I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 31 English

 Chapter 31 - A Head-On Challenge

As we neared the school, Mashiro and I drew many gazes from the students around us.

But unlike last week, these weren't the hostile stares filled with "clear animosity." If anything, the looks we were getting now were more akin to admiration.

I had dyed my hair black again and styled it into a fresh, short cut, and I could already feel its impact. Yet, what really captured everyone’s attention was the girl walking beside me.

Just by walking, Mashiro transformed the atmosphere of the entire school path. Her presence was too dazzling, too radiant for the background characters around us, naturally making them stop and stare in awe.

And yet, despite walking next to her, none of that jealousy or hatred was directed at me.

If I still had the delinquent look from before, we would probably be getting hostile glares and whispers like, “Why is a cute girl like her with a guy like that?”

But now, I had a look worthy of walking beside Mashiro, the ultimate beauty. In other words, I was no longer just a supporting character meant to highlight her beauty—I had become the good guy who could stand beside her.

That said, being the target of such different kinds of stares still made me feel a bit uneasy. I couldn’t shake this strange feeling of discomfort.

Mashiro, noticing my change in demeanor, let out a small laugh. Drawing closer to me, she spoke in a cheerful tone.

“Ryusuke, are you nervous?”

“Nervous? Well... yeah, I guess. It just feels weird how different everyone’s reactions are today.”

“Haha, I kinda get it. After I dyed my hair black and went for a more pure look, people started staring at me a lot more when I’m walking to school or in class. So I can sort of understand how you’re feeling.”

“I figured. Well, aside from me, you’re the cutest person around—stylish, kind, and just your presence changes the atmosphere. It’s no wonder everyone’s reacting like that.”

Maybe because of the unfamiliar environment, I found myself saying things to Mashiro that I’d normally never voice out loud, no matter how much I thought them. Of course, she heard it, and her eyes widened as she looked up at me.

Immediately after, Mashiro’s face flushed red. She turned away, grabbing my sleeve, and muttered quietly.

“Th-that was a cheap shot, Ryusuke... You idiot.”

“W-wait, it wasn’t meant to be! It just... slipped out, like something I always think about but never say...!”

“R-Ryusuke’s making it worse! Always thinking about it... you’re too much!”

“N-no, that’s not what I—!”

I had completely dug my own grave.

Seeing Mashiro’s embarrassed face made my own flush with heat. I can’t believe I just said something so mortifying.

By the time I realized it, it was already too late.

Walking to school, surrounded by all these students, we had just flirted openly. Naturally, the attention on us had grown even stronger.

Mashiro must’ve noticed, too, because she lowered her gaze, her face still red. I scratched my cheek, suddenly feeling embarrassed as well, and we both fell silent.

We walked in silence for a while after that.

But it wasn’t an awkward silence. If anything, it felt like a warm, gentle atmosphere was surrounding us, and it was oddly comforting.

And just like that, we arrived at the school.

As students passed through the school gates, Mashiro stopped.

“What’s up, Mashiro?”

“Hey, Ryusuke. Can you look over here for a second?”


When I turned to face her, she stretched up and reached for my tie. After adjusting the knot and straightening it, she gave a soft laugh.

Her smile was more mature than usual, and there was a subtle allure to it. As I stood there, captivated by her, she slowly let go and whispered.

“There, all set. You look really handsome, Ryusuke.”

“...Th-thanks. That makes me happy.”

“Yep! Now, let’s head to class. We’re going to surprise everyone, aren’t we?”

“Yeah. Let’s do it.”

With that, Mashiro and I walked through the school gates and into the building.

Just like on the path to school, we attracted the same kinds of gazes as we made our way from the entrance to the classroom hallway.

Since Mashiro was in Class 1, she arrived at her classroom before me. Just before she entered, she gave me a light pat on the back.

“I’m rooting for you, Ryusuke. Do your best!”

“Yeah. I’ll come over as soon as it’s lunchtime. Wait for me.”

“I will. I’ll be waiting.”

With that, Mashiro opened the door to her class, and I opened the door to mine—Class 2.

From here on out, I was on my own.

I had to face the absurdity of this world by myself.

But I wasn’t worried.

Mashiro was cheering me on, and just knowing that made me feel like I couldn’t lose.

As I stepped into the classroom, all my classmates’ eyes turned to me at once.

A lot of students outside hadn’t recognized me as Shindo Ryusuke because of my drastically changed appearance.

But that wouldn’t fly in here.

No matter how much I changed my look, to my classmates, I was still the villain, Shindo Ryusuke.

But that wasn’t going to make me back down.

I’d made up my mind. I was going to make Mashiro happy, and I’d change myself to do it.

Reo wasn’t here yet. He was probably still at morning basketball practice. But everyone else, all the key players, were here.

(It’s finally time... Fusegawa Raito.)

The heroines were all wide-eyed in surprise, but no one was more shocked than the story’s protagonist, Fusegawa Raito.

The moment I entered the classroom, he jumped up from his seat, his face a mix of shock and confusion. He stared at me, never taking his eyes off me.

I could tell exactly what was going through his mind.

He was probably screaming inside: “Wait!! My character’s been copied!!!”

Yeah, that’s right. I copied it.

By adopting the classic black-haired, short-haired protagonist look, it was inevitable that I’d end up resembling Fusegawa Raito, the main character of this rom-com world.

And that was fine. No, it was exactly what I wanted.

Last week, I acted as the villain and protected Mashiro from you. By that point, the world had already labeled me as the enemy of the protagonist.

So now, I’m done running or hiding.

I’ll face you head-on, fair and square.

To overturn the doomed future set in the original story and to live out my youth with Mashiro by my side...

I’m going to stop being a villain, a background character, or a sidekick—and become the protagonist of this story. I’ll create a disturbance so big that it will tear apart the original plot.

Who’s more deserving of being the protagonist?

You, who’s built a harem and is living a vibrant youth with all the heroines?

Or me, the guy who’s fighting against the world’s absurdities for the sake of one girl’s happiness?

Let’s settle this once and for all.

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