Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 9 English

 Chapter 9 - Hidden Power

And so, it was decided that I would head to the World Tree with Alfred-sensei right away. Of course, Feroll followed behind us, though it seemed like he still didn't trust Alfred-sensei completely.

Considering what he'd just said about how "Elves don't have good feelings towards humans," I could kind of understand why. But honestly, if Alfred-sensei wanted to, he could probably kill me easily. Feroll too. I don't think we'd stand a chance against him.

The sword Alfred-sensei had at his waist looked incredibly sharp. Even its sheath was luxurious—deep red with golden decorations. It didn’t look like some cheap blade at all. The hilt had a diamond-shaped gem set into it, and the handle gleamed like gold.

Not even the captain of the knights at the castle had carried such an impressive sword. I couldn't even imagine how valuable it was.

While I was pondering these things, we arrived at the World Tree, and before I could introduce Alfred-sensei, the tree spoke to him first.

“Thank you for answering my call, Alfred.”

“I am honored,” 

Alfred-sensei replied as he knelt before the World Tree. What was going on? Should I be kneeling too?! More importantly, Alfred-sensei could understand the World Tree’s words! 

Thank goodness, this proves I’m not just delusional.

“Feroll, it looks like Alfred-sensei can hear the World Tree too.”

“It appears so. I, on the other hand, can’t understand a thing... what a shame.”

“It’s not your fault, Feroll! Maybe only those who can use spirit magic can hear the World Tree.”

I did my best to cheer up Feroll, whose shoulders had slumped in disappointment. Could it be that Feroll wanted to become a guardian of the World Tree and use spirit magic too? I bet he does. Who wouldn’t want to use magic?

“Well then, let’s begin your training. Ridil-kun, please place your hand on the World Tree.”

“My hand? Like this?”

I did as instructed and placed my hand on the World Tree. The bark was rough, but it felt solid and dense, like it was packed with life. Would I really be able to feel something?

“Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and focus on your palm.”

“Got it.”

Breathing in deeply a few times, I focused on the sensation in my palm.

Hmm? It feels... warm? Is a tree supposed to be this warm? I thought it would be cold, or that I wouldn’t feel anything at all.

“How does it feel? Did you notice anything?”

“Um, I think it feels warm.”

“You’re very perceptive. That’s magical energy you’re feeling.”

“This is... magic?”

It was the first time I’d felt magic. It’s warm. So this magic is all around us, huh? But right now, all I can feel is the warmth from the World Tree.

I tried to focus harder on remembering this feeling. Then, it got even warmer. No, wait—it’s hot!

“Ow, hot!”



I quickly pulled my hand away. What was that? Did I just burn my hand? No, it doesn’t look like it. Feroll was staring at my hand like he expected a hole to have burned through it, but it seemed fine. He let out a sigh of relief.

Alfred-sensei was concerned about my hand too, but he was staring more intently at my face. What? It’s a little embarrassing when you look at me like that. Is there something on my face?

“As expected of the World Tree’s guardian. I didn’t realize you possessed such an extraordinary power. I think I’ve just uncovered another reason why you were chosen as its guardian.”

“Power? I don’t think I have any special power... Alfred-sensei, what did you figure out?”

“It seems Ridil-kun has a dormant ability to gather magical energy. And not just any amount—an enormous amount.”

“An enormous ability to gather magic...”

I’d never heard of such a thing. No one had ever told me about it, and I bet no one knew. Except for the World Tree, apparently. It seemed like the World Tree had known all along that I was coming here. That’s kind of creepy.

“If that power had gone out of control, who knows what kind of disaster it could have caused. However, it seems that by becoming the guardian of the World Tree, this power has not only awakened but also fused with you. Now, I can confidently say that the risk of it going berserk is almost entirely eliminated.”

“You can tell all that?”

“Of course. My eyes possess a special ability.”

Alfred-sensei said with a wink, making my heart skip a beat. Wait, isn’t he a guy?!

If there’s still a chance of it going berserk, even if it’s small, is it really okay? Oh, I guess that’s why Alfred-sensei is here.

“If I have this amazing power to gather magic, does that mean anything good will come from it?”

“Absolutely. The more magic you can gather, the more incredible spells you’ll be able to use.”

“Incredible spells...”

What kind of vague explanation is that? What does he mean by “incredible spells”? It better not be some kind of mass destruction magic! I wouldn’t use it even if I learned how!

Feroll was watching me anxiously, clearly worried that Alfred-sensei was teaching me something strange.

It seems like I should learn how to use magic quickly, so Feroll can see that what Alfred-sensei is teaching me is actually useful.

“Alfred-sensei, does this mean I can use spirit magic now too?”

“Most likely. From here on, it’s all up to how hard you work.”

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