I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 12 English

 Chapter 12 - Chance Time

The first period of math and the second period of English went just as I had planned.

Today, just like yesterday, the teachers tried to harass me into becoming a truant again. But I effortlessly answered the difficult questions they threw at me and continued to behave as a model student—nothing like the delinquent character they expected.

Although it's the second day since my reincarnation and the reactions around me haven’t changed, this consistency is sure to have a positive effect.

And then, just before the third period, which was P.E., I was changing into my gym clothes, keeping an eye on Kizaki Reo from a distance.

His silver hair shone brightly, and he was chatting cheerfully with his classmates, a picture-perfect scene. Meanwhile, the protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, was unusually by himself.

None of the heroines were near him. Since the girls were scheduled to be outside doing track and field, they weren’t in the gym, meaning there was no chance of a romcom-like event happening right now.

I also considered that the possibility of an event with his best friend, Kizaki Reo, was low. The conversation event with his friend had already been completed before the class started, so there was no need for further depiction between the two of them.

And as for the P.E. class, it was basketball—Kizaki Reo’s specialty. With Fusegawa Raito’s average athletic abilities, the chances of him standing out were next to none. Plus, with the heroines absent, there was no romcom value in making the protagonist shine.

It seems safe to say that this third period is an unnecessary scene in the story, likely to be skipped over with blank spaces between the lines. The plot won’t progress until the next event, which is the swimsuit episode.

In fact, right now, Fusegawa Raito is practically part of the background.

Even the protagonist, who usually stands at the center of the world in a romcom, is no different from any other background character during a time like this, when no events are happening. The spotlight reserved for the protagonist is off.

And my prediction was correct.

After moving to the gym, I managed to approach Kizaki Reo without anyone interfering.

What happens next isn't in the original story. This part was never depicted, and whether or not I can become friends with Kizaki Reo depends entirely on my communication skills. This is my moment to shine.

Gathering my courage, I spoke to Kizaki Reo.

“Uh, yo, Kizaki-kun?”

“You’re, um, Shindo-kun, aren’t you? Did you need something?”

When I nervously called out to him, Kizaki Reo looked a bit surprised but still managed to correctly guess my name.

For him to remember my name, even though I’d been skipping school and wasn’t in class... as expected of a brilliant best friend character. Or maybe I was absent so much that my name became memorable—that’s also a possibility, but let’s set that aside for now.

“I know it might seem weird since I just started coming to school again yesterday, and now I’m suddenly talking to you... but I need a favor.”

“I was surprised when you suddenly showed up at school, too. But you’ve been really serious in class, answering the teachers’ questions with ease. I’ve actually been quite curious about you. I’m glad you came to talk to me.”

Kizaki Reo replied with a refreshing smile.

This was an unexpectedly positive reaction. Maybe attending class properly these past two days paid off. I don’t feel the force of the story’s plot; this might actually go well.

Sensing this was my chance, I continued the conversation, relying on the information about Kizaki Reo I remembered from the original story.

“Actually, even while I was skipping school, I never stopped studying. Well... but that’s not why I came over. I was wondering if I could be on the same team as you in today’s basketball class.”

“With me? Sure, I don’t mind. But I’m curious, why me?”

“You’re in the basketball club, right? And I heard you’ve been a regular since your first year, with skills good enough to shine at the prefectural tournament in middle school. I figured playing on the same team as you would be a great way to get better at basketball. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d really appreciate it.”

“I see, so you want to get better at basketball. If you’re asking because you want to play with me, I’d be happy to help. By the way, do you have a preferred position?”

“Well… I was thinking I’d decide after watching you play. I’m still not sure about anything.”

“Got it. Then let’s figure it out together during practice. Let’s do our best, Shindo-kun.”

Wow, I’m blown away by his social skills. Even though this was our first conversation and I’m the intimidating delinquent type, he responded with a smile and without a hint of fear. He’s personable, polite, and easygoing.

And most importantly, he didn’t pry too deeply into why I wanted to approach him. His social skills are truly top-notch, fitting for the best friend character of the protagonist.

As I think about how I need to learn from Kizaki Reo’s communication skills, especially for when I’m no longer playing the villain, the gym teacher appeared, and the P.E. class began.

First, we jogged around the gym lightly, then did some stretching exercises. After that, we practiced passing and shooting, and then it was time to form teams for the game.

Kizaki Reo stayed with me the whole time, guiding me through the basics—how to dribble, how to hold the ball, everything.

I couldn’t help but think that it would’ve been nice to have someone like Kizaki Reo in my class in my previous life. He was genuinely that kind and helpful.

As Kizaki Reo and I continued practicing together, the gym teacher blew his whistle. It was time to move on to the actual game.

Teams weren’t randomly assigned; instead, the teacher picked the team leaders, and they chose their members from the class. Naturally, Kizaki Reo, a regular on the basketball team, was one of the chosen leaders.

The leaders tried to pick their members in a way that would make the teams as fair as possible, but Kizaki Reo immediately chose me, keeping his promise from before class started.

“So, Shindo-kun, you’ll be on my team. Let’s do this.”

“Yeah, looking forward to it, Kizaki-kun.”

After the teams were chosen, Kizaki Reo handed me a bib of the same color and gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder, flashing that refreshing smile as he headed to the court.

The protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, true to the lack of spotlight on him right now, had been placed on a team filled with background characters. This is my chance.

I’ll use this time to get closer to Kizaki Reo—I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and stepped onto the court where he was waiting.

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