A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 35 English

 Chapter 35

"I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me? Something so important! That's what I hate about you."

Lily glared at me while eating her lunch.

Either be angry or eat, you can't do both,

"Sorry. I thought I had told you. Want my share of the omelette?"

I apologized, trying to placate Lily.

I thought I had told her, but... 

Looking back, I realized I probably hadn't.

This is my fault.

"Are you really reflecting on this?"

"I'll make sure to tell you important things."

"I guess I have no choice but to forgive you," 

Lily said with a small huff.

Then, she ate the omelette and squinted happily.

She looked so content.

"Do you usually forget to say something...?" .

"Really. Even as my son, you surprise me," 

"You're one to talk, Mikoto. You could have told her too."

Before the divorce, she was Kasai Mikoto.

Her maiden name, and now, Kudo Mikoto.

That's my mother's name.

"I thought Sota had told her," 

"Like mother, like son."

"Genes are scary, aren't they?" 

Misato laughed heartily.

"Didn't you forget to tell her too?"

"I did tell her! Amelia just wasn't listening."

"I didn't hear it..." 

Lily glared at Misato.

I admitted my fault, but Misato was equally to blame.

"See, she says she didn't hear it."

"I told her, 'Sota and I are family.' And by the way, I'm the older sister," 


Lily's eyes darted around at Misato's words.

Now that I think about it, she did say that.

Wait a second.


Could it be...?

Lily, are you partly to blame too?

"Amelia is fine, but please call me Lily, sister-in-law!"

"Really? Thank you, Lily! You get it!"

Misato grabbed Lily's hand.

Lily was trying to dodge the situation.

And there was something else I couldn't ignore.

"I'm the older brother here. I was born first."

"Oh? Don't you know? The one born second entered first, so I'm the sister."

"That's just a myth. Legally, the one born first is the older sibling."

"But don't you think I seem more like the older sister?"

"What do you mean 'seem like'? Right, Lily?"

"Yes, that's true."


I looked at Lily in disbelief.

She was reaching for a sandwich after finishing her rice ball.

It didn't matter who was older.

It was mealtime now.

That's the look she had.

"Arguing is foolish," 

"Then, you admit it?"

"Do as you like."

Legally, I'm the older brother. That won't change.

And so, our rare family gathering ended.

By the way, Lily ate about a third of the lunch my parents brought.

"By the way, Misato," 

Lily said after the meal, clearing her throat.

She glanced at my parents.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Why so formal all of a sudden?

"It might not be appropriate in this setting, but..."

 Lily looked slightly awkward.

Then, she looked directly at Misato and said,

"I think God won't forgive incest."

...What the hell is she talking about?


Misato was stunned.

My parents exchanged glances.


"Wait, Lily! You're misunderstanding!" 

"Sorry, but I thought it was for your sake..."

"Calm down, Lily. I know I've joked about it a lot, but it was just to tease you! It's not like that! Father? Mother? Don't look at me like that! It's not true! Sota, say something!"

Misato shouted in desperation.

It's rare to see her flustered.

But I get it now.

No wonder she seemed unusually close lately.

"I see..."

"Sota! Don't make things worse! It's not a joke!"

Misato grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

For now, I'll put on a face that says "no way."

"Hehe... Haha... AHAHAHA," 

Lily burst into laughter.

Then, with a mischievous look, she said,

"That’s revenge."


Misato was dumbfounded.

Seeing her like this was rare.

It was a good show.

Thanks, Lily.



"Lily, how was the sports festival?"

On the way home from the sports festival.

I asked Lily.

"It was fun,"

 she replied cheerfully.

It must have been an unfamiliar event, but she seemed to enjoy it.

"But it was hot..."


"And emotionally exhausting."


Does she mean she was mentally tired?

"But I'm glad I came to Japan."

"That's good. There are many more fun events to come."

"I'm looking forward to them."

Lily nodded and, hesitantly, reached out her hand.


She grabbed my hand and moved closer.

Unable to pull away, I felt confused.

"Summer is coming, right?"


"Do you remember you promised to take me to the sea?"

"Oh, yeah... of course."

I remembered now.

Just before returning home, before summer vacation.

Lily had asked me to go to the sea.

But with my departure imminent, I had to decline due to scheduling issues.

That caused a fight.

"Make it up to me this year."

"Yeah, we'll make it up... How about a Japanese beach?"

"Yes. A pool is fine too."

Beach or pool.

I have to find a good place.

A place that would satisfy a noble lady's taste.

"Then, let's go choose swimsuits next time."


"We can't swim without them, right?"

That's true, but... 

with me?

"You choose for me, Sota."

"Is that okay?"

"I'll wear what you like."

Lily blushed as she said that.

Well, okay...


Is it common for friends to choose swimsuits in England?

I'll have to ask Mary later...

With that question in mind.

I walked hand in hand with my best friend, Lily, under the setting sun.


Web Novel version will continue after LN volume 2 is announced.

This is the same as what the author did in OmiAi


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