I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 7 English

 Chapter 7 - Even If I Push You Away

After enduring classes while watching the dazzling scenes unfold between the protagonist and the heroines, I found myself already at the end of the school day.

Today, coming to school like this yielded many insights.

I confirmed the mysterious voice in my head that explained this was indeed the world of a rom-com, specifically set in "Fusekoi."

Additionally, I clearly recognized my role in this world.

I, Shindo Ryusuke, exist solely as a villain to highlight the protagonist. In the original story, I oppose the protagonists and meet a ruinous fate.

Moreover, this world forces me to fulfill my role as a villain, compelling other background characters to push me toward playing out the villain's part. It’s as if I’m destined to follow the original plot.

However, regardless of how this world works, I’ve made my decision.

I won't be a villain. I'll live my best youth as my true self. I’ll overturn this fate, which only leads to a bad end.

As I pondered what I should do to achieve this, I walked down the school route bathed in the evening sunset.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice and felt a light tap on my back.

“Hey, Ryusuke! Let’s walk home together!”

“…Mashiro, it’s you.”

I turned around to see Mashiro, a familiar blonde gyaru. She smiled mischievously and started walking alongside me.

“Hey, let’s go to Round One and have some fun! It’s rare for you to come to school, so I’ll treat you to something to commemorate it!”

“No, I’ll pass. Maybe some other time.”

“Eh? Then how about karaoke? And after that, we can play games at my apartment until late!”

“I’ll pass on that too.”

“Um… then how about we grab dinner at a family restaurant? And after we eat, we can—”

“I’m not going.”

Mashiro stopped in her tracks as I kept refusing her.

When I looked back at her, she stared at me with worried eyes.

“…Why? You’re acting weird today, Ryusuke. You’re usually cold, but you’ve never turned me down when I suggested hanging out. We’d always play late into the night… So why the sudden change?”

There was a reason I kept rejecting her persistent invitations with a cold attitude. It was something that was crucial not just for me, but for Mashiro as well. Even though guilt weighed heavily on my chest, I continued to refuse her.

“Sorry, Mashiro, but I can’t right now.”

“You can’t right now…? Is that why you haven’t replied to Kogane or Obayashi either? It feels like something’s happened around you, and you’re trying to solve it… Are you in some kind of fight with someone?”

Mashiro grabbed my shoulders, her face pale, and shook me desperately as she asked.

“No, that’s not it. I just… I’m not interested in that kind of stuff anymore.”

“Not interested? What do you mean? Why are you saying this all of a sudden—explain it to me!”

Mashiro’s voice grew louder, unsatisfied with my vague answer. But I couldn’t explain it to her.

We are bound for ruin if things continue as they are.

We are destined to be forced into following the original plot, where I oppose the protagonists and my numerous misdeeds are exposed, leading to my social destruction.

And it’s hard to even talk about it. If I told her, Mashiro would be confused, and she might even think I’ve lost my mind and take me to a hospital.

But I must avoid this doomed future at all costs and live a normal, happy youth in this world. I wanted to do everything I could to achieve that.

“Mashiro, we’ve known each other for a long time, but I can’t explain this to you.”


I shook off Mashiro’s hand, which now held a pained expression, and continued speaking with my back turned to her.

The reason I’m pushing her away like this is for Mashiro’s future as well.

In the original story, after I meet my ruinous end, Mashiro follows a similar path of destruction.

She vows revenge against the protagonists who condemned her childhood friend Shindo Ryusuke, and she too becomes an antagonist, eventually defeated and exiting the story.

But if I can sever our relationship here, there’s a chance that Mashiro can avoid that ruinous future.

When I was obsessed with Fusekoi in my previous life, I couldn’t accept Mashiro’s bad ending. Though she appeared as a villain, her struggle, driven by her longing for her lost childhood friend, deeply moved me.

Even if I can’t avoid my ruinous fate, I don’t want Mashiro to suffer a tragic end like in the original. I wanted her to be happier, to be rewarded.

To save Mashiro from her doomed future, I decided to end our relationship here and now.

“Hey, Mashiro, there’s something I’ve been keeping from you all this time.”


“To be honest, I really don’t like gyarus.”


“I’m not into flashy, gaudy looks. Honestly, I don’t even know how to deal with it. I’ve kept quiet, but I actually prefer modest, quiet girls. I like natural black hair over dyed blonde, and I prefer uniforms worn properly instead of sloppily. I’m not a fan of heavy makeup either. My ideal type is a serious, pure girl.”


“So yeah, I don’t really like you. Please don’t talk to me anymore. Bye.”

I said that to Mashiro, who stood there in shock, and then I started walking again.

With this, I should have successfully pushed Mashiro away. I told myself this was necessary to protect her from a doomed future, even as I felt guilt gnawing at me.

—But right after, I heard footsteps running on the asphalt, and they stopped right beside me.

“So that’s why you’ve been so cold to me, Ryusuke? You should’ve said so sooner, instead of keeping quiet!”

When I turned toward the voice, there was Mashiro, looking up at me with her usual bright smile.

“Did…didn’t you hear what I just said?”

“Yeah, I heard. I was shocked. Seriously, what the heck, Ryusuke! Suddenly revealing your type out of nowhere—really, you’re too much.”

“Then why are you acting like everything’s fine? I told you I don’t like you.”

“We’ve been friends since elementary school, right? I already knew you didn’t like me. You’ve always been cold to me, Ryusuke. But you’re also kind in your own way. Even now, you’re trying to push me away for my sake, aren’t you? I don’t know the reason, but I can tell you’re really sad about it, Ryusuke.”

Mashiro kept her cheerful smile, gazing directly into my eyes as she spoke.

“Well, but I learned something valuable today, so it’s all good. So, you don’t like me because of how I look? That’s a simple problem to fix!”

Mashiro smiled at me while playing with her hair, then she twirled around with her arms spread out, showing off her appearance.

The hem of her skirt floated up slightly, revealing her white thighs for a moment. Without a care in the world, she looked at me with her usual innocent smile and said,

“Just wait and see, I’ll fix whatever you don’t like!”


“So, let’s leave hanging out for another time. I want to go home and get ready, and you seem busy too. If you come to school tomorrow, I’ll see you then!”

“H-Hey, Mashiro—!”

Ignoring my voice, she ran off, leaving me to stare after her retreating figure.

I realized then that the bond between Shindo Ryusuke and Amanatsu Mashiro, which had existed since elementary school, couldn’t be severed no matter what I did. No matter how cold I acted or how much I told her I didn’t like her, she would never leave my side with that bright smile.

Are we really destined to ruin together after all?

Or is there a way for Mashiro and me to overturn our fate and find happiness?

I didn’t know the answer to that yet.

But one thing was clear: Amanatsu Mashiro would always be Shindo Ryusuke’s childhood friend, and nothing could ever sever the bond between us, no matter what.

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