Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 2 English

 Chapter 2 - The World Tree

The next morning at breakfast, I shared with Feroll and Johan what I had seen the night before. Feroll seemed intrigued, wondering if such a tree really existed, but Johan kept tilting his head in confusion.

That's strange. It was glowing so brightly; I thought it must be a famous tree in this town. But maybe it’s not?

“I don’t mean to doubt you, Prince Ridil, but are you sure there was really a glowing tree? I’ve never heard of such a thing before.”

“Really? Then, could it be that what I saw was... just a dream?”

“Ridil-sama, we can’t be certain just yet. If it’s bothering you, how about we visit that place during today’s inspection?”

“Yeah, let’s do that. I’m curious, after all.”

So, Johan agreed to guide me around the town of Northwest, and in the process, we decided to visit the place I saw last night. What could be there? Maybe it really is one of those curious trees—one that gets stuck in your mind.

After breakfast and a quick visit to the bathroom (it was a pit toilet, naturally—I mean, what else could you expect in such a remote place?), we set out for the tour. Not that I wasn’t expecting it, but still, the lack of modern infrastructure reminded me of the gap between civilizations.

We walked around, greeting the townspeople as we went. There didn’t seem to be that many of them—honestly, this place felt more like a village than a town. Maybe they had forced it to become a town just because I, a prince, was coming to visit. It wasn’t really necessary, though.

What if the villagers resent me for it? I hope they don’t throw stones or anything.

“Ridil-sama, which direction was the glowing tree you saw last night?”

“Uh, it was that way, near the tall mountain over there.”

“That mountain is known in these parts as a sacred peak. They say it’s home to the last remaining elves.”

“Wait, is that true?”

I had learned that elves still existed in this world, but sightings of them were extremely rare. That much I had heard from my tutor, so it was probably accurate. Even though my royal education was cut short, I did pick up a few things.

“Who knows? At the very least, I’ve never met one. I’m not sure if any of the townsfolk have, either.”

“Oh, that’s a shame.”

It seemed like one of those far-fetched stories. But if the mountain was widely recognized as sacred, maybe elves really did live there. It might be fun to go explore it someday—if Feroll allows it, of course.

Currently, Feroll is my only bodyguard. I’ve heard he’s somewhat capable in combat, though not quite on the level of a professional.

I had several guards on the way to Northwest, but once we arrived, they all left. I guess their job was just to ensure I made it here safely. That’s how it goes, I suppose.

Johan led us to the outskirts of town. Along the way, there were no trees that matched the one I saw. Maybe I did imagine it after all?

As I started to feel uneasy, a tree came into view ahead of us. It was a fairly large tree, but to me, it looked more like a sapling. Is that even possible? A giant sapling?

“Huh? Was there always a tree like this here?”

Johan tilted his head in confusion, just like earlier. It seemed even the town mayor wasn’t familiar with this tree. Could it be that Johan knows the location of every tree in town? No way.

Could this be the tree that was glowing last night? My heart began to race.

“I’m glad you made it here, my beloved child.”

“Huh?! Wh-who’s there?!”


“Prince Ridil?”

I looked around in surprise, but Feroll and Johan were just staring at me with puzzled expressions. Wait, could it be that they didn’t hear the voice?

“Feroll, you heard that voice just now, right?”

“...It wasn’t mine or Johan’s voice, that’s for sure.”

“Then, whose was it?”

I didn’t know whose voice it was, but it had a strangely nostalgic tone. However, it seemed that neither of them had heard it. A sudden chill ran down my spine. Could it be a gho—

“I am not a ghost. I am the World Tree, standing before you.”

“Th-the World Tree?!”

“Ridil-sama, are you all right?! You’ve been acting strange for a while now.”

“This tree... it’s the World Tree! And it seems like only I can hear its voice.”


Oh no, they’re both looking at me with such warm, pitying eyes. But it’s true! Or do they think I’m some kind of fairy-tale prince? That’s even worse!

Feroll and Johan kept staring up at the tree, unable to believe what I had told them.

“Only you, my beloved child, can hear my voice here.”

“Only I can hear it? That’s so strange. Oh, by the way, my name is Ridil.”

“There’s nothing strange about it. You have been chosen as the ‘Guardian of the World Tree.’”

“The Guardian of the World Tree?! What’s that supposed to mean?”

Even though I reacted dramatically, I had no idea what that title entailed. I just hoped it wasn’t some kind of middle-management position with no real authority.

To put it simply, I found the glowing tree, and before I knew it, I had been unwillingly drafted into some kind of mysterious organization. I couldn’t help but feel like I had glimpsed the shadow of a frighteningly corporate-like structure.

“Far from it. This is a legitimate white company, where everyone works with a smile on their face.”

“Now I’m even more suspicious.”

“Ridil-sama, are you really hearing the tree’s voice?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Feroll and Johan’s jaws dropped in unison. They seemed completely unable to keep up with what was happening. Funny thing is, neither can I. If this really is a "white company," I guess I’ll need a full explanation.

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