I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 10 English

 Chapter 10 – Delinquent Friends

The next day, I woke up before 6 a.m.

The reason for my early rise was to hang out the laundry, clean the house, and prepare a lunchbox.

Yesterday, being my first day attending school as Shindo Ryusuke, I had completely forgotten about lunch. The school cafeteria was too expensive, and since I wasn't working a part-time job, it was a burden I couldn’t afford. So, I decided to make a bento using leftovers from the previous night, wrapped it in a lunch cloth, and brought it to school.

Then, my mother woke up and was surprised to see me already up and about.

She was astonished that I had prepared dinner yesterday, heated the bath, brought in and folded the laundry, and even stayed in my room to study. She was so taken aback by my unusually diligent behavior that she was left speechless, her mouth agape.

It must have been unimaginable based on how I used to be. My sister seemed to have told her that I had turned over a new leaf, but my overly serious behavior moved her to tears.

Even this morning, seeing me start the household chores again, she was overjoyed, believing that Ryusuke had become a good kid.

By working for my family like this, I should be able to regain their trust eventually. So, I decided to continue doing as much housework as I could.

After spending a productive morning, I got ready for school and slipped into my uniform.

Today was my second day after reincarnating.

I needed to act carefully and avoid any trouble to ensure a peaceful day.

As I was putting on my shoes at the entrance, I sensed someone on the other side of the door. Who could it be...?

It was too early for a delivery, and my mother had already left for work. I was trying to leave before Mai, and she was still lounging in the living room.

So who could it be? Cautiously, I opened the door—and was surprised.

Standing there were two men.

One had hair dyed in tiger-like yellow and black stripes, a tan from a tanning salon, multiple piercings in his ears, and a tough-looking face. The other, similarly pierced, had a light-hearted appearance with blonde hair.

One of them opened his mouth.

“Yo, Ryu. What’s up with you? Wearing a uniform and all. Are you seriously planning to go to school?”

“Uh, yeah...?”

The memories of Shindo Ryusuke that I had inherited overlapped with the original storyline from my previous life.

The two men standing in front of the house were Shindo Ryusuke’s delinquent friends, Kogane Takuya and Obayashi Mitsuru.

They had been hanging out with Ryusuke since middle school, being the same age. Even after going to different high schools, their relationship as delinquent buddies continued. Eventually, they would stand in the way of the protagonist, undeniable villain characters.

Their sudden appearance left me unable to hide my surprise.

While I hesitated, the blonde guy, Obayashi Mitsuru, reached out to put a concerned hand on my shoulder.

“Ryusuke, we were worried about you, you know? We tried contacting you on your phone, but you never replied. What the hell happened?”

“Yeah, like Mitsuru said. We couldn’t reach you, so we came all the way to your house out of concern.”

“Oh... come to think of it, I’ve been neglecting my phone.”

Since reincarnating, I hadn’t had a chance to check my phone. I did notice a lot of notifications yesterday, but I was too tired and just set the alarm before leaving it aside.

The way I’m acting now is completely different from the usual Shindo Ryusuke. No wonder Kogane and Obayashi, as his friends, were concerned. Not being able to reach me by phone probably made them even more anxious.

But now I was in trouble... I should have sent them some vague replies yesterday.

I wanted to distance myself from the villain role and avoid the doomed future. If I continued to get along with Kogane and Obayashi, who were delinquent characters, the ideal youth I envisioned would slip further away.

For now, I needed to make an excuse and head to school. I couldn’t afford to be late.

“Sorry, Mitsuru, Takuya. My attendance is on the brink, and if I don’t start going to school, I might end up repeating a year. So, I’m sorry, but I have to go to school now.”

“Wait a sec, Ryu. Didn’t you say school didn’t matter to you anymore? You didn’t care about dropping out, getting suspended, or repeating a year.”

“That’s right, Ryusuke. And didn’t you say it’d be more fun to cause trouble with that annoying guy in your class who’s always surrounded by girls... what was his name again? Fusegawa? And that you’d rather get expelled and then hang out with us again?”

“Oh... did I say something like that...?”

This was bad. They were bringing up things I’d said before I reincarnated. If I went along with them, it could lead to the same developments as in the original story.

In the original story, Shindo Ryusuke and his bad friends repeatedly caused trouble for the protagonist, Fusegawa Raito. Each time, the protagonist, with the help of the heroines, would fight back, and they would continue committing misdeeds.

Eventually, they caused a huge incident involving expulsion and police intervention, leading to their exit from the story.

At this rate, my high school life would head straight for the ruin route. I had to somehow get out of this situation, so I decided to persuade my two delinquent friends.

“Well, you know, a lot has happened, and I’ve started to think I should take school seriously. Yeah, that’s right, seriously.”

Ah, my vocabulary... it’s lacking.

“What are you talking about? You’ve been slacking off this whole time... Anyway, let’s go have some fun. My dad’s car is free today, so let’s go for a drive.”

“Yeah, Ryu, it’ll be fun. We’ll buy some booze, pick up some girls, and have a blast!”

