Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 17 English

 Chapter 17 - Marimo and Test Studying

What is the main duty of a student?

Club activities.

Indeed, experiences that can only be had during student life.

Sweat from hard work.

Failures and struggles.

And in the end, irreplaceable memories of youth.

Sounds good.

But, it's not the answer I'm looking for. Zero points.

Come back after you've left that sweat and spirit at home. And don't forget to shower.


Indeed, student romances are special.

After-school dates in uniforms.

Snacking on the way home.

Hearts fluttering with joy through late-night chats.

Sounds good.

But, it's not the answer I'm looking for. Zero points.

You should head straight to an isolation ward in a pink ambulance with that shocking pink head of yours.

Learn from Icarus, who flew too high with wax wings, the importance of keeping your feet on the ground.

Committee activities.

Indeed, voluntary student activities permitted only during school years.

Dedicating mind and body to noble ideals.

A smile from everyone is enough reward.

Sounds good.

But, it's not the answer I'm looking for. Zero points.

Which is happier, to serve or to be served? You should know without being told.

You might say I shouldn't talk? Fair enough.

But I'll say it. Today, I'll say it.

Will everyone help me as a result of my service?


Indeed, academics that can only be diligently pursued during student years.

Gaining knowledge, preparing for the future.

Therefore, test results are important.

Sounds good.

That’s the answer I was looking for. 100 points!

"Ah, Kou-chan, you've got the spelling wrong here again. Zero points!"

Tests should just disappear from this world.

Let me clarify, it's not that I'm bad at studying.

In fact, I'm quite good at it.

Not to brag, but I passed the entrance exam with the second-highest score.

I was consistently second in tests during my first year, and it's not an exaggeration to say I'm one of the top students at school.

"No, no! The grammar is backwards here too. Kou-chan, are you bad at English?"

It's all the student council's fault.

I realized it only after becoming vice president this year.

The abnormal workload of our school’s student council.

How can anyone diligently study with this amount of work every day?

Only a monster could manage that.

"Kou-chan? John is asking about global warming here."

Shut up, you monster!

Why did you, while also being in the student council last year, maintain the top position in the grade all the time, never once yielding that spot to me?

Is something wrong with you?

Global warming is serious, but so is your natural display of genius.

"Look here. Who do you think is referred to as a 'genius' in this context?"

It's you!

Damn it, what an infuriating word.

I hate both the word "genius" and the genius English-Japanese dictionary you're holding, damn it.

"Alright, let's try translating this into English. 'Fatty winter yellowtail is a delicacy.'"

I don't know!

Yes, winter yellowtail is delicious!

It melts in your mouth!

If you find it a bit too much as sashimi, you can quickly dip it in broth and have it with ponzu sauce for a mouthful of delight!!

What kind of problem is this?

The person who made it must be out of their mind!

"Hmm. I thought it was quite simple. Well, let’s move on to listening practice. Let's go!"

So you made it, didn’t you?

There’s no way that question will come up on the test!

Why do I have to solve your ridiculous translation problems while preparing for a test?

"I can do anything. But you can’t do anything."

Are you mocking me?

I understand that much!

You're subtly trying to tease me with that sentence, aren’t you!?

You’re not satisfied with just mocking me in Japanese, now you’re dissing me in English too.

I’ve had enough. I’m done studying.

I don’t care about tomorrow’s test.

I’m going home to soak in a hot bath and dive into bed.

I’m skipping school tomorrow.

For a change of pace, I look at Onigawara-kun across the room.

"Like I’ve said many times, memorizing history is about how well you can link it with your existing memories. Once you do that, it’s easy! Okay? Now, answer about the Mongol invasions."

"Uh, the Mongol army and Japanese army had two World Series..."

"Correct. Who was the Mongol army's manager?"

"Kublai Khan, I think..."

"Next, where were the decisive battles held?"

"Fukuoka... no, Hakata Stadium, I think."

"What about the situation? There were common points in both battles, right?"

"The Mongol army took the lead and advanced favorably..."

"But there was an accident for the Mongol army during the battle."

"Uhh... oh! It was a cold game due to a typhoon!"

"That’s right! Just one more step! The cause of the cold game?"

"Divine wind!"

"Let's conclude! What were those two battles called? We learned this first."

"The Battle of Bun'ei and the Battle of Kōan!"

"Correct! Onigawara-kun, you’re not bad at studying, just inefficient. You're exceptionally capable and good at science, right? If you lose your aversion to humanities, you'll be fine! Remember, for history memorization, it’s okay to use your own methods. Compare it to your favorite baseball and keep learning."

It looks like they're having fun over there.

Karin's teaching method is from the learner’s perspective, which seems to facilitate smooth progress.

I like baseball too, though.

"Kou-chan! You’re losing focus. Now, I’ll read the question seriously, so listen carefully!"

It’s the same over here.

Marimo's whimsical, random questions fly around freely.

Even with listening practice, honestly, her pronunciation was so good I couldn't understand half of it, but I nodded pretending I did.

Of course, she quickly saw through it.

She repeated the same sentence over and over until I could understand it, like a monk chanting a mantra.

It's torture.

Eventually, the study session continued until Marimo was satisfied, and she finally let me go, saying,

"Well, this should be fine! I'm looking forward to the test. Hehe."

I can't do this anymore.

I should have gone to the library and studied alone.

I’ll probably lose my reputation as a top student in tomorrow's English test.

From now on, I’ll have to live as Marimo's sidekick.

Goodbye, genius vice president.

Hello, idiot vice president.

Study at home, you ask?

I won’t. I’m exhausted.

The next day, as the test papers were distributed and I started answering with a resigned attitude from question one, a miracle happened where I could easily answer over 90% of the questions.

Marimo had apparently predicted the questions, and hit the nail on the head.

Is this a manga from Shinken Zemi?

And the posted grades later showed Marimo in first place and me in second.

In the end, it was the usual scene, and my honor was inexplicably preserved.

Still, who would have thought the question about translating "fatty winter yellowtail" would come up?

... Geniuses are scary.

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