Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 14 English

 Chapter 14 - The Secret of Hino Maruko

"When it comes to the event, we should probably seal off this elevator entrance. It's dangerous if students get too excited and start running around."

"Yes, I agree. Maybe we should even reduce the number of routes. It's not about competition, after all. That would also lessen the burden on the discipline committee members."

"Uh-huh, that's not bad at all. Saeki Karin, you really are excellent. There's a reason why Marimo recommends you! But don't hold back on our account. Ensuring the safety of school events is the duty of the discipline committee, after all. Feel free to work us hard."

"Eh? I couldn't possibly exploit you like that!"

"Ufufu, I might have been a bit mean with my words. But I really do mean it when I say you can use us. No weird reservations. If we're going to do it, we want to make it the best, right?"

"Maru-san-senpai...! Thank you so much!!"

Today, the head of the discipline committee, Hino-san, is also accompanying us, as we proceed with a thorough meeting that includes checking the safety and convenience of the routes for orienteering, as well as simulating the day of the event.

"Next up, Kirishima-senpai, is... huh?"

Karin is looking for me.

I'm right here.

About 50 meters behind you guys.

"Senpai! Why are you so far away?"

It's a very simple reason.

A very straightforward answer.

"Kirishima Kouhei! What are you doing? Move briskly! Honestly, you're so slow. To think someone like you is the vice president, this year's student council is messed up."

—It's because Hino-san is really scary.

Karin and Hino-san, even though Marimo mediated between them, seem to have naturally good compatibility and have already built a trusting relationship.

That's good.

A very fine thing indeed, but Hino-san's treatment of me is still incredibly harsh.

Why do I alone always have to be scorched by the flames of anger as if I'm performing a fire-walking ritual?

At this rate, I won't just be toasted to a fox color.

I'll burn. Turn to charcoal.

I remember once, I ordered a seared salmon at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant with excitement, and what arrived on the bullet train was something that looked like solid fuel, which used to be salmon not long before. There's nothing sadder than that.

Thinking back, indeed.

That over-seared salmon from that day is me now.

I shouted, "My shoelace came undone, go ahead without me!" and managed to temporarily retreat from the front lines while being shot in the shoulder by Hino-san's "this guy is really useless" laser beam gaze.

Beside me is a first-year male member of the discipline committee.

He, like me, was keeping his distance from Hino-san.

A comrade.

It's impossible not to feel a sense of kinship with him.

Like when you're about to die in a marathon and suddenly realize, "Haven't I been with this guy since the starting line?" when you notice a runner pacing alongside you, that sense of relief in finding your kin amidst hardship.

I understood perfectly.

With him, I could relate.

"Hey, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

See, this normal reaction!

Did you hear? He's treating me normally!

Just that alone makes me as happy as when some relative you've never talked to suddenly gives you New Year's money.

Because at first, I seriously thought I was seen as an assassination target by all the discipline committee members.

"Did I do something wrong to Hino-san?"


Eh? An immediate answer!?

"No, no, no! I'm just living my life normally!?"

"That's the point."

Eh!? That's it!?

Is it already a crime for me to live my days peacefully!?

What's that, is everyone secretly hating me as much as the human anatomy model in the science room!?

"I'm just fulfilling my role as the vice president of the student council."

"That's the point."

You're good at pushing people into the abyss.

My life gauge is running low.

The gauge is bright red.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Well, I'm sorry to talk about myself, but..."

"I'm sorry too. Sorry for living."

"The other day, the student council president picked up a pen I dropped, and I received a lovely smile for being such a scatterbrain."

Well, 80% of Marimo's expressions are smiles, after all.

So what happened?

"I was feeling great as I turned the corner in the hallway, and there was the head of the discipline committee, Hino-san."

"Yeah. And?"

"She told me to go to hell."

The story doesn't connect!

Does that mean the hallway leads to hell? That's not good, right?

Because hell isn't somewhere you go casually like, "I'm just going to the post office," right?

"Um, so what does that mean?"

"I've been a member of the discipline committee for a few weeks now. I've finally understood something. Hino-san, the head of the committee, simply dislikes men."

"Wow, really? So that's what it was... But still."

"Yes. But that's not all."

I thought so.

Because right now, there's a second-year boy holding a map next to Hino-san.

There must be something different between us and him.

"The head of the discipline committee, Hino-san..."

He swallowed nervously and continued.

"Dislikes men and loves the student council president! In other words, the closer a man is to the student council president, the more she dislikes him! Vice president. You asked earlier if you did something wrong, but from Hino-san's perspective, you're always standing next to the student council president, even having cheerful conversations, so you're nothing but a target of resentment!!"

"That's just... no way."

—That's a trap technique, isn't it?

He added afterward.

"I received just a little, just a tiny smile from the student council president, and this is the result. I think you understand without me saying any more."

Yeah. I understand.

"Ah, senpai! Were your shoelaces okay? It seemed to take quite some time."

Karin kindly welcomed me as I caught up with the two.

"Ah, sorry. It took me a bit longer than expected."

"You should have just strangled yourself with those shoelaces."

I can hear that quiet muttering, Hino-san.

"Ha, haha... Haah..."

I understood why Hino-san's treatment is as powerfully unwelcome as if she could easily join the Japanese national rugby team.

I also understood that it's a curse that will never be lifted.

"Come on, senpai, we're in trouble without you, so don't just disappear on us!"

"Sorry, sorry. But it looks like you're managing fine without me."

"No way! Just having you nearby boosts my work efficiency, so please stay close, okay? This time, you're my support, senpai!"

"Alright, got it. That's right, I forgot. I'll stand by your side, my princess."

"Ahaha. What's that? Don't strain yourself, just kidding, hehe."

Right now, this trust from Karin is my only refreshment.

No, it's an oasis in the desert.

"By the way, senpai, listen to this. Maru-san-senpai is so funny! Chewing gum is not allowed in school, but Breath Care is okay. When I asked why, she said it's because nobody likes people with bad breath! Ahaha, isn't that funny?"

"Oh, oh, that is funny! Hahaha."

Hino-san didn't even crack a smile and reached out to me silently.

I reflexively held out my hands to catch, and a small pellet appeared.

...It's Breath Care, isn't it?


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