I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 39 English

 Chapter 39 - Summer Plans

The sound of cicadas echoed through the window, and bright sunlight pierced through the curtains.

Several days had passed since the final exam results were announced, and it was already mid-July. Summer vacation was just around the corner.

The classroom during lunch break was filled with the summer heat.

Even with the air conditioner running, students sitting by the window must have found it unbearable.

In fact, the boy sitting at the very back by the window had looked completely drained since morning.

“It’s so hot... too hot... I’m going to shrivel up at this rate... Someone, please turn the air conditioner down to 18°C...”

The boy complaining with a near-death expression was the protagonist of this story, Fusegawa Raito.

Hearing his groans, two beautiful girls sitting in front of and beside him turned to face him.

“It’s definitely hot today, isn’t it? But if we set it to 18°C, you’ll catch a cold next.”

The one who smiled gently as she said this was Hanasaki Yuna. With her long red hair and demure appearance, she was known for being both intelligent and one of the school’s idols.

“Raito, you’ll just have to tough it out. On the way home, we can buy some ice cream. The more you endure, the better it’ll taste.”

The girl sitting in front of Fusegawa, whose twin blue pigtails swayed energetically, was Himeno Karen. She was a bright and athletic beauty known for her cheerful personality that lifted the entire class’s spirits.

“Raito-kun, how about cooling off in the student council room? You can set the air conditioner to whatever temperature you like there.”

The one who spoke next to Raito was Sakuramiya Miyuki, her elegant blonde curls swaying as she spoke. She was the famous student council president of the school.

At her suggestion, Raito perked up, his expression brightening as if he had just found an oasis in the desert.

“Miyuki-senpai, that’s a brilliant idea! I stayed in the classroom because of the heat, but if we can cool off in the student council room, let’s all go!”

“My, it seems Raito-kun has revived.”

“As expected of Miyuki-senpai, always reliable!”

“Alright, let’s head over then.”

Thus, surrounded by three heroines, the protagonist Fusegawa Raito made his way to the student council room.

This was one of the scenes from “Fusekoi.” The protagonist, sick of the stifling heat of the classroom, ends up spending time with the heroines in the air-conditioned student council room, enjoying the blissful moments of a harem romantic comedy.

Recalling this iconic scene, I watched the protagonist and the heroines leave the classroom from my seat at the very front.

—This is the world of a romantic comedy.

I had been reincarnated into the story of “Fusekoi”, as the villain—a delinquent character.

When I first reincarnated here, I was treated like a punching bag by the entire school, but after scoring first in the final exams, my school life completely changed.

Even those classmates and teachers who once harbored hostility towards me began to treat me differently.

I had transformed myself into an exemplary honors student, adopted a refreshing high school boy appearance, and even managed to surpass the story’s protagonist head-on. My reputation had drastically improved.

So far, everything was going smoothly, but I wasn’t about to get complacent.

Just because things were going well now didn’t mean I could afford to let my guard down.

There were still many students at this school who saw me as an enemy, and this world could still follow the original plot, leading me to ruin.

Although I had defeated the protagonist Fusegawa Raito in the finals, I still had a long way to go before shedding my villainous role and taking his place as the true protagonist. It was vital to keep working hard without showing any weakness.

With this determination in mind, I reached into my bag for my lunchbox—when suddenly, someone called out to me.

“Ryusuke! Let’s eat lunch together!”

A lively girl burst into the classroom, immediately attracting the attention of all our classmates. Everyone’s eyes were drawn to her beauty.

Her long, shiny black hair cascaded down to her waist, and her clear blue eyes sparkled like jewels. Her long lashes framed her large, round eyes, and her moist lips were a beautiful cherry blossom pink.

Her doll-like, perfect features, translucent white skin, and slender, graceful limbs were admired by boys and girls alike.

This flawless beauty, drawing everyone’s gaze, ran straight toward me with a beaming smile.

Her name was Amanatsu Mashiro.

She was my precious childhood friend and the most beautiful girl in this academy—no, in this world.

When our eyes met, she skipped over to me happily, flashing a delighted smile.

“Ryusuke, I’m joining you again today!”

“Yeah, I made your lunch too, Mashiro.”

“Wow, thanks, Ryusuke! I’m starving already... I can’t wait to dig in!”

When I handed her the extra lunchbox I’d prepared, she held it close like it was a cherished stuffed animal.

Mashiro smiled innocently as she hugged the lunchbox, her pure expression making it hard not to smile back. Resisting the urge, I began to open my own lunchbox.

“Like you requested yesterday, I made hamburger steak and tamagoyaki. Oh, and I threw in some cherry tomatoes too.”

“Yay! Ryusuke, you’re the best!”

“You’re as easy to please as ever...”

Even though I said that, I couldn’t help but smile a bit myself. Mashiro, sitting beside me, opened her lunchbox and her eyes sparkled.

With a pair of chopsticks featuring a cute cat design, she clasped her hands together.

“Let’s eat!”

Her face lit up as she took a bite of the tamagoyaki, her expression brightening further as she touched her cheek and smiled happily.

