I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 52 English

 Chapter 52 - The Sea and the Villain (2)

"Why are you here, Shindo Ryusuke...?"

"That's my line. Why are you here, Fusekawa?"

Both of us, Fusegawa Raito and I, stood there in shock upon seeing each other.

Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist of this story, had already wrapped up the beach event with the heroine back in June.

They’d enjoyed various seaside activities—swimming and a barbecue—at the private beach owned by the relatives of one of the heroines, Miyuki Sakuramiya.

That event was in the original story, and I remember it well. If my memory serves me right, the summer vacation arc of Fusukoi was packed with all sorts of summer-themed events besides the beach trip.

Recycling the same beach event would bore the readers. That’s why, according to the narrative structure, the protagonist and his friends avoided both the beach and the pool for the rest of the summer break.

With that in mind, I figured that bringing Mashiro and my sister to the beach would have a low chance of encountering the protagonist’s group.

So, why in the world is Fusegawa Raito standing right in front of me? And he looks like he just finished changing into his swimsuit, as if he’s about to head to the water.

This irregular situation wasn’t in the original story at all. Our beach trip had somehow overlapped perfectly with theirs. Even if it’s just a coincidence, it feels too convenient—what on earth is going on?

"Raito-kun, what are you doing? Come on, this way!"

"Raito, if you don't hurry, Yuna and I will leave without you!"

I could hear the voices of two heroines calling out to the protagonist from outside the beach hut. There’s no mistaking them—it’s Hanasaki Yuna and Himeno Karen. Is Miyuki Sakuramiya not here?

Fusegawa Raito responded with a hasty, "O-oh...!" before dashing past me without another word.

I watched as he left the hut and joined the two waiting for him outside. No doubt, they were about to enjoy a typical rom-com beach scene.

Turning my back on them, I headed to the changing room to get ready myself.

As I pulled out my swimsuit from my bag, I tried to make sense of the situation.

"I see now... they’ve sent the protagonist to crash our beach trip."

I now understood why bad weather hadn't disrupted our plans.

Since they were here, this beach had transformed into the setting for a rom-com event with the protagonist and heroines at the center. Following the rules of a rom-com, everything on this stage would revolve around them.

This was an event that didn’t exist in the original story. Could it be that ever since I beat Fusegawa Raito head-on in our test showdown, the story’s plot had started diverging from what I knew?

There’s no need for two protagonists in the same story.

By enjoying their rom-com beach event, it’s like they’re trying to show the readers who the real protagonist is.

As if saying, "Side characters should stay in the corner of the beach, quietly building sandcastles."

"Like hell I will..."

I’ve decided. I’m going to break free from my role as the villain in this world and become the protagonist.

There’s no way I’m going to let myself get sidelined and turned into a minor villain, wasting my time making sandcastles while hiding from the protagonist.

Besides, this situation, though it’s a crisis, is also an opportunity for me.

Now that this beach has become the stage for an event, and the spotlight is on the protagonist...

If I can steal the show and create a bigger, more exciting scene than theirs, then the readers will focus on me instead. It could be my chance to prove that I am the real protagonist here.

The risk is high, but the reward could be even higher. It’s worth a try.

With my thoughts sorted and swimsuit on, I locked my valuables away and returned to the meeting spot we had agreed on earlier.

"Onii-chan, welcome back! We were waiting for you!"

Mai noticed my return and ran over to me with a bright smile.

She was wearing an off-shoulder swimsuit, with a floral-patterned sarong wrapped around her waist. She looked adorable, and it suited her well—especially after all the time she spent worrying about what to wear.

"You look great, Mai. That swimsuit really suits you."

"Right? Onii-chan, you really get it!"

Mai beamed at my compliment, clearly pleased.

As I watched her, I realized I didn’t see Mashiro nearby. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Huh? Where’s Mashiro?"

"She should be here soon. Onii-chan, you’re going to be shocked! Mashiro-san’s swimsuit is insane."

