A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 27 English

 Chapter 27

Around mid-May.

"Sports festival?"

"Yes, the 'Sports Day.'"

The time for the sports festival had come. 

I'm not sure if they have anything like it in England, but there was no similar event at my school abroad, which is to say, Lily's school.

"I see. Rugby? Football? Or maybe tennis?"

"No, it's not like that."

I had explained it wrong. 

The events are things like ball tossing and tug-of-war, designed so that both experienced and inexperienced participants won't have an advantage. When I told her this, Lily frowned.

"That sounds rather childish."

"Do you dislike it?"

"No. It might be nice for a change."

Saying this, she slightly relaxed her lips. 

She didn't seem to have any complaints about participating.

I handed Lily a paper listing the events.

"You have to participate in at least one group event and one individual event. Specifically, we'll decide during the long homeroom."

I carefully explained each event to Lily.

For group events, there are things like ball tossing and tug-of-war.

For individual events, there are races, obstacle courses, and scavenger hunts.

"What's this 'bread-eating race'?"

"There's bread hanging along the way. You have to bite it and run."

"That's not very polite... By the way, what happens to the bread after the race?"

"Well, it's the person's own, so they're free to do what they want with it."

"Hmm... What kind of bread is there?"

"Usually sweet buns. Last year, I think there were melon buns and red bean buns."

"Huh, I see."

It seems Lily is interested in the bread-eating race... or rather, the bread itself.

"What about the group events?"

"I want to be with Sota."

It seems she's fine with anything as long as she's with me. 

Popular events might require a lottery, and depending on the results, we might end up separated.

In that case, it might be better to choose a less popular event...

"Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, that's fine."

I'll try to choose something fun, something that will make for good memories.

"What event are you planning to choose, Sota?"

During the break before the long homeroom, Misato approached me.

"Maybe the scavenger hunt. A plain race seems dull, and I did the obstacle course in ninth grade."

I've never done the scavenger hunt before. I've always wanted to try it.

"What about the group events?"

"I haven't decided yet, but I promised to join the same one as Lily."

"Hmm, as lovey-dovey as ever."

"It's not like that."

I frowned. 

Fortunately, the subject of the rumor wasn't present.

"Is that embarrassment? Or are you really not a couple?"

Misato asked me with an unusually serious tone. 

She seemed to genuinely believe that Lily and I were a couple. 

Well, I can't say there's no reason for her to think that.

"We're not a couple."

"Hmm, I wouldn't do a homestay at a male classmate's house, even if we're just friends... And Amelia said she came here for bride training. That means something, doesn't it?"

Misato knew about it too. "Bride training."

"That's just Lily picking up some strange Japanese. She's misunderstanding."

"Is that possible?"

"With Lily, it is. Despite appearances, she's quite absent-minded and naive."

Lily can be quite clueless. 

She's quick to believe what people tell her. 

When I told her that the ingredient for menma is chopsticks, she believed it right away.

"Really? ...Maybe. Yeah, if it's Amelia-chan... Yeah, it's possible. But still... Sota, you're pretty much the same..."

What does she mean by 'the same'? I may not be as clueless as Lily...

"Is it possible that Amelia-chan likes you?"

"That's not the case."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I asked her once before."

When I was in England, I asked Lily once.

 "Do you like me, by any chance?" 

I'm a man, after all. 

It's fun and uplifting to talk to a cute girl, and I hoped she might have feelings for me.

However, the result was...

"I decided never to misunderstand again."

I couldn't catch everything she said because she rattled it off in rapid English, but... 

I remember being yelled at, "Please don't misunderstand." 

It hurt a bit.

"Hmm, it doesn't seem that way... By the way, what about you, Sota? Do you like Amelia-chan?"

"No... not really. I think she's beautiful and cute, but..."

I was hurt when she said not to misunderstand, but at the same time, I felt relieved. 

Because I want to remain best friends with Lily.

"I don't want to be in a romantic relationship. Especially not with a friend... You understand, right, Misato?"

Misato gave a wry smile at my question.

"Yeah... Even if we get along, if our values don't match, we have to break up. It would be awkward after that. Friends... it's best to stay friends."

No matter how close you are, if your values don't align, the relationship will fail. 

Once it becomes that kind of relationship, it can never go back to how it was. 

Misato and I both know this well.

"What are you two talking about?"

An annoyed voice came through. 

There stood Lily with a sullen expression, having returned from her Japanese class.

"What do you think?"

"Hey, don't get too close."

Misato smirked and wrapped her left arm around my right, pressing her body close to mine. 

It was annoying...

"You can’t do that."

Lily said this while glaring at Misato. 

Then she grabbed my arm with both hands.

"Wait, wait... Lily!?"

And then she pulled hard. 

I quickly braced myself with both feet.

Then Lily hugged me with both arms, her soft chest pressing against my arm. 

But she didn't seem to care and pulled me with all her might.

"Sota, let's talk about the sports festival. What we'll participate in together. Let's discuss."

While saying this, Lily glared at me... no, at Misato. 

Then Misato chuckled softly.

"Oh, is that so... Good luck."

She let go of my arm. 

With the pulling force gone from the right side, I lost my balance.


Inevitably, I fell to the left side... towards Lily. 

This is bad!

I quickly hugged Lily to prevent us from falling.



I braced myself with both feet, trying not to fall, and slowly regained my posture.

"Lily, are you okay!?"


Lily's response was a groan. 

Upon closer inspection, her face was pressed against my chest, buried in it. 

Only her tiptoes were barely touching the floor... 

It seems I had lifted her up in the hug.

I quickly let go of Lily.


"Sorry, are you okay?"

I asked Lily as I stepped back. 

Her face was... bright red. 

She glared at me with teary eyes.

"Uh, um..."

"Sota, you pervert!"


Lily punched my chest. 

It hurt quite a bit.

Lily then snorted and returned to her seat.

"Sota, you pervert!"

"It's your fault!"

I glared at Misato.


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