“Wow... I love your tamagoyaki, Ryusuke. It’s so fluffy and perfectly sweet and salty...”

“You’re exaggerating as usual. But I’m glad you like it.”

“Hehe, it’s really delicious! Thanks for always making it.”

She flashed me a sweet smile, her expression overflowing with innocence.

Ah, seriously... She’s way too adorable, with that piece of egg on her cheek, looking completely defenseless. This childhood friend of mine is just too much like an angel.

As I quietly tried to calm my racing heart, Mashiro took a bite of the hamburger steak next, looking equally pleased.

“Mm... Ryusuke, your lunches are always the best!”

“I’m glad you think so. Eat as much as you want.”


With that, Mashiro continued eating her lunch, her reactions so heartwarming that it made preparing the meal all the more worth it.

Since before the finals, I had started making lunch for Mashiro as well, and my cooking skills had improved even more than before.

While I had always been fairly good at cooking thanks to my experience in my previous life, the increased opportunities to cook—both for my family and for Mashiro—had sharpened my abilities even further.

As I took a bite of my own food, thinking about how well it turned out today, I noticed Mashiro had stopped eating and was gazing intently at me.

"Hmm? What’s up, Mashiro? Did you not like something in your lunch?"

“No, I love everything you make, Ryusuke! It’s just... I was thinking... summer vacation is coming up soon, isn’t it?”

“Oh, right. The final exams are over, and there’s only a little bit of the first semester left.”

“Hey, do you have any plans for summer vacation? Is your schedule packed already?”

“My plans? Hmm... let’s see...”

Honestly, I hadn’t thought much about how I’d spend the summer. My mind had been focused on surviving until the end of the school term, so my calendar was wide open.

Then it hit me—this could be a golden opportunity to further shake off my role as the villain.

In rom-com, summer vacation is when high schoolers experience the pinnacle of youthful romance. Events like beach trips, festivals, and summer camps are perfect setups for building relationships and creating unforgettable memories.

If I spent the summer like a proper protagonist—enjoying those romantic events with Mashiro and others—I might be able to change the course of this world even more.

But... what exactly should I do?

In my previous life, my idea of summer vacation was staying inside all day playing video games or binge-watching anime. I’d seen and read about typical summer vacation activities in stories, but actually doing them myself? That was a different story.

Back when I was still Shindo Ryusuke, I used to spend summer messing around with my bad-influence friends, without a thought for anything as wholesome as a romantic summer adventure.

As I wrestled with how to approach this, I noticed Mashiro looking at me with hopeful, sparkling eyes.

“Ryusuke, are you free during the summer? Do you have no plans at all?”

“Well, yeah... I don’t have anything lined up yet.”

“Really!? Then...”

At that moment, Mashiro’s face turned slightly red, and she shyly glanced at me before quickly looking away.

In a soft voice, she muttered, “I... I want to spend lots of time with you, Ryusuke. I want to go to the beach... maybe go camping... and... maybe go to a summer festival... if that’s okay...”

Mashiro nervously played with her fingers as she said this, her demeanor uncharacteristically bashful. It was a far cry from her usual cheerful, carefree self.

Normally, she would have confidently said, “Let’s hang out together!” But now, she was acting much more reserved. What had gotten into her?

Curious, I tilted my head as she looked up at me with those big, watery eyes.

“Is that... not okay?”

Her soft plea, combined with her puppy-like expression, made me freeze for a moment.

Mashiro’s natural charm when she made such a cute request was seriously unfair. The fact that it was completely unintentional only made it worse.

Normally, she was so lively and carefree, but when she acted all demure like this, she became impossibly adorable. It made me want to grant her every wish.

Besides, Mashiro’s suggestion was exactly what I’d been hoping for.

Spending summer vacation with the world’s most beautiful girl, Amanatsu Mashiro.

Going camping with her, hitting the beach, and visiting summer festivals...

The thought alone filled me with excitement for the fun times ahead.

“If you want to do all that, Mashiro, then I’m happy to tag along. But... why are you being so reserved? You’re not acting like yourself today.”

“Well, it’s just... I was worried you might say no... But I’m really glad! I’ve been wanting to make summer memories with you, Ryusuke, for a long time.”

Her face lit up with a radiant smile, as bright as a blooming flower. She seemed genuinely excited at the prospect of spending summer with me.

And when I thought about it, it was true—there were no memories of summer adventures with Mashiro in Shindo Ryusuke’s recollections. I’d never invited her to do anything special, and we had always just spent summer like any other day.

But here she was, having wanted to create those memories with me all along.

There was no way I could ignore that.

Turning to her with a gentle smile, I responded.

“Alright, I get it. Let’s go to the beach, go camping, and visit the summer festival together. It’s a promise.”

“Yeah! Thanks, Ryusuke! I’m so happy!”

Overjoyed, Mashiro grabbed my hand and gave it a firm squeeze, her excitement contagious.

Seeing her so happy made me look forward to the upcoming summer even more.

I couldn’t wait to enjoy a summer vacation that was nothing like the villainous role I’d once played.

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