Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 22 English

 Chapter 22 - Marimo and the Confession

"Sorry about that. Thanks for all the information."

As homeroom ended, students who had finished packing up started leaving the classroom one by one.

While seeing them off, I was answering Mogi's questions.

"It's no big deal. But you know, there aren't many reliable sources about Akechi Mitsuhide. You often hear that some famous anecdotes were actually made up. So, the story I told you earlier might not be accurate, okay?"

"That's fine. It makes watching the Taiga Drama so much more enjoyable."

"Hahaha, if you say so. But Mogi, you watching dramas? I thought you didn't watch much TV?"

"Well, you know, there's been a lot happening in the Taiga Dramas lately."

"What kind of reason is that? Make sure you watch it properly, you trend-follower."

Sometimes, it's not bad to have a chat with classmates before heading to the student council room.

"Phew! Were you talking about Mick Jagger just now? His chest hair is indeed sexy! Phew!"

I feel bad for Mick Jagger, but no, we weren't talking about that at all.

"Takahashi, do you listen to Western music?"

"Phew! That's harsh, man! Remember how many times I said 'Please, more slowly' when I was called on for listening exercises in English class? I don't get it, Phew!"

"Look, if you're going to stick with that character, you should at least have everyday conversational English skills and the listening ability to enjoy Western music. Otherwise, it comes off as incredibly fake."

"Hey hey! Even the prickly Kou-chan can be pretty cool, huh? Okay, how about we make up with a barbecue? Phew!"

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

It's like a fake wearing a fake's skin.

"Hey, let's go to club activities soon, Takahashi."

"Phew! You're so impatient, Mogi-chan! Have you forgotten our pledge to take it easy under the Stars and Stripes? Phew!"

"Yeah, you're right. Well then, Kirishima, see you later!"


By the way, Mogi, you handle Takahashi pretty well.

I was going to pick up Marimo and head to the student council...

But when I looked at Marimo's seat, she wasn't there.

Her bag was still there, so she must be somewhere around.

I looked left, then right, and left again, and there was Marimo.

"Hey, Mari."

This isn't good.

It seemed she was talking to someone, so I swallowed my words.

After all, she's the charismatic student council president.

It wouldn't be strange for her to have visitors in the class.

I caught a glimpse of the other person's face.

It was a male student, seemingly a first-year.

His expression caught my attention.

It was incredibly tense, desperate, and troubled.

I wondered if there was some kind of trouble, as my crisis management sensor went off.

"Can we, like, move to a different place? Somewhere with fewer people would be good."

"Ah, yeah. Sure."

An unknown guy taking Marimo to a secluded place.

That alone set off alarm bells in my head.

And the way the male student spoke seemed too flippant, which was the last straw.

I couldn't leave Marimo alone.

But I also wondered if it was right to interrupt them.

As I hesitated, the two of them left the classroom.

"...Can't be helped."

I decided to follow them.

They headed to the landing before the rooftop.

This place isn't off-limits, but it's nicely secluded, and the air feels heavy and still.

If something bad were to happen, this would be the place! I felt like it was asserting itself, so I peeked from behind the stairs.

"So, what's up?"

Marimo smiled brightly.

That's not good, showing such an unguarded smile!

If the other person were a carnivorous beast, you'd be eaten in an instant!?

"Um, like, just to confirm... President, do you have a boyfriend?"

This guy! What a way to step in!

It's natural for a high school boy to be interested in love.

It's even healthy.

But still.

There should be steps to take before that.

Hop, step, jump, as they say.

Tamago Club, Hiyoko Club, Koko Club, as they say.

What you're doing is jumping straight to the third step.

Don't jump so suddenly.

Don't become a chicken so suddenly.

Even Frieza transforms in order, but you...

Should I step out and show the path a gentleman should walk?

No, but wait, stop me.

Am I really a gentleman for eavesdropping like this?

Wouldn't I deserve to be called a meddler?

— I'm doing it, aren't I.

What am I doing?

This is completely ignoring my own behavior while criticizing others.

And how can I appear naturally in such a secluded place in the school building and say, "Hey, what a coincidence"?

I can't!

Just trying to appear natural is already unnatural!

It can't be helped.

If I decide Marimo is in any danger, I'll jump out.

It might already be too late, but that seemed like the minimum etiquette.

"Hmm. A boyfriend, huh? Well, I don't think I'm seeing anyone."

You didn't have to answer so honestly.

"So, would it be okay if I, like, applied? For example, someone like me."

See, it's turning into that kind of conversation, isn't it?

When I calm down and think about it, Marimo is pretty popular.

I've heard rumors about her being confessed to since middle school, and even now, she's being courted by a first-year boy.

Why does she turn them down?

Is her ideal incredibly high?

No, that can't be it.

She used to say Tetsuro Degawa was cool back in elementary school.

Considering that, her standards seem pretty low.

So, what could be the reason?

For example, just as a possibility...

— Does she have someone she likes?

...What is this vague feeling in my chest?

Karin asked me the other day.

Marimo and I aren't dating.

So, she should be free to like anyone.

It's not my place to say anything.

Of course. What am I thinking?

But wait.

Let's say, for example, the guy confessing to Marimo.

Let's say his love is fulfilled right now.

In other words, the moment Marimo gets a boyfriend.


Just imagining it makes me dizzy.

I don't know the circumstances, but I feel like I shouldn't stay here any longer.

Thinking that, I was about to leave quietly when Marimo's voice rang out.

"Sorry. Oh, it's not that you did anything wrong. It's just that, well, I have someone important to me. I'm thinking of considering my own feelings only after that person becomes happy. Haha, I'm weird, right? — So, I'm sorry!"

I couldn't catch every word, but I could sense that Marimo had declined the relationship.

And for some reason, I felt relieved.

Why is that?

As I ran back to the classroom, such thoughts swirled in my head.

"Hey!? Kou-chan, were you waiting for me?"

After a while, Marimo returned to the empty classroom.

"Ah, yeah, sort of. I had something to take care of."

I couldn't say that I had been watching her just now, so I lied.

"Is that so? Then let's go to the student council room together! Let's do our best today too!!"


Indeed, I am the vice president of the student council.

It's only natural to be concerned about Marimo, the president.

Yes, it's natural.

I forcefully decided that it was the truth of the world.

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