Guardian of the World Tree - Chapter 5 English

 Chapter 5 - The Magic Teacher Appears!

After parting ways with the World Tree, I went to inspect the Northwest. Well, it's more of a meet-and-greet than an inspection. I need to let people know my face as soon as possible. That way, I believe it will contribute to my safety. If there's an unfamiliar face around, people can instantly tell that they came from elsewhere.

"Hmm, as Johan said, it seems there’s no public bathhouse here. I wonder if the houses even have baths?"

"Perhaps Lord Ridil is unaware, but baths are quite the luxury. Even just heating water requires a large amount of firewood."

"That may be true, but can’t you just use magic? That’s how it was done at the castle, right?"

My question made Feroll put his hand to his head in frustration.

Did I say something wrong? Maybe I’m mixing things up with my knowledge from my previous life?

While I was feeling uncertain, Feroll crouched down to meet my eyes.

"Allow me to explain, Lord Ridil. The number of people who can use magic is but a small handful. Most people cannot use magic."

"Whaaat! So, the fact that I can’t use magic is actually normal?"

"If you were not of royal blood, it would indeed be considered normal."

"…It would have been better if I weren’t royalty."

Feroll furrowed his brows, looking troubled. I had accidentally let my true feelings slip out.

If I hadn’t been born into royalty, I wouldn’t have been treated so coldly by everyone at the castle just because I couldn’t use magic.

If I hadn’t been part of the royal family, maybe my mother wouldn’t have died.

"There must be a reason why Lord Ridil was born into royalty. When you grow up, I’m certain you will come to understand it. I guarantee it."

Feroll encouraged me with those words. He’s right. For his sake, I need to keep moving forward. No matter how much I look back, my mother won’t come back to life. All I can do is keep moving ahead.

"If that’s the case, then I’ll have to search for that reason from now on."

"Exactly. You will find it one day, without a doubt."

I couldn’t yet see a glimmer of hope, but I decided it was better than being trapped in the royal castle. For now, I had a little bit of freedom. Feroll was with me, so surely things would work out somehow.

There must be a reason why I came to this land, and why I was chosen as the Guardian of the World Tree.

One day, after many days of going back and forth between the World Tree and the manor, something unexpected happened. The "spirit magic teacher" that the World Tree had mentioned came to the Northwest manor.

"I heard there’s a boy named Ridil here. Is that correct?"

"Who might you be...? Wait, are you… an elf!? Prince-Prince Ridil! Prince Ridil!"

Johan’s voice was booming, but I was standing right behind him. It’s rare to have visitors at the manor, so I had come to the entrance to see what was going on. In other words, I was bored.

It was my first time seeing an elf. But somehow, they matched the image of elves I remembered from a distant past.

Long ears and golden hair that shimmered. Their long, beautiful hair was braided in the back. They were tall and slender but seemed to be quite muscular. And above all—extremely beautiful! A sword hung at their waist.

In my mind, elves were all about magic and archery, but apparently, they can use swords too. Their cool blue eyes widened in surprise as they looked at me. Why?

"Could it be… it’s really…!"

After muttering in disbelief, the elf knelt down before me. H-Hold on, what’s going on!? I haven’t done anything yet!

"It is an honor to meet you. My name is Alfred Inhas, a descendant of the ancient elves who have lived through eternity. Guided by the World Tree, I have come to this land."

"An ancient elf! That sounds amazing. I’m Ridil. You’re the ‘spirit magic teacher’ the World Tree mentioned, aren’t you, Alfred?"

"That’s correct. You can call me whatever you want."

"No, I couldn’t possibly. You’re going to be my teacher, after all. From now on, I’ll call you ‘Teacher Alfred.’"

Alfred bowed his head in silence. Is he alright? Wait, is he crying!? Why!?

I frantically looked to Feroll and Johan for help, but both seemed just as confused as I was. Is this… one of those situations where I have to handle it myself?

"Umm, Johan, there’s an empty room, right? Can we let Teacher Alfred use it?"

"Of course, that won’t be a problem. I’ll have it prepared immediately."

Saying that, Johan hurriedly left the room, almost as if fleeing the scene. He’s probably going to prepare the room while calming his nerves. Honestly, I’d like to retreat to my own room and take a moment to breathe, too.

"I can’t believe it… You actually understood the words of the tree. Then that tree really is the World Tree."

"See, Feroll? You finally believe me?"

"Yes, indeed. I apologize for doubting you."

Feroll deeply bowed his head. I hadn’t wanted an apology, so I hurriedly made him lift it.

"No need to apologize. If our roles were reversed, I wouldn’t have believed it either. I would’ve thought I’d gone mad."

"Indeed, that may have crossed my mind as well."

We shared a bitter smile. Both Feroll and I were being swept along by the World Tree. It wasn’t a matter of who was at fault. And of course, it wasn’t the World Tree’s fault either. Surely, there’s a reason why it made me the ‘Guardian of the World Tree.’

Maybe, coming to this place was part of the World Tree’s plan all along.

"Teacher Alfred, this is my butler, Feroll. And the person who greeted you at the entrance is Johan, the mayor of this town."

"I am Feroll. I serve Lord Ridil. Please take care of us both."

"Thank you for the introductions. I am relieved to see neither of you seem like bad people."

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