I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 40 English

 Chapter 40 - Summer After School

“Wow, I’m so jealous. You’re going to spend summer vacation with Mashiro? Sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Yeah, we decided that while having lunch together. Since it’s a rare opportunity, I thought I’d spend this summer doing some typical summer activities with her.”

I was chatting with one of my classmates in the classroom after school.

The handsome guy nodding thoughtfully next to me was Kizaki Reo.

He’s tall and slender, with striking silver hair and a charming face. He’s a regular on the basketball team despite being a first-year, an exceptional athlete, brilliant academically, and has a kind, gentle personality that makes him well-liked by everyone. A flawless superhuman, really. And one of my few friends.

Afternoon classes had ended, and the protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, had already left for home with the heroines in tow.

Just as I was about to head home myself, Reo had approached me with a friendly smile, and we ended up talking about summer vacation.

Reo continued with a cheerful smile.

“My summer vacation will mostly be spent at basketball practice. As soon as the break starts, we’ll be heading straight into an intense training camp. I’ve heard it’s going to be pretty tough, and I’m already dreading it a little.”

“Yeah, I heard it’s going to be a grueling boot camp deep in the mountains.”

“Yup, the seniors mentioned it. They said, ‘It’s brutal enough to make you feel like you’re going to die.’ But I don’t mind it that much. I believe that overcoming tough practice is what leads to the team’s success.”

“As expected of you. You’re always so serious and dedicated. I really admire that about you, Reo.”

“Haha, I should be the one saying that to you. There aren’t many people as strong-willed as you, Ryusuke—someone who stays committed to their goals no matter what. Watching you inspired me to give my all during the summer camp as well.”

“It’s a bit embarrassing to be praised like that, but thanks. I’ll keep doing my best to live up to that. By the way, how’s Nishikawa doing? Did he manage to pass and make it to camp?”

“Kyoya is the same as ever. He’s thrilled to spend the entire summer practicing basketball. He’s really excited about the camp, and he’s determined to secure a spot as a regular.”

“That guy really loves basketball. But... I hope he doesn’t neglect his summer homework just because he’s so focused on basketball.”

“Haha... I can’t exactly deny that possibility…”

Reo and I exchanged wry smiles and shrugged.

The person we were talking about was Nishikawa Kyoya, a fellow member of the basketball team and another one of my few friends.

During our recent study session for the final exams, I discovered just how much Kyoya hated studying. I understand his passion for basketball, but I really hope he takes care of his assignments, too.

“I’ll casually remind him about the homework. It’d be a shame if he slacked off now after barely avoiding failing. We don’t want him falling behind again.”

“Yeah, that’d be best. If things get dicey, let me know. I’ll help out however I can.”

“Thanks, Ryusuke. I’ll definitely ask for your help if it comes to that. He tends to ignore me sometimes, so having your backup would be great.”

“Nishikawa’s a close friend, so it’s only natural.”

“Heh, you’re really kind. Anyway, I need to head to practice now. Thanks for chatting, Ryusuke.”

“Same here, Reo. I’m heading home too—Mashiro’s waiting for me.”

“Take care on your way back. Say hi to Mashiro-san for me.”

“You too—good luck with practice. I’m rooting for you.”

“See you tomorrow, then.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

We exchanged casual waves and goodbyes. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom, heading to the one next door.

As I stepped through the open door, I spotted Mashiro waiting for me.

Normally, she’d be waiting by the teacher’s desk, but today, she was sitting at a desk, talking to an unfamiliar girl.

Mashiro’s cheeks were flushed, and she fidgeted with her fingers while the girl next to her teased her with a laugh.

“Ohhh, so you finally asked him, Mashirocchi! What did he say? I’ve been dying to know!”

“Hehe, he promised we’d go everywhere together…”

“Yay! You did it, Mashirocchi! I’m so proud of you, my bestie! But, like, you two are super close, aren’t you? Are you sure you’re not already dating?”

“N-no, we’re still just friends! We’re not in that kind of relationship... yet...”

“So, you’re more than friends but not quite lovers, huh? Oh, that’s so cute! Just like a summer romance!”

“Stop teasing me, Yui… It’s embarrassing…”

“Ahhh, you’re making the cutest face! It’s like you’re a girl in love! You’re so adorable, Mashirocchi! I just wanna eat you up!”

