Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 29 English

 Chapter 29 - Marimo and the Stairs

It has been a long journey to get here.

Finally, the weekend is near—this Friday is the day of the annual budget meeting for the school clubs.

Today is Tuesday.

Looking back, there were all sorts of hardships, like getting hit by a softball or imposing ridiculous restrictions on myself that made my schedule unbearably tight.

But I’ve managed to overcome it all.

Now, standing before me is the library.

Indeed, this is the final club inspection site.

The budget calculations have already been done, and unlike sports clubs, cultural clubs usually go through inspections smoothly, so I can consider this a win.

Hahaha, how anticlimactic. 

After all that fuss, it turns out the big, bad "Club Budget Allocation Meeting" was just a paper tiger.

What’s that? A death flag?

Hah, let them talk.

At this point, what could possibly go wrong?

Just watch me succeed, God, and eat your heart out.

"We’re coming in! It’s the student council!"

Marimo bursts into the library, voice ringing.

"Hey, this is a library! Keep it down!!" 

It’s my duty to point out such breaches of etiquette.

"Huh? But Kou-chan, you’re louder than I am!"

"...Guh. You have a point."

As we banter, the literary club president approaches us.

"Oh my, I apologize for the inconvenience of you coming all this way. But seeing you two getting along so well has boosted the morale of our club members, so please, make yourselves at home."

"Uh… right? As long as we’re not bothering you, that’s fine."

"Yes. Well then, why don’t you both take a seat? Please, this way."

"Sure thing! Kou-chan, let’s go."

Urged by the president, we move to the desk at the far end of the library.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Tatsumi, the president of the literary club."

"I’m the vice president—"

"Oh, I know. Vice President Kou-chan and President Kamino, right? I’ve heard all about you."

Is that really how she knows us!?

"Um, Tatsumi-senpai? I’d prefer if you called me Kirishima."

By the way, Tatsumi-senpai is a third-year girl.

In Hanamatsuri Academy, where the club presidents typically change with the new academic year, it’s quite rare for a third-year student to still be a club president.

"Is that so? Then, Kirishima-san, Kamino-san, please, if you will."

"Oh, Tatsumi-senpai, we’re in the library, so bringing in food or drinks is a bit…"

While I appreciate the hospitality, rules must be followed.

But Tatsumi-senpai, smiling, smoothly places something on the table.

She’s continuing her hospitality despite my concerns.

"No, seriously, we can’t have food or drinks in here...!? What is that!?"

She pulls out a small, pouch-like object that fits in her hand.

It's in jelly!

The famous jelly food that once bore the Weider brand name but has since dropped it!

"The student council president last year allowed it. But is it no longer acceptable?"

She’s brought out something that’s seriously difficult to judge.

Indeed, unless you’re a total klutz, there’s little chance of spilling and ruining the books with this.

"Since the cafeteria and vending machines are far from the library, this really helps our members."

"Well, if that’s the case… It’s fine, right, Marimo?"

"Mmm, mmm."

"Don’t just drink it like that!"

"Mmm!? ...Koff koff, Kou-chan, don’t surprise me like that!"

"Tatsumi-senpai, please tell your members to avoid talking while consuming the jelly. Here, Marimo, use this handkerchief. You’ve got jelly on your mouth."

What a klutz.

"Oh dear. I understand. I’ll make sure to convey that."

Feeling Tatsumi-senpai’s warm gaze, I move on to the inspection.

"I see. You’ve got some serious plans for this year too."

"Yes. I plan to retire before summer, though. Unfortunately, there aren’t any second-year members in the literary club. I thought the club would dissolve when I graduate, but then five first-years joined."

"So, one of them will take over as president?"

"That’s right. I’ll make sure to handle the transition properly, so don’t worry."

No issues with the club’s structure.

"And there won’t be any changes to your activities this year?"

"Exactly. We’ll publish our quarterly magazine three times a year. And we also have plans to create a doujinshi. The members won’t let me retire quietly. Haha."

"Such enthusiasm! That’s great to hear."

With more member than last year and active participation, the literary club’s budget should see a slight increase, as expected.

"Got it."

I fill out the necessary paperwork, and once the president, Marimo, checks it, mission complete.

What a smooth process.

"Marimo, go ahead and check… Huh?"

Why does the student council president always disappear?

"I know, right? It’s a shame it ended, but I think it was a brilliant decision to end it neatly. You know, love comedies are hard to finish well."

"Oh, I totally get that! You’re so easy to talk to, President!"

"Right? Haha, feel free to chat with me anytime! By the way, who’s your favorite?"

"Me? Hmm, I’d say Miku-chan! Who’s yours, President?"

"Well, I’m torn… I’d say Nino, maybe?"

You should be rooting for Yotsuba, given your character!

And why are you bonding with the literary club girls over *The Quintessential Quintuplets*!? While I’m stuck working, no less!

I want in too!

What? My favorite? Of course, it’s Yotsuba.

No, don’t drag me into this, God.

"Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to the next issue of your magazine. I’ll definitely read it."

"Oh my, thank you very much."

After capturing Marimo, we proceed to exit.

"See you later, everyone! I’ll be back!"


Why are you getting along with everyone so well, Marimo?

The library is on the third floor of the practice building.

The student council room is on the first floor of the same building, located diagonally across, making it a hassle to move between them.

Even going down the stairs is a chore.

"Hey, come on, hurry up."

I see Marimo picking up something a passing student dropped.

In that instant, her body bumps into the student, and she’s thrown into the air.

My reflexes kick in, my crisis management sensor on high alert.

—She’s going to fall!

Even in a moment like this, I, Kohei Kirishima, remain calm.

No need for explanations.

Marimo’s body falls neatly.

This way, she won’t hit the stairs and injure herself.

The only problem is, even though she’s small, do I have the strength to catch her?

I’m a bit worried, but I have no choice.

But then, I made a mistake.

The pen in my breast pocket rolls out and drops.

If it had just fallen quietly, it would have been fine, but the pen rolls down the stairs and stops right where I’m stepping backward.

And I fail to notice.


"Whoa!? Gahhh!"

I manage to catch Marimo.

I accidentally grab her chest, but hey, give me a break.

"Hehe, sorry, Kou-chan."

"Urgh… Are you hurt?"

"Nope, I’m fine! You saved me again, Kou-chan."


To think that I would end up triggering the death flag after all.

I clench my sweat-drenched hand and wonder what to do next.

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