Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 7 English

 Chapter 7 - The Secret of Magical Tools

Elves are closer than you think. Right beside you, even. Just kidding. But maybe there were elves at the castle too, and I just didn't know about it. If their true identity were revealed, it would probably cause an uproar, so they must be staying quiet.

"Do elves dislike humans?"

"That's a divided opinion. Some elves are interested in humans, while others aren't at all. Some harbor hatred, while others want to befriend them. But overall, it seems that elves generally prefer not to get involved with humans too much."

"I-I see."

I couldn't help but give a wry smile. Feroll’s eyes seemed like they were about to pop out of his head. He's probably wondering why an elf would bother coming here then.

"And what about you, Alfred-sensei? What do you think of humans?"

"I find them to be a very fascinating race. Their way of thinking is vastly different from us elves. But I can't quite understand why they wage wars amongst themselves."

"I think the same."

Alfred-sensei was right. Only humans fight amongst their own kind. You don’t hear of other races doing that. I had thought maybe it was just unrecorded, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Since elves are said to live longer than humans, they're probably right about this. And it’s not just elves who seem to disapprove of humans because of this.

As a human myself, it feels a little unsettling. If only humans would stop waging wars. But it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen anytime soon.

"I'm glad that you, Ridil-kun, share a similar viewpoint to us. That's probably why the World Tree chose you."

"Is that the reason I was chosen...? Oh, speaking of which, that magic bag you showed me earlier—is that a magical tool too?"

"Indeed it is. It's just a simple cloth bag, but we combine special magic with mechanisms to make it work."

"Elves have such amazing technology."

"Well... yes."

Hmm. His response seemed oddly hesitant. Could it be that elves didn't originally create magical tools? I always imagined elves were more focused on magical research than craftsmanship.

"Could it be that it's the dwarves who created magical tools?"

"As expected, you’re sharp, Ridil-kun. Yes, you're right. It’s the dwarves who craft magical tools. We simply decipher their mechanisms and use them for our own purposes."

"Doesn't that make the dwarves angry?"

I mean, the dwarves put their intelligence and skills into creating these magical tools, and the elves are just dismantling them and reproducing them for themselves, right? If humans did that, it would definitely cause an uproar, and probably lead to conflict.

"The thing is, dwarves are a rather peculiar race. When they’re working on something new, they’re incredibly passionate, often working tirelessly without rest. But once they finish creating it, they lose all interest."

"That’s... very passionate. But they cool off so quickly."

"Exactly. And to make matters worse, they dislike creating the same thing twice."

"Ah, that’s a problem. The concealment magical tools are practically essential for elves, after all."

We exchanged glances, both of us smiling wryly. I’m sure I was wearing the same expression as him.

Elves don’t analyze the magical tools with malicious intent. They simply have no choice but to do it out of necessity. Ideally, they would probably prefer to have the dwarves make the tools for them.

"Alfred-sensei, where are the dwarves? I’ve never seen one before."

"They live underground. They rarely come out, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever see one."

Moles, huh? If they’re living in tunnels in the mountains, then it would be hard for humans to encounter them. Although the mountains are rich with nature’s bounty, the steep slopes, falling rocks, and ferocious monsters make them dangerous. You could easily get lost too.

"Do they live in the Sacred Mountain as well?"

"Of course."

I see. That Sacred Mountain really is something. I wonder if it has a special name? I’m starting to get curious. Speaking of which, there’s one more thing that’s been on my mind. I’m not sure if it’s just common sense in this world or knowledge from my previous life.

"Do elves and dwarves not get along?"

"Hmm, it’s a tricky situation. The dwarves have a rather low sense of aesthetics. For instance, they rarely bother to take baths."

"Wait, but surely they at least clean themselves?"

"Who knows? I haven’t seen it myself."

Alfred-sensei smiled. Judging by his expression, it’s safe to assume they don’t. No wonder their relationship is a bit strained. Even I’d be bothered by it.

Not just Alfred-sensei, but all elves must be incredibly beautiful. That must be part of their unique sense of aesthetics. With such a stark difference, it’s no wonder they don't get along that well.

"Yeah, I can see why the relationship would be a little awkward."

"I’m glad you understand, Ridil-kun."

Dwarves, huh? What do they even look like? I bet they’re short, with arms as thick as tree trunks, and you probably can’t tell the men from the women. I imagine they all have beards.

Now that I think about it, elves are hard to distinguish between genders too. Even Alfred could easily pass as a woman in disguise.

...Wait, could it be? No, that can’t be right. After all, his name is Alfred.

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