A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 26 English

 Chapter 26

Is he asleep by now?

I, Amelia Lily Stafford, watch Sota intently.

He's turned his back to me, sleeping.

It's hard to tell if he's really asleep.

Just a moment ago, I thought Sota was awake and made a bold confession.

I quickly pretended it was sleep-talking to cover it up...

But this time, it should be fine.

It's been over two hours by my estimation.

Misato and my mother-in-law must be asleep too.


Pretending to sleep-talk, I slowly approach Sota.

I align my body with his broad back.

I nuzzle my nose against him, sniffing slightly.

His body has a good smell that makes me feel itchy somewhere.

I'm driven by the urge to hug him.

He's sleeping, right?

He doesn't respond when I call out.

...It's okay if he's awake, right?

I managed to deceive him earlier.

I can do the same next time.

"...I'm full."

Just like before, I hug him.

But just as I was about to hug him...


Sota turns over in his sleep.

I hold my breath and tense up.

Sota's face is now right in front of me.

His breath tickles my lips.

My heart races as if it's about to burst.

Could I... secretly kiss him without getting caught?

No, I can't!

What am I thinking?

Unmarried men and women shouldn't kiss...

Especially not while one is asleep and vulnerable, it's ethically wrong...

But then, unmarried men and women shouldn't sleep in the same place either.

Pretending to sleep and secretly hugging is also...

They say it's better to steal the mother sheep than to be hanged for stealing a lamb...

But still, there's a big difference between sleeping together and kissing.

If he's awake, I can't deceive him.

He might think I'm improper, and he might hate me.

My thoughts are spinning in my head.

And while I'm thinking...


Sota moves.

He slowly wraps his arms around my body.

I gasp involuntarily.

He pulls me in with a strong force.


Before I know it, I'm embraced by Sota.


I can't move.

I can't resist.

"S-Sota, are you awake?"

I ask Sota in a whisper.

Is this his way of getting back at me?

"Lily... leave some for me... don't eat it all..."

What comes back is sleep-talking.

Is he really asleep?

Or is he just pretending?

...It doesn't matter.

I bury my face in Sota's chest.

Listening to his heartbeat, feeling the warmth that transmits, I take a deep breath through my nose.

Ah... I'm filled with Sota...

I close my eyes, feeling blissful.


When I woke up in the morning, Lily was in my arms.

Not that Lily was hugging me, but that I was hugging Lily.

"Last night was intense, wasn't it?"

As soon as I wake up, Lily says to me with a flushed face.

Intense? I don't remember doing anything intense.

Did I do something wrong?

No, this feeling... I must have done something.

"Did I do something?"

"Sota, you're mean."

With a sultry look, she only responds that way, not telling me what I did to Lily.

Well, my mother and Misato were there too...

I probably didn't do anything strange.

I decided to think that way.


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