Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 18 English

 Chapter 18 – Kouhei and Mistakes

Today was a morning class day, and I had planned a leisurely schedule.

Once in a while, I wanted to spend my time at an internet cafe, immersing myself in manga while sipping cola from the drink bar. Maybe even add a soft serve ice cream on top of it. That would be quite something. Heh.

I was idly thinking such things.

"Well then, I'll help set up the meeting room with Onigawara-kun!"

"If it’s physical work, leave it to me... Uwehgoo! Excuse me. Leave it to me!!"

Karin calmly covered for him.

Onigawara-kun let out a roar from the nervousness that had recently become rare.

It seemed enough to convey the urgency of the situation.

"Sorry! But can I completely leave that to you!?"

"Yes! Leave it to us!!"

"I’ll give it my all... Veeennngh! Excuse me. I’ll do my best as if my life depends on it!!"

"Then let’s go, Onigawara-kun! On the way, can you carry ten folding chairs?"

"Yeah. I think I can manage."

They’re really reliable juniors.

I saw a faint glimmer of hope in their retreating figures.

"Alright, we need to prepare the documents! We only have 30 minutes! Hurry up!!"

At Hanamatsuri Academy, a monthly exchange meeting is held for teachers and students to exchange opinions.

On the teachers’ side, it includes the vice principal and those in charge of student guidance and grade-level supervision.

Representing the students are the student council and the heads of various committees, making it a fairly important event.

And yet, there’s an idiot who completely forgot about it despite having received the schedule in advance.

"Kou-chan, how about we eat first?"

This time, it’s not Marimo's fault. Because—

"Sorry, but can you create the documents! You can do it, right!?"

—because the idiot who received the schedule and then forgot about it is me!

What was I thinking about adding soft serve ice cream to cola? I’m such an idiot.

This is a big deal!

Mainly because of me, this important event is on the verge of a disaster!!

The problem is that the setup and document preparation for this exchange meeting are all handled by the student council.

And because I completely forgot about it, we’re now on the brink of an unprecedented major blunder.

I repeat, all the responsibility lies with me.

Just 30 minutes ago.

At the shoe locker, while I was spacing out thinking, "What should I read at the internet cafe? Maybe the Hueco Mundo arc of Bleach," Hino-san passed by.

And she said,

"What are you doing, Kirishima Kouhei! Don’t tell me you’re planning to go shopping now!?"

I was still spacing out, thinking, "Did I make a promise for a party or something?" when she continued,

"...Just to make sure, you haven't forgotten about the exchange meeting, right?"


I screamed.

Of course I did.

Because it was only then that I realized the situation.

Not caring about anyone seeing me.

Because I completely ignored what I really should have cared about.

I ran.

More than Melos, I ran.

Honestly, in that moment, I thought something selfish like, "It’s fine if Selinuntius dies if it means my legs can run faster."

My legs didn’t actually get faster, so it seemed Selinuntius didn’t die, and I clicked my tongue at the lucky Selinuntius, and breathlessly opened the student council room door.

"What’s wrong, Senpai?"

"Perfect timing! I was just about to invite you! Onigawara-kun brought Madeleine. Would you like to join us for tea?"

Thank goodness. They were here.

For now, the capable secretary and treasurer were there.

"It’s not about that! Have you two eaten lunch?"

"Oh, yes. We ate in the classroom."

"Me too."

"Oh, maybe you haven’t eaten lunch yet, Senpai? Sorry, we ate first."

"It’s not that! No, actually, it is! But more importantly, no, it is that!"

What am I saying?

It took me three minutes to calm my head and breathing.

It was an excellent time, but in this situation, it was just a waste of time.

I bowed my head and explained the situation to them.

This way, we managed to start preparing the meeting room.

Now, the documents.

There were only 40 minutes left.

Can we create the documents in that time?

Even though I’m quite confident in my typing speed, I might just manage to fill one A4 page.

But the content, the crucial content, isn’t coming to mind with my confused head.

At this point, I finally picked up the printout of today’s overview, feeling sad for having neglected it.

I didn't forget to complain, "Why don’t you assert yourself more!"

And the content was something like "Things to be careful about during Golden Week," which is something you’d do in an elementary school class.

I didn’t forget to complain, "This is so stupid!"

"Hey, what’s going on, everyone? The two of you were dashing, and it seems quite noisy?"

And then, Marimo-sama descended.

There wasn’t a day when this childhood friend looked so radiant.

And now, the story leads to the present.

"Kou-chan. What about lunch?"

"Please! Please tell me what comes next after exercising for healthy mental development!? What happens next!? Please!"

"Oh, I found a croquette bread!"

The croquette bread I was planning to eat for lunch was found by Marimo.

"I’ll do it later! For now, focus! Please, I’m begging you!"

"I have a good idea! Kou-chan should feed me the croquette bread. In return, I’ll type on the computer!"

Come to think of it, I don’t know how fast Marimo types.

Even though we’re childhood friends, there are still things I don’t know, I thought as I slapped myself.

That time is precious.

I slapped myself again for thinking such a thing.

Because that time is precious.

And so I decided to bet on Marimo’s genius.

"Aaahm. Oh, this is delicious! This is a good croquette bread."

—Marimo’s typing speed is scarily fast.

Her hands are almost invisible.

Is she faster than the speed of light?

What, are you perhaps a Gold Saint?

Anyway, I was saved.

We could easily make it in time with this.

"Hey, doesn’t ‘north-northwest’ sound delicious?"


"Hokkoku-sei! Mmm, sounds delicious! By the way, do you know which direction north-northwest is?"

"No, more importantly—"

"Ta-da! Borrowing Kou-chan’s watch!"

"Hey, how did you take my watch off my wrist!? ...No, more importantly!"

"If you’re going to be mean, I don’t care anymore!"

Now that we’re about to receive Marimo-sama’s words, everyone in the world, be silent.

"How can I tell? I’m really curious. I have no idea."

"Fufufu. Right? So, you find the sun, and then you set the watch like this—"

Sorry, Marimo!

I already know your genius trick this time!

I read it in Detective Conan before!

I mean, in this era, you can just look at your smartphone!

But I’ll listen!

So please, point out the north-northwest quickly!!

"So you turn it around like this."

Marimo spins around in her chair.

Hey, Earth. Don’t rotate now, because Marimo is spinning.

"Alright. This way is north-northwest!"

Satisfied, Marimo resumed her lightning-fast typing to create the documents.

I patted the printer, printed the necessary number of copies, tucked Marimo under my arm, and dashed to the meeting room. We arrived just one minute before the scheduled time.

It was a barely safe conclusion that would go down in history.

Always check your schedule and share it properly with your teammates.

I wrote that in blood on my heart.

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