“Hey, don’t hug me like that! Hiya!”

The girl laughing and playing around with Mashiro had short, grayish hair and wore glasses. She looked quite different from the girls Mashiro usually hung out with.

I didn’t recognize her right away.

I’d met some of Mashiro’s friends in the cafeteria before, and most of them had a more “gyaru” vibe. But this girl had a quiet, modest appearance, which was a bit unusual for Mashiro’s circle.

I couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about, and a little anxious, I called out to them.

“Sorry to interrupt. I’m here to pick you up, Mashiro.”

Both girls turned to face me at the sound of my voice.

Mashiro’s face lit up with a bright smile, unable to hide her excitement.

She looked like a puppy that had just found its owner. If she had a tail, it’d be wagging furiously.

“Ryusuke, thanks for coming to get me! I’ll get ready to leave right away!”

“You don’t have to rush, I saw you were talking with a friend. By the way… who’s this?”

Curious about the unfamiliar girl, I asked Mashiro. She tilted her head slightly and replied.

“Huh? That’s Yui! You know her, don’t you?”

“Eh... oh, right.”

When she said the name, I finally remembered. One of the girls who had been with Mashiro at the cafeteria was named Yui.

But in my memory, and based on what I knew from the original story, Haimura Yui was supposed to be a flashy gyaru with blonde twin tails and heavy makeup.

The girl in front of me now, though, was completely different.

Her blonde twin tails were now a natural grayish color, cut short into a bob. Her makeup was natural and toned down, making her look much more reserved. She was even wearing glasses now—back then, she must’ve been wearing contacts.

Her uniform was also different. Before, she had left the top buttons of her shirt open, but now it was buttoned all the way up, giving her a clean and proper appearance.

She had transformed so much that it was hard to believe she was the same person.

Seeing my confusion, Mashiro explained further.

“Oh, right. This is your first time seeing Yui like this, huh? After I dyed my hair back to black, it started a trend among my friends. Everyone’s been trying out a more ‘clean’ style, so Yui cut her hair and dyed it back to its original color. She even changed her makeup!”

Mashiro giggled as she spoke, and I nodded in understanding.

As the most beautiful girl in the world, Mashiro was a fashion leader among her friends. Naturally, if she switched to a demure look, her friends would follow suit.

As a result, the girls who once had a flashy gyaru look were now much more subdued.

Mashiro’s influence on this world was overwhelming. Even those who were originally part of the villainous side of the story had now completely transformed, standing alongside the heroines instead.

“Well, I should get going now. See you tomorrow, Mashirocchi!”

“See you tomorrow, Yui!”

With a cheerful farewell, Haimura Yui left the classroom, practically skipping out with a spring in her step.

As I watched her leave, I turned to Mashiro.

“Shall we head home? I wanted to talk about our summer plans on the way.”

“Yeah, let’s hurry home and talk lots!”

Mashiro smiled brightly at my suggestion, grabbed her bag from her desk, and stood up.

Then, she wrapped her arms around mine and gazed up at me with an affectionate look.

I could feel her soft warmth and sweet fragrance.

It was enough to make my heart race.

There was no way I could keep my composure after this, and I quickly looked away to hide my embarrassment.

“Mashiro... you’re holding on too tight. What if someone sees us?”

“Ehehe, you don’t have to be so shy. We used to walk like this all the time when we were kids, remember?”

“Well, yeah, but that was back when we were in elementary school. Now that we’re in high school, this is a bit... embarrassing...”

“Don’t worry! Everyone’s already gone home by now. Besides, I’m in the mood to be really close to you today.”

With that, Mashiro leaned even closer.

It was impossible not to feel both embarrassed and happy at the same time. Her cuteness was just too overwhelming, leaving me speechless and letting her do as she pleased. It couldn’t be helped.

“Well, if that’s what you want... Let’s head home.”

“Yay! Let’s walk home arm-in-arm today, okay?”

“Alright, but don’t complain about it being too hot later, okay?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t! And you’re not allowed to pull away either, got it?”

Mashiro giggled and held onto my arm even tighter.

Feeling grateful for being able to enjoy a youth so far removed from the villain’s role I was supposed to play, I walked home with a very cheerful Mashiro by my side.

As we made our way down the sunlit path, our shadows stretched out side by side, perfectly in sync.

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