Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 4 English

 Chapter 4 - Good Morning, World Tree

I decided to conclude today’s inspection and bring the somewhat bewildered Johan back with me. As promised, I’ll check on the World Tree every day. Running back and forth to it should be good exercise. Let’s do this.

When we returned to Johan’s mansion, I asked him something that had been on my mind earlier.

“What kind of facilities does this town have, Johan? Is there a school?”

“There’s no school. We don’t need one. If a child really wanted to attend school, they’d have to travel to a town where one exists.”

“No school, huh... What about shops?”

“Merchants visit periodically to sell goods. If we want to sell anything, we’d need to go to a larger town.”

Hmm, does that mean that this Northwest place isn’t even recognized as a proper town? It seems like there’s no real system for monetary transactions here. Maybe bartering is the norm.

“I see... So, I guess there’s no public bathhouse either, right?”

“That’s correct. The only bath in this town is the one in my house.”

Johan said that proudly, but I couldn’t bring myself to be impressed.

I was still just a kid. If I were an adult, I’d have smiled and praised him with something like, “That’s amazing.”

I wasn’t too disappointed, though, since I had somewhat expected this. Still, I wish the townspeople could experience a more cultured lifestyle.

Isn’t there something I can do? I spent the rest of the day thinking only about that.

What can I do? I may not be much, but I’ve been entrusted with this remote land. In that case, I want to make it a place where everyone can live comfortably.

Alright, I’ve made up my mind. Little by little, I’ll transform Northwest into a prosperous, cultured town. I’m sure the World Tree chose me as its Guardian with that in mind. They probably gave me the right to establish a nation just to motivate me. Yeah, that’s got to be it.

The next morning, after breakfast, I headed straight for the World Tree—of course, running the whole way.

“Lord Ridil, huff huff, I don’t think there’s any need to run...”

“You don’t have to push yourself, Feroll. Huff huff, you can wait at Johan’s mansion if you want.”

“No, huff huff, I can’t let you go alone, Lord Ridil!”

As usual, Feroll was my only guard. Johan didn’t seem to have any plans to assign me a new one. The townspeople all looked busy, so they were probably short on hands.

It seemed that Feroll had no intention of abandoning me. But why? I’d been banished from the royal castle; I had no value left. My heart felt a bit unsettled.

“Good morning, World Tree.”

“Good morning, Ridil. You’re the first to ever greet me.”

 World Tree sounded almost happy. Greetings are fundamental, after all. Although, I guess not many people say hello to a tree.

So, I decided to spend my morning talking with World Tree. I didn’t have a teacher right now. World Tree was my precious, precious mentor.

“Ridil, you don’t know how to use spirit magic, do you?”

“That’s true, but...?”

I couldn’t see the World Tree’s face, but for some reason, I felt like it was grinning. What on earth could it be thinking? I wanted to ask, but would it tell me?

As if reading my mind, the World Tree answered.

“In that case, you need someone to teach you spirit magic, don’t you?”

“That’s true, but is there such a person?”

“Leave it to me. I’ll bring you an exceptional teacher.”

I could almost hear the World Tree clearing its throat proudly. It seemed really confident. Maybe it’s going to bring some sort of sage who knows everything in the world. I wonder what kind of person will come—I’m excited.

“I’m counting on you.”

“Lord Ridil, um, what were you talking about?”

“Oh, that’s right. You can’t hear the World Tree, can you, Feroll? The World Tree says it’s going to bring someone to teach me spirit magic.”

“I-I see...”

He looked bewildered. He probably didn’t believe me. But this is a good opportunity. If a real spirit magic teacher shows up, Feroll will believe that I’ve been talking to the World Tree.

“Ridil, do you not have any guards?”

“Uh, yeah, but... is that really such a big deal?”

I thought I heard the World Tree sigh. Trees can sigh? I didn’t know that.

I’m sure it was disappointed. Considering my worth, it made sense, but the World Tree seemed to think otherwise.

“Ridil, you’re more valuable than you think. Don’t belittle yourself. Just being alive gives you worth.”

It seemed the World Tree thought of me as some kind of pitiable child.

But that’s not true. I’m thankful just to be alive. Besides, I’ve managed to escape the royal power struggles. That’s a win. I’m free... probably.

“You don’t need to worry. I’ll arrange not just a spirit magic teacher but also a proper guard. You can rest easy.”

“Th-thank you?”

Whoa, the World Tree just flipped a strange switch, just like Feroll did.

Honestly, I’d be happy if everyone could just live prosperous, cultured lives. That’s all I want. Peaceful world, here we come. A slow life awaits us there, I’m sure.

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