This was bad. They were openly declaring their intent to drive without a license and drink underage. Their villainy was beyond redemption.

As I struggled to find a way to refuse them, a savior arrived to solve my predicament.

“Huh? Onii-chan, why are you still here? You left earlier than me.”

My sister Mai, who had just come out the front door, stood next to me and looked up at Kogane and Obayashi.

“Huh? Mitsuru-san, Takuya-san, what’s up? Did you need something from my brother?”

“Oh, Mai-chan. Listen, your brother’s suddenly become a buzzkill.”

“Yeah, he’s suddenly decided to go to school, and now we’re the ones in trouble.”

It seemed that Mai knew my delinquent friends. Despite the two tough-looking guys in front of her, she spoke to them without hesitation.

“Oh, I see, my brother didn’t tell you? Well, he decided to turn over a new leaf and start going to school seriously from yesterday.”

“No way he’s turned over a new leaf. That can’t be real, right? Just suddenly...?”

“Mitsuru-san, Takuya-san, why don’t you also turn over a new leaf and start going to school like my brother? Doesn’t Mashiro-san go to school every day, even though she hangs out with you all the time?”

“She’s a serious girl, so even if we hang out late at night, she still goes to school the next day. She doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and she really chews me out if I try to drive my dad’s car. She’s probably just worried about me, though.”

“Mashiro-san is a good person, huh? Oh, and I talked to her on the phone yesterday, and she was really happy that my brother came to school! She’s looking forward to seeing him again today too.”

“Hmm, Mashiro was happy? Wait, Ryusuke... could it be?”

Kogane and Obayashi exchanged glances and nodded before letting out a big sigh and putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Jeez, it’s about time... So that’s why you’ve started going to school, huh?”

“Huh? What...?”

“Mitsuru, I think we’re right. It’s been a long time coming... Ryusuke’s always been so cold to Mashiro... I thought she’d give up on him eventually... But good for you, Ryusuke!”

“Wait... hold on a second, I don’t get what you’re saying...?”

“Don’t be shy. You finally fell for Mashiro, didn’t you? That’s why you’ve changed and started going to school, right?”

I was left dumbfounded, unable to say anything, as Kogane and Obayashi nodded, grinning. Then they both gave me a hearty slap on the back.

“We’re not so dumb as to get in the way of our buddy’s love life. In fact, we’d even like to congratulate you.”

“Heh, Ryusuke, we wish you happiness. And Mai-chan, make sure to look out for your brother. He’s strong as hell in a fight, but when it comes to love, he’s hopeless.”

Seeing Kogane and Obayashi’s reaction, my sister Mai also looked up at me with a mischievous grin.

“So that’s what it was, Onii-chan! For Mashiro-san, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll support you all the way as your sister!”

I looked at the three of them, trying to process what they were saying. No, I understood what they were implying.

Basically, they thought I had fallen for my childhood friend, Amanatsu Mashiro, and had changed my ways and started going to school for her sake.

It’s true that Mashiro is someone very important to me. She’s the only person in this world, aside from my family, that I care about.

But I’ve been trying to distance myself from her. I thought it was necessary to avoid her doomed future.

In this situation, however, their misunderstanding worked in my favor. My delinquent friends, Kogane and Obayashi, supported my going to school under the pretext of cheering on my romance. By using Mashiro as an excuse, I could free myself from their influence and move around more freely.

—Alright, this might actually work. Hiding my inner turmoil, I smiled and spoke.

“Y-Yeah, that’s right. I’ve realized I need to change my relationship with Mashiro. I’ve finally become aware of my feelings.”

“Woohoo! That’s hot, Ryusuke!”

“Damn, Ryu’s finally softened up! I’m so happy to see you taking Mashiro seriously.”

“Yeah, I’m planning to do my best... So, I’m going to school to meet her. Sorry, Mitsuru, Takuya. I had to turn down your offer.”

I scratched my head apologetically. Kogane and Obayashi, looking deeply moved, raised their voices in excitement.

“Ryusuke... Sorry, man, we didn’t know and tried to drag you along.”

“Damn, I’m touched! We’re rooting for your happiness!”

“Me too... sniff. I’m so glad my brother finally realized Mashiro-san’s feelings!”

“O-Oh... thanks.”

I responded vaguely while making a mental fist pump. I had managed to justify my going to school to my delinquent friends. Once I got to school, everything would be fine.

“Well then, Ryusuke. Let’s hang out another time.”

“If only Mitsuru and I went to the same school as you, we could watch you and Mashiro flirt during class.”

“Yeah, Mitsuru-san. Let’s just support them from afar.”

“Yeah, yeah. Ryu, do your best. Take good care of Mashiro-san’s feelings.”

“Uh, sure... got it.”

With a strained smile, I somehow managed to respond. The three of them left, beaming, after patting me on the shoulder.

“...Phew. I somehow managed to fool them.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, I started walking toward school. I was lucky to have escaped my delinquent friends’ clutches like this. I owed my sister Mai a big thank you.

I’ll make her favorite meal for dinner tonight.

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