Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 20 English

 Chapter 20 - Karin and Kouhei (Part 2)

What happened?

What's happening now?

I've always prided myself on my ability to manage the student council properly and help others, always being aware of my surroundings. But perhaps that confidence was misplaced overconfidence.

When it comes to my own affairs, I'm at a loss for words.

I never anticipated something like this happening to me.

Especially not something of this nature.

It seems that I, the diligent student council member, have been confessed to by a cute junior.

"Ah, um, Karin. What do you mean by that?"

What a soggy response.

Words more limp than a swollen fish cake.

I already know what she means.

It's hard to believe such words came from a proper Japanese boy.

I'm almost ashamed to call myself a man.

"It means exactly what I said! I like you, Kirishima-senpai!!"

In contrast, Karin's attitude is resolute and dignified.

Her eyes, understanding her own feelings, are fixed straight on me.

I feel the need to say something, but part of me wants to ask for time to think.

And then, Marimo's words from behind me add to my confusion.

"That's great! Karin-chan is cute, smart, and a really good girl!"

"Hey, hey, what are you saying...!"

What are you talking about?

Don't confuse me any further.

My brain is already nearly at a standstill, and if you fan the flames like that, Marimo, I really won't know what to do.

The words I should say next turn to dust before they can leave my hand.

Was there a minute of silence?

It felt like dozens of minutes, even hours, but the second hand of the clock I'm blankly staring at has only made one round.

Karin smiles at me as I stand there frozen.

"Ahaha! Senpai, don't look so serious. It's nothing special, right? Just a first-year girl confessing to the senior she admires!"

"Yeah, well, maybe... but..."

"Right? You're not the type to answer such things on the spot, senpai! If you were the type to immediately say 'I like you too,' I wouldn't have fallen for you! So, it's fine if you don't answer now! But please, think about it, okay?"

"Ah, yeah. Of course. It's only natural."

I'm relieved to find I still have at least the minimum manners of a man.

This is the first time I've been confessed to by the opposite sex.

It's impossible not to think about it.

Even now, my brain, finally starting to work, is in the midst of a heated debate.

Thanks to that, I can't come up with a single clever thing to say.

"Well then, I'll excuse myself first! Kirishima-senpai, Marimo-senpai, see you after the weekend!"

"Yeah, take care."

"Yep! See you, Karin-chan!"

Once the student council room is quiet again, I think to myself, "Oh, it's Friday today," and start to feel sleepy again.

When Onigawara-kun returns, it's our signal to head home.

Marimo, walking beside me, is the same as ever.

"Nfufu~. That was a surprise earlier, wasn't it?"

"...Yeah. I was completely shocked. I'm still not sure if that was real."

"Nihaha! Kou-chan, you panicked too much!"

"Of course I panicked! I mean, you know I was confessed to!?"

"Eh? I don't think it's that strange. After all, Kou-chan, you're cool, kind, and considerate! It's weirder that you haven't been confessed to by a girl before!"

"Don't be ridiculous. There are plenty of guys like me around. You could hit one with a thrown stone."

"Nihaha, a world full of Kou-chans would be kind of sad."

"Right? So maybe Karin's confession was just a momentary lapse, probably."

Then Marimo puts a finger to my face and puffs up her cheeks.

"Kou-chan! That's not good! Karin-chan mustered a lot of courage to tell you her feelings! You shouldn't make light of it! You have to think about it seriously! It takes a lot, a whole lot of courage for a girl to express her feelings!?"

"Okay, okay."

Intimidated by Marimo's fervor, I'm at a loss for words.

Instead, I think to myself.

That's right, she's right.

There's no room for argument this time.

What an inconsiderate thing I was about to do.

Wake up, Kirishima Kouhei. Get it together.

My principle has always been to face someone properly when dealing with them.

Especially if that person has feelings for me, I should face that fact even more.

Have I forgotten the meaning of the name Kouhei?

Know shame before you know color.

Once you know shame, look forward.

I've decided what to do.

All I can do is think seriously.

I owe this to Marimo.

"But, Marimo."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"You see, I was going to say—"


What was I going to say after "You see, I was going to say—"?

The words slipped out without thought, and I couldn't grasp their meaning, so I swallowed them back down.

"Nah, it's nothing."

"Nihaha, you're so weird, Kou-chan!"

"...I'll think about it. Like you said, this is something that needs a sincere answer. Thanks."

"Ehehe, you're welcome! It's kind of the opposite of usual, isn't it? You're always the one helping me. It's nice to have it the other way around sometimes, nihaha."

"Really. If you were more reliable, I wouldn't have to worry so much. You're always causing me trouble."

"Sorry about that... Oh, we're already here. Bye, Kou-chan! Thanks for walking me home today."

"Yeah. See you on Monday."

After seeing Marimo off, I U-turn towards my house.

I glance back without thinking.

Usually, Marimo would be waving energetically, and I would respond with a grimace but wave back.

But today, she's already gone, and I quietly lower my raised hand.

Let's go home.

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