Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 10 English

 Chapter 10 - My First Magic

It seems that the real challenge starts here. The “World Tree Hot Hot Incident” just now was merely a light warm-up. I’ve got to work hard and learn how to use magic.

"Alfred-sensei, I’m looking forward to your guidance."

"Well then, let’s start with a low-risk spell. How about we begin with a light spell?"

"A light spell! Wait, but I think I’ve seen someone use that magic before?"

Huh, that’s strange. I thought magic and spirit magic were supposed to be different? As I folded my hands and tilted my head in confusion, Alfred-sensei laughed at me.

"You seem a bit confused. In essence, spirit magic uses the same magical formula as regular magic. The only difference is whether the energy source comes from within your body or from outside of it."

"A formula?"

"Yes, a special set of words used to cast magic. It’s sometimes referred to as kotodama—words imbued with mystical power."

It looks like magic is more complicated than I thought. It’s like using magical tools—just because I can use them doesn’t mean I fully understand how they work. In other words, as long as I can use magic, I don’t need to worry about the details. That’s what it feels like.

"I don’t really get it, but I’ll pretend I do for now."

"Haha, I suppose that was a bit too difficult for you right now, Ridil-kun. Let’s move on to help deepen your understanding of magic. I’ll explain about magical attributes."

"Magical attributes? Like fire, water, that sort of thing?"

I remember hearing about that in one of my magic classes. Well, the lesson ended just after talking about the attributes, though. Since I couldn’t use magic, they probably figured there was no point in teaching me more.

It always felt like magic was kind of shrouded in secrecy. I don’t see why knowing about magic would be a bad thing, though.

"Exactly. Now, Ridil-kun, do you know there are six main types of attributes in this world?"

"Let’s see… Fire, water, wind, earth, and then light and darkness, right?"

"Correct. Very well done. There are others if we get into finer distinctions, but those six are the primary ones."

"There are more?"

I didn’t know that. They never taught that in the classes I took at the castle. Maybe I would’ve learned it eventually if I’d been able to use magic.

"There’s also lightning, ice, illusion, space, and void, to name a few."

"Now that you mention it, those do seem like they could be categories of their own. Since you’re talking about attributes, does that mean attributes are related to using magic?"

"Exactly. You’re quite perceptive, Ridil-kun. Attributes are crucial. Even if your magical formula is correct, the spell won’t work if the attribute doesn’t match."

So I need to perfectly align both the formula and the attribute. It seems like the road to mastering magic might be tougher than I expected. But since Alfred-sensei is teaching me both, maybe it won’t be as hard as I think.

"In that case, as long as I know the formula and the attribute, anyone can use magic, right?"

"Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. While it’s true that knowing the formula and attribute is important, there’s something even more crucial."

"Something more important… What is it?"

"It’s whether or not you can vividly picture the magic in your mind."

So, in the end, it’s the image that matters most. And it’s not just about the magic itself; you have to strongly imagine yourself using it, too.

Magic might be something like the crystallization of your thoughts.

"I understand. I’ll make sure to picture it clearly."

"Good. Now let’s give the light spell a try. The light spell uses the light attribute. Focus your magical energy in the palm of your hand and imagine that energy bursting forth and glowing. Then, all you need to do is say ‘Light.’ Like this—Light."

A small ball of light appeared in Alfred-sensei’s palm. Though it was small, it shone brightly. With this, I could probably read a book at night.

Judging from the way Alfred-sensei explained it, using magic seems simple enough. But still, imagining light bursting from my palm...

Hmm, the image feels a bit fuzzy. The light I picture is more like a fluorescent lamp flicking on.

Okay, Alfred-sensei said having a strong image is important, so I’ll prioritize the image in my mind. Something bright and instantly glowing.

As instructed, I control my breathing and focus the energy into my palm. I try to recall the sensation I felt earlier when I touched the World Tree.

Yep, little by little, my palm is starting to feel warmer.


The gentle warmth gathered in my palm suddenly whooshed outwards. So, this is what using magic feels like.

A halo appeared above my palm. The moment I thought that, it suddenly burst into a blinding light.

"Whoa, that’s bright!"

"What… this light!"

"My eyes, my eyes!"

It seems that Alfred-sensei and Feroll, who were nearby, were also blinded like me. Maybe I made it a bit too bright? Oops, my bad.

But now I know for sure.

"I did it—I can use magic too!"

"I never imagined you’d succeed on your first try. Even the most talented individuals take at least three months to master a single spell."

"Really? That long?"

I could still only see white, but I heard Alfred-sensei’s voice, tinged with confusion.

Does that mean I’ve been hiding some incredible potential all along?

"And not just that—this light spell is completely different from the usual. I’ve never seen a light spell shine so brightly before. I’m not sure how to interpret this. Ridil-kun, what kind of light were you imagining? Because I’m certain it wasn’t the one I taught you to picture."

As my vision slowly cleared, I saw Alfred-sensei standing with deep wrinkles etched into his brow. It looks like he’s got quite the headache.

I should probably come clean. I don’t want Alfred-sensei to get suspicious and stop teaching me spirit magic—that would be really bad.

"Um, I was imagining a fluorescent lamp."

"A fluorescent lamp?"

"It’s a tool that lights up instantly when you flip a switch, just like what happened earlier."

"I’ve never heard of such a tool before. Is that some kind of magical device?"

Alfred-sensei furrowed his brow even deeper. This might be bad. If he keeps going, his face might get permanently stuck like that.

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