I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 30 English

 Chapter 30 - Change

Sunday was a whirlwind of activity as I worked on executing my plan.

With Mashiro’s help, everything I had been thinking about gradually took shape and came to life.

And then, Monday morning arrived.

After getting ready for school, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror.

I adjusted my tie up to my collar, buttoned my shirt, and made sure my uniform was properly in place.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and gave myself a firm nod.

My hair, now dyed a deep black, had been cut short to give me a fresh, clean look.

I had removed all the earrings that used to glint by my ears, and I even tidied up my eyebrows to soften my otherwise stern features.

The young man in the mirror was almost dazzling—a picture-perfect model student.

The delinquent image I once had was nowhere to be seen.

I had always thought about this: Hair plays a significant role in romantic comedies.

When expressing characters’ personalities, manga, anime, and games often use a variety of hairstyles and colors to highlight their individuality. This is true even in Fusekoi, the popular series that started as a manga and later became an anime sensation.

The protagonist and those around him are especially obvious examples. Their hairstyles and colors play key roles.

The protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, has simple, short black hair.

The heroine, Hanazaki Yuna, a classic beauty, has long, glossy red hair.

The lively childhood friend heroine, Himeno Karen, sports dark blue twin-tails.

And the student council president, Miyuki Sakuramiya, a British-Japanese half, has luxurious blonde hair styled in elegant curls.

Even the protagonist's best friend, Reo, is a cool, silver-haired guy, while their friend, Nishikawa Kyoya, has short chestnut hair.

Each of these characters has a unique hairstyle and color that sets them apart, like an unmistakable symbol that lets anyone instantly recognize them.

Mashiro and I, too, had been part of this system, assigned the roles of delinquent characters with distinctive looks.

My hair had been dyed brown and left a little long to give me a rough, rebellious look. Mashiro’s hair, dyed blonde and tied into a side ponytail, instantly marked her as a “gyaru.” The other delinquent characters had similarly fitting hairstyles and colors, all designed to make us look the part.

In this way, we were turned into symbols of our roles, easily recognized by the manga readers and anime viewers alike.

That was where I found my clue.

It was thanks to Mashiro that I realized it. Everything is because of her.

She wanted to match my tastes, and through her love for me, she transformed herself. She changed her appearance dramatically, switching to a more classic and elegant style with long, black hair—an iconic heroine look. Her outfits became refined, shedding the flashy image of a gal. She transformed into the most beautiful girl, capable of captivating anyone.

As a result, the world reevaluated her. Amanatsu Mashiro was no longer seen as a villain; the world began to assign her a new role as one of the heroines vying for the protagonist’s affection. It was an unexpected twist, never part of the original story.

In other words—if I, too, changed my hairstyle, my hair color, and my clothing to something unfitting for a villain, it could give me a powerful advantage.

Granted, Shindo Ryusuke’s past made him much more suited to being a villain, so it wouldn’t be as easy for me to slip into a new role like Mashiro. But this change would definitely have a positive impact.

But it wasn’t just that. This short, black hairstyle carried a deeper meaning for me. I wasn’t just any background character, and the true significance of this change would be revealed once I arrived at the classroom.

In truth, I’d wanted to change my hair much earlier, but I was so busy during the week that I couldn’t find the time to visit a salon. Plus, I didn’t want to rush and risk messing it up.

That’s why I relied on Mashiro, who had already succeeded in her transformation.

I asked her for the name of the salon she used, wanting the same hairstylist to help me carry out my plan.

With Mashiro by my side, the plan was a huge success.

My hairstyle, my hair color—everything was exactly as I had envisioned.

“Alright... perfect.”

I muttered to myself as I admired my new look.

Then I grabbed my school bag and headed for the front door.

As I stepped outside, a cheerful voice greeted me.

“Good morning, Ryusuke!”

“Mashiro? Were you waiting for me outside?”

“Yeah! I wanted to surprise you!”

Mashiro beamed at me, her smile brighter than the morning sun.

She had been waiting for me all this time to cheer me on.

Touched by her angelic kindness, I gently placed my hand on her head and gave her a light pat. She closed her eyes contentedly, her cheeks relaxing into a blissful smile.

“Thanks, Mashiro. I’m glad you came.”

“No problem! I wanted to go to school with you, anyway. And now that you look so cool, I want to spend even more time with you.”

“Is that so? Then, how about we set a meeting spot and time and walk to school together every day?”

“Walking to school with you every day... wow! That makes me so happy I can’t stop smiling!”

Mashiro’s shy, radiant smile was so adorable that I almost wanted to hug her on the spot. Warm feelings overflowed in my chest.

Just then, the front door opened, and my little sister, Mai, appeared. Spotting Mashiro, she smiled happily.

“Mashiro-san! Good morning! Did you come to see Onii-chan?”

“Good morning, Mai-chan! I wanted to walk to school with Ryusuke, so I came early.”

“Aww! It’s so nice to see you and Onii-chan walking to school together!”

“From now on, I and Ryusuke will be walking together every day. Right, Mai-chan?”

“And, by the way, I saw on RINE that you dyed your hair black, Mashiro-san. You look absolutely adorable!”

“Hehe, thanks! I’m really happy because now Ryusuke and I match!”

Mashiro smiled sweetly, twirling the tips of her hair with her fingers.

So, she’s happy I dyed my hair black too. That thought made me feel a bit prouder.

“Well, Mashiro, let’s head to school. And Mai, be careful not to be late, alright?”

“Okay, Onii-chan! Take good care of Mashiro-san!”

“Mai-chan, good luck at school! I’ll message you on RINE later.”

“Yay, I’ll be waiting!”

After waving goodbye to Mai, Mashiro and I began walking side by side. My steps felt lighter than ever.

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