A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 12 English

 Chapter 12

"...So, blue?"

Lily's hair is a beautiful silver.

Rather than warm colors like red, cold colors seem to suit her better.

When I conveyed that...

"What are you seriously answering? It's creepy. Obviously, it's a joke."

This woman... 

Even though she complains when I don't answer.

"...But, there's some truth to it. Let's consider it."

Lily said that quickly as she put back the red underwear. 

Then she carefully observed the blue underwear, tilting her head afterward.

"I don't know how to measure the size... Do you know?"

"I wouldn't know, right?"

"Exactly. If you did, it would be weird."

After saying that, Lily called out to a passing store clerk. 

The clerk, called out by Lily, slightly tensed their expression.

Crap, being approached by a foreigner. I don't understand English...

That's the expression.

"Sota, can you interpret?"

"You can speak Japanese, right?"

"We don't know if the size is being conveyed accurately, right?"

After saying that, Lily brought her lips close to my ear.

"My size is in inches from the top... In centimeters..."

Lily's breath tickled my ear.

Maybe because of the content, it felt strange.

"Thank you very much."

Lily said that to me with a slightly red face.

If you're embarrassed, say it yourself...

"Um, so... She..."

I conveyed Lily's words to the female clerk.

My head felt strange in this situation, conveying the size of my female friend's chest to a stranger.

"I see. Would you like to measure it if it's okay?"

The clerk, seeming reassured by the fact that there's an interpreter (me), suggested that.

Ah, there's that option.

"Well, let's measure it. Thank you."

"In that case, this way..."

The clerk led Lily to the fitting room.

Naturally, I was left behind.

It was difficult to wait alone in a lingerie shop, so I decided to wait for Lily outside the store.

After a while, Lily, with a satisfied expression, came back.

"It's bigger than before. It's important to measure, huh?"

"Ah, yeah... I see."

So, it's bigger than that. Her figure is really nice...

My gaze inadvertently turned to Lily's chest, and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't look at me with such a lewd gaze."

"...I wasn't looking. Besides, don't report it in the first place."

It's natural to be curious if you're told the size...

Then, we finished buying various daily necessities - skincare products and soaps that seem suitable for the skin. It was around 1 PM.

"Sota, I'm hungry."

Lily said in a somewhat dissatisfied voice.

If this continues, I might get the brunt of her anger, and I'm also hungry.

"Shall we have lunch? What do you want to eat?"

"I want real sushi."

Lily said so as if she had been waiting for it.

Although there are conveyor belt sushi restaurants and non-conveyor belt ones, she expressed a preference for the former.

Apparently, Lily's allowance from her parents is not unlimited.

Come to think of it, the sushi restaurant I went to with Lily in England was also a conveyor belt sushi chain.

That place wasn't bad either, but Japanese conveyor belt sushi chains are better.

And conveyor belt sushi offers a variety of items besides sushi, such as fried foods, ramen, and desserts. 

Lily would enjoy that more.

So, I decided to take her to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

"This is Japanese sushi! It's totally different from England!! I don't know any of these fish!!"

Lily's eyes sparkled as she watched the sushi go by.

The conveyor belt sushi menu in England had many items that Japanese people wouldn't consider as sushi, but for Lily, that's SUSHI. 

Compared to that, Japanese sushi seems fresh and different to her.

"Is this fish delicious? What does it taste like?"

"Um, let's see..."

Lily asked me various questions about sushi toppings. 

I tried my best to answer, but I'm not particularly knowledgeable about sushi or fish.

"If you're curious, why don't you try eating it?"

"That's true!"

Whether satisfied with my vague answer or not, Lily started ordering sushi one after another using the touch panel.

She ate them eagerly.

"I know this... This is karaage, right? It's fried chicken!"

"It's karaage, but not chicken. It's octopus."

"Octopus? Not a bird?"

"Octopus. Karaage isn't limited to chicken. There's also fish."

When I answered like that, Lily widened her eyes in surprise.

"Wow, fried octopus...! I'm curious."

She said that and ordered it.

Then she cautiously picked up the fried octopus that arrived and put it in her mouth.

"How is it?"

"It's delicious. I like this."

It seemed to suit her taste.

After that, Lily marveled at chawanmushi (savory egg custard), enjoyed tempura shrimp while wondering what the difference between tempura and fried food was, enjoyed udon and soba while saying she wanted to eat those too, and finished eating red bean jelly while tilting her head, saying it was a strange jelly.

"Thank you for the meal. It was delicious."

Lily said with a satisfied expression.

There were many sushi plates piled up in front of her.

At first glance, it seems like one and a half times mine, but in reality, she also ate a lot of dishes like soba and udon, so the total weight she consumed is more than double mine.

...How does she eat so much without getting fat?

Is all the nutrition going to her chest after all?

That night.

I had a dream where Lily was wearing those underwear and approaching me.

Having such a dream about a female friend...

Could it be that I have a strong sexual desire and lack restraint?

I felt a slight self-loathing.


  1. "Could it be that I'm a normal young man with a healthy young woman to whom I have an obvious attraction and whose own feelings for me are so strong she moved halfway around the world to pursue me and I'm responding appropriately to all this? No, of course not."


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