A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 29 English

 Chapter 29

After finishing the laundry...

"Heh, that's nice. A sports festival. I've seen it in anime too! Send me a photo, okay?"

"Yes, I understand."

I was talking on the phone with my best friend Mary for the first time in a while.

I've gotten used to speaking in Japanese, but speaking in English does make me feel a bit relieved.

Sota can speak English too, but he's not a native speaker.

"By the way, I saw you on TV!"

"...TV? Oh, that interview?"

While I was on a date with Sota, I was interviewed by a Japanese TV station.

It's a program where they interview foreigners visiting Japan about "what they came to do," and sometimes they delve deeper.

I firmly answered, "Bride training."

"Wait, is it being broadcast in England too?"

I thought it was a Japanese program...

"No way. I saw it on the internet."

"I see."

In this day and age, watching foreign TV programs isn't that difficult.

I thought Mary only watched Japanese animation...

So she watches that kind of stuff too.

"It was a bit of a topic on social media. I was curious and checked it out, and it was you, so I was surprised."


Probably a dangerous place where English-speaking Japanese animation otakus like Mary gather.

"Topic? In what way?"

"They said... a very cute English woman."

"Hehe, of course."

My cuteness is universally recognized, the best in the world.

Sota is lucky to have such a cute girlfriend.

"But I'm relieved to see you two look close. You're properly being lovers, aren't you?"

"Of course. Didn't I tell you? Sota and I are lovers."

"Hmm... Did you properly confess your love?"

That is...

"Not yet. But it must have come across."

"I guess so. I did feel that way when I saw him on TV. He said he preferred being alone together..."

"Yes. He called me his 'female friend.'"

"...Huh? 'Female friend'? ...Did he really say that?"

"Yes. He introduced me that way to the TV people before the interview."

It wasn't included in the interview.

But that's how he introduced me at first.

"...Lily, do you understand what that means?"

"Yes, of course. It means 'girlfriend,' right?"

It's a simple combination of Japanese words, so it's easy to infer the meaning.

Actually, since I am Sota's girlfriend, it must be correct considering the context.

"I think it's different though..."


"The Japanese 'female friend' means a girl who is a friend, in other words, just a friend."

"...Please stop joking. I'll get angry."

"It's not a joke."


That's ridiculous...

"I don't believe you. After all, Mary, you're not a native speaker of Japanese, right? Don't say things at random."

"But in anime..."

"Don't bring anime into reality. Sota and I are lovers. Definitely."

"If you think so, then fine. Let's talk again later..."

Mary's cold voice made me realize.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault. Please don't abandon me."

I don't want to be abandoned by Sota...

I can't bear that!

"It's okay, I won't abandon you... Besides, I think he likes you. I only know him from England, though."

"Really? Then why just friends..."

If he likes me, I hope he can call me his girlfriend...

Is he hiding shyness or something?

"Maybe he thinks you rejected him."

"...What do you mean?"

Rejected him?

Even though I love Sota so much?

"Because, you. When he returned to Japan from England, you said it was a break-up, right?"

"That was... half a year ago!?"

"Yes, half a year. You left it alone for half a year, didn't you?"


That's true, but...

I can't apologize now...

It was awkward.

I was afraid of being hated...

"But now, we're getting along well, right?"

"That's why you're friends, right? He likes you, but since he thinks he was rejected... he's not sure if he can go back to being lovers, so his attitude is ambiguous."

"I see...?"

So that was it...

Then he should just tell me.

"What should I do?"

"Apologize. Say you want to go back to how things were."

"...I should apologize?"

"Of course. It's obviously your fault, isn't it?"

"But to leave his lover..."

"He had to return home! His visa was expiring."

"But if he had told me in advance, I wouldn't have... it was so sudden..."

"He did tell you! You just weren't listening! Even if he was at fault, you were the one who suggested breaking up, so you should be the one to retract it first!"

"Maybe, but how..."

"Say sorry for saying 'break-up.' Say 'I like you. Please let's go back to being lovers,' and bow your head. That will solve it, easy, right?"

"But what if he hates me..."

"He wouldn't date a girl he hates alone! You're the cutest in the world, right?"

"Y-Yes, that's right!?"

It's okay.

Sota likes me.

It's just a little misunderstanding and miscommunication.

I reassured myself.

—Maybe he likes Misato.

I tried to suppress such a faint anxiety.


  1. pretty sure it won't get thru like usual...so disappointing

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