"So, you’ve already seen her swimsuit, huh?"

"Yep. She was so ridiculously cute, I felt like I might actually die from excitement—way beyond just being moved."

"Die from excitement, huh? You’ve really raised the bar there."

"But I’m serious! Mashiro-san’s skin is flawless, and her figure is perfect!"

Yeah, I get what she’s saying.

And knowing Mashiro, she’d probably surpass any expectations, no matter how high the bar’s been set.

Honestly, I was really looking forward to seeing what kind of swimsuit she’d show up in.

While I waited eagerly for Mashiro to return, Mai smirked mischievously.

"Onii-chan, you’re so easy to read. You’re trying to act calm, but it’s written all over your face. Pfft."

"Oh? Teasing me again, huh? I’ve got a plan for that."

"Huh? Now you’re making that scheming face!"

"You’re forgetting that I’m in charge of the spending money Mom gave us. If I wanted, I could hold your lunch hostage."

"Wh-what!? My lunch!?"

"The yakisoba here is a hit online, and the shaved ice is famous for being both delicious and super photogenic. Too bad you’re going without."

"Ehh!? I’m sorry! Please forgive me, Onii-sama!"

"Good. It’s nice when you’re obedient."

"Haha, thank you, most gracious one!"

"Alright, alright. While you’re at it, why don’t you go borrow us a beach umbrella and a leisure sheet before Mashiro arrives? If you manage that, I’ll let you have some extra toppings on your shaved ice."

"Roger that, Onii-sama!"

"Be careful on your way."

After taking my wallet, Mai gave a sharp salute and ran off. She was clearly hyped for our beach day.

I watched her run off, and then continued waiting for Mashiro.

“—Ryusuke, sorry for the wait. I’m ready now… how do I look?”

I turned towards the sound of her voice.

And there stood an angel in a swimsuit.

The pure white bikini, adorned with cute frills, only emphasized her angelic beauty.

Her flawless, porcelain-like skin was so delicate, it seemed as if it would shatter with a touch. Her soft yet toned stomach and the curve of her waist were breathtakingly sculpted, like a work of art. Her slender, graceful frame was a perfect balance of fragility and elegance.

Her smooth, healthy thighs and long, shapely legs were a miracle of natural beauty.

But the most attention-grabbing feature of all was the exquisite fullness of her chest, bouncing lightly with every small movement, wrapped in that white fabric, proudly showing off their presence.

The angel before me was Mashiro, my childhood friend—the most beautiful girl in the world.

She fidgeted shyly, and as she moved, her waist-length black hair swayed gently, releasing a sweet fragrance into the air.

Oh right.

I had the most beautiful girl in the world—Mashiro—by my side.

Just being with her made all the anxiety from running into Fusegawa Raito vanish.

Together, Mashiro and I could overcome anything. We’ve done it before, facing every challenge that stood in our way.

Making the best memories with her was not just possible—it was inevitable.

I’d prove that even a villain can shine brighter than the protagonist.

Looking straight into her clear blue eyes, I spoke.

"Mashiro, you look absolutely stunning."

"Uh... heh, hearing you say that... makes me really... no, it’s seriously embarrassing..."

Her cheeks flushed with a deep red as she bashfully looked down, making her seem a little more innocent than usual. Her lips, full and glossy, released a sweet, heated breath.

Watching her like that made my heart race in sync with hers. But I kept my gaze steady, wanting to convey my feelings fully.

"Mashiro, you’re truly beautiful. I’m so lucky to enjoy the beach with someone as amazing as you."

"Hearing you say that makes me so happy, Ryusuke... but I’m also incredibly embarrassed... Thank you. Just knowing you feel that way makes me feel so happy inside."

"Let’s have the best time. I promise to make today a special day for both of us. I’ll make sure you have fun."

"Yeah, Ryusuke. I’m counting on you. Let’s have a great time."

With our faces as warm as the summer sun, we gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled, vowing to make this day an unforgettable one.

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