of the chicken too.

"Both are delicious. As expected from the cafeteria... Ow ow ow ow ow!!"

The corners of my mouth burned.

"Marimo! What did you put on the chicken!?"

"Just Tabasco! It’s tastier when it’s spicy!"

"It burns! I have a cut on my lip!!"

"Oh… S-sorry, Kou-chan. Nihaha!"

And so, my childhood friend returned. She was a perfect, genius beauty to everyone else, but only in front of me did she reveal her clumsy side—my precious childhood friend.


"Kouhei-senpai? Get ready from now on!"

"Yeah, Kou-chan! You’re not prepared enough!"

Even though I’d set sail again, the waters seemed stormy. Yet, it felt like clear skies to me now. Maybe I’ve grown as a person after all.

A flower in each hand? Don’t be ridiculous. More like a bomb under each arm. Hey, God.

——End of Arc 1.


TL Note: I still haven't decided to continue translating the next arc or not

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