Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 24 English

 Chapter 24 - Karin and the Story of the Past

Days off are wonderful.

No, they’re even better than wonderful—they’re downright sexy.

I just woke up, but the clock’s hands have long passed noon. Without a care in the world, I laze around in my room clothes, fiddling with my phone while lying in bed.

On the table in the middle of the room, a big serving of Ippei-chan Yakisoba and a Coke are standing by.

If I ate this before school, I might suffer from indigestion and get sleepy from being too full.

But on a day off, everything’s A-okay.

Why is it that cup yakisoba tastes so delicious when you have it occasionally?

Even the crude remark that “it’s not yakisoba because it’s not even grilled” is kindly embraced by the sauce’s generous flavor.

And the Ippei-chan I’m currently slurping down with zeal is a big serving, showing its own generosity.

Ha ha ha, what a coincidence!

As you can see, my mood is at full throttle.

If you’re tired, you should rest, and no one can complain.

Of course, that includes you, too, hey, God.

As I gulp down the Coke and let out an unrefined burp, my phone vibrates.

It’s probably nothing important, so I continue to laze around, entrenched in my laziness, and the phone soon goes silent.

“What’s with that? They gave up so easily,” I thought, pressing the call history.

It’s probably Marimo or someone. Or maybe Takahashi.

The screen displayed Saeki Karin.


“When she adorably laughed and said, ‘We’re trying out being a couple!’” was just yesterday.

Given that, I should have expected a call the next day.

And I ignored it?

Not only that, I burped after drinking Coke. What a fool!!

I quickly sat in seiza (formal kneeling position), slapped both my cheeks with a “wahhhh!”, and immediately called her back.

It connected after just two rings.

“Ah, senpai! Sorry, were you busy?”

“No, not at all! Really, not at all!! I’m really sorry!”

“Haha, please don’t apologize so much. It’s normal to miss calls sometimes.”

I was just being a fool with a Coke in my hand. Sorry.

Anyone who calls that “being busy” should be dunked head-first into a barrel filled with Coke and sealed tightly.

“Yeah. For that, I’m really sorry!!”

I told her everything.

I shouldn’t lie.

The small remnants of my usual honorable spirit urged me on.

But still.

Lately, I feel like my idiocy stands out more than Marimo’s airheadedness.

I’ve become too relaxed.

Too slack.

“Wow, so even Kouhei-senpai gets like that on his days off! I’d love to see that! I only know the reliable senpai.”

“You’d better not. You might lose your life if you’re unlucky.”

That is, I might.

“Haha, chatting with you is always so fun. Oh, but it’s true that I wanted to see you today. That’s actually why I called.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Yes. Senpai, are you free tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ve got no plans.”

Even I know binge-reading Naruto doesn’t count as a plan.

“If you don’t mind, would you like to go out with me tomorrow?”


“Oh, haven’t you noticed, senpai? I’m asking you out on a date?”

“A date!?”

Is that the thing people talk about, where a man and a woman deepen their bond? The thing you only hear about in rumors, where a man and a woman deepen their bond? That thing!?

“To see if I’m fit to be your girlfriend, I thought a date would be best! Is that okay?”

“Of course! There’s no way I’d hate that!!”

The words flew out of my mouth in an instant.

“Then it’s decided! So, what time works for you? I’ll fit your schedule.”

Thus, the conversation progressed smoothly, and my very first date in life was set.

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Oh, wait, Karin!”

Since we’re at it, I might as well ask.

It’s been on my mind like a piece of lettuce stuck between my teeth.

“Hey, why do you like me so much?”

“Really? You’re asking that?”

But she answered while laughing.

The story goes back to this winter.

When I was still a first-year and Karin was a high school applicant.

It was the day of the Hanamatsuri Academy entrance exam.

“Do you remember that day, senpai?”

“Hmm? Hmm… oh, it was raining, wasn’t it? Quite heavily.”

“Yes. And because of that, the bus I was on got delayed, and I rushed into the exam hall in a panic.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

And yet she became the top freshman, proving how capable Karin is.

“And then, when I was about to go home, I couldn’t find it.”

“You lost something?”

“Ah. You really don’t remember, do you?”

Wait, am I in this memory?

I seriously have no recollection!

“Oh, sorry.”

I apologized for now.

“Why were you at the exam hall in the first place, senpai?”

“I think Marimo asked me to. To help with the setup.”

“Then I should thank Marimo-senpai. When I was about to go home, I realized I lost my house keys… My parents were coming home late that day, so I panicked, thinking I wouldn’t be able to get in until night.”

“Wait, am I about to appear?”

Karin got a bit upset and said, “Yes, you are.”

“Maybe around the shoe lockers, I think. I was searching there when I heard a somewhat blunt voice. ‘Hey, looking for something?’”

Was that me?

“And when I explained the situation, he surprised me! He said maybe someone kicked it under the wooden slats and immediately got down on his knees to reach under! The floor was muddy from the rain, too!!”

Karin’s enthusiasm on the other end of the phone was overwhelming.

“And after a while, he found it. ‘Got it! Is this it!?’ he said, looking so happy, like he found his own lost item. He handed me the key and just said, ‘Be careful on your way home,’ and left right away! I didn’t even get to thank him properly! Jeez!!”

“What a bad guy he is.”

“Haha, really! And then at the entrance ceremony, I saw you! And you were the student council vice president!! I felt it was destiny!!”

Despite her excitement, I had to say something.

Even if it means disillusionment, I have to say it.

“Sorry! I don’t remember that at all! Was that really me?”

Even though she should be mad at me for tarnishing her beautiful memory, Karin held back her laughter.

“Pfft, haha, it was definitely you! I wouldn’t mistake you. And—”

Karin paused.

I stared blankly.

“I love that about you, senpai. Helping someone in need is so natural to you that you don’t even remember it.”

“I-I see.”

No witty words came to mind.

“Ah, I’m embarrassed! Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, senpai!”

The call ended.

Pathetically, my mind went blank as if all my brain synapses had been severed.

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