I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 45 English

 Chapter 45 -  Indoor Camping (2)

“It’s so dark, isn’t it?”

Inside the tent, which had gone pitch black due to the power outage, Mashiro snuggled up against me, murmuring happily.

Outside the window, there was nothing but darkness, and I couldn’t see a thing. The sky was covered with thick clouds, and raindrops were beating hard against the glass.

The only light we had was from the lantern I had prepared for the camping trip.

I had tried contacting my family after the blackout, but it seemed like their power was out too. My mom had said, “It’s dangerous with this weather, so don’t come back. Just stay the night at Mashiro’s house.”

I couldn’t leave Mashiro all alone in the dark, so I planned to spend the night here with her, keeping her company.

“Mashiro, want some coffee? I bought some beans just for today’s camping trip.”

“Yeah, I’d love some. Thanks, Ryusuke.”

Mashiro responded with a smile, so I pulled out the coffee beans and portable stove from my bag.

Fortunately, the water was still running despite the power outage.

I then took out the outdoor kettle, filled it with water, and started heating it on the portable stove. At the same time, I used a manual coffee grinder to grind the beans and prepared for the drip coffee.

Mashiro watched me with a cheerful expression as I went about making the coffee.

“You’re really good at making coffee, Ryusuke. It’s like watching a barista.”

“I’ve had plenty of practice. I’m pretty particular about the beans too. I picked some sweet ones that suit your taste.”

“Haha, always so thoughtful. As expected of my childhood friend. You even know what I like and don’t like.”

“Well, we’ve known each other for a long time. I also brought your favorite chocolate cookies.”

“Wow, you’ve thought of everything. I’m in heaven.”

“Don’t exaggerate. Look, the water’s boiling. I’ll make the coffee now.”

Mashiro nodded happily.

I placed a paper filter into the dripper, poured in the freshly ground coffee beans, and then slowly added the boiling water.

“The smell is so calming. It feels like we’re having a really luxurious time.”

“It does, doesn’t it? Sometimes moments like these are nice.”

“Yeah, even though the power’s out.”

“It’s because the power’s out. It makes it feel special, different from usual.”

“I guess so. It’s kind of exciting, like a little adventure.”

“Exactly. To be honest, I’m feeling excited too.”

When the rain and wind forced us to cancel our camping trip in the forest park, I was surprised when Mashiro suggested we camp indoors instead.

Then, with the unexpected blackout, it really felt like we were camping inside the house. We were enjoying a unique time together that we wouldn’t normally get.

From here on, we’d probably play cards in the tent, lie around chatting about nothing in particular, and spend a completely different kind of time together. Just thinking about it made me excited.

“It’s ready. A special coffee just for you, Mashiro. Lots of milk and sugar, right?”

“Hehe, thank you. It’s perfect.”

“Glad to hear it. Let’s drink before it cools down.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the coffee.”

“You’re welcome. Enjoy.”

We sat side by side, holding our mugs, relying on the small light from the lantern as we slowly savored the coffee.

Mashiro smiled contentedly, sipping away with small, satisfied noises.

I brought my own mug to my lips as well. The rich, fruity sweetness of the coffee spread smoothly through my mouth.

It’s strange how just drinking coffee inside a tent like this made it taste so much better than usual.

And Mashiro, leaning against me, felt warm and comforting. She relaxed into me with a soft smile on her face, clearly enjoying the moment.

“This is bliss... It’s so relaxing to just be close to you like this, Ryusuke.”

“The tent’s small, so it makes us feel even closer.”

“Yeah, this coziness is really comforting. It reminds me of when we used to play in our secret base as kids.”

“Yeah, I remember that. We built a secret base together in the park.”

“Right, right! We dragged a cardboard box into the bushes and made our little hideout. We’d go there and play every day after school.”

“And just like now, we’d be squeezed into a tiny space together.”

“Haha, so nostalgic. We’ve been together for so long, haven’t we?”

“And you were always scared of the dark, refusing to leave the base, crying, ‘Ryusuke, hurry up and come here!’”

“Hey, we agreed not to talk about that! Besides, I’m in high school now. I’m not afraid of the dark anymore.”

“Oh really? Should I turn off the lantern and see?”

“Wait, don’t! I’ll get mad! I’m serious!”

“The way you’re reacting tells me you’re still afraid.”

“N-No, I’m not! I’m all grown up now…! You don’t believe me, do you? You always treat me like a little kid, Ryusuke!”

“There, there. You’re right. You’re all grown up now, Mashiro.”


Mashiro puffed out her cheeks in a pout, but she still looked like she was having fun.

I couldn’t help but laugh too.

In this small tent, just the two of us, talking and sitting close together like this felt peaceful and calming.

And so, the night slowly deepened.

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