A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 33 English

 Chapter 33

The centipede race ended without a hitch.

If there was anything of concern, it was that Lily seemed distracted.

Moreover, the distance felt longer than during practice.

No, rather, it was too close during practice, so it was just about right this time.

"I'm off to the borrowing race then."


"…Lily, are you okay? Should we go to the infirmary?"

She really looked unwell.

I wonder if I should have Misato accompany her to the infirmary.

Or should I go to the infirmary myself.

"…Please leave me alone."

She said in a dejected voice.

Time is pressing, and I can't force her to go to the infirmary.

"Alright. …Don't push yourself, okay?"

"Yes. …I understand."

Lily answered in a lifeless voice.

I hesitated a little but headed towards the sports field.

Before the borrowing race began, I glanced at the parents' seats.

There were both my mother and father.

They were waving at me, so I waved back lightly.

It's rare for both of them to be together.

It's thanks to Lily.

As I thought about this, the competition began.

I picked up one of the papers placed near the goal.

I just need to borrow whatever is written here from somewhere.

I hope it's something easy, but let's see what it is...


It was easy, but a troublesome item.

I understand it's exciting, but I wish people would consider the borrower and the lender.

"No helping it."

I headed straight for my class's cheering section.

And then I called out to Lily, who was slumped over.


"…What is it?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. …What did you come here for?"

She glared at me with a sullen, resigned voice.

She doesn't seem to be feeling ill...

But she looks displeased.

Hmm, it's hard to ask.

"I need your help with the borrowing race…"

I hesitantly spread the paper in front of Lily.

She looked at it disinterestedly and then...

She looked up.

"Is it okay if it's not Misato?"

She said with a surprised expression.

Indeed, Misato would be next after Lily.

"Lily is the best."

"I-is that so…?"

"If you're feeling unwell, I can ask someone else…"

I really shouldn't ask someone who's unwell.

As I thought this and was about to turn on my heel...

"Wait, please!!"

She grabbed my clothes.

"I'll go!!"

Lily said as she stood up.

Her sullen face from just a moment ago was nowhere to be seen.

She was brimming with enthusiasm.

...Though I'm asking for her help, she's quite mercenary.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not feeling unwell…"

"I'm full of energy! And there's no substitute for me, right?"

Lily said with a smug look.

The usual cute Lily was there.

Indeed, Lily is cuter when she's a bit cocky.

"Speaking of substitutes… After the borrowing race is over, do you have time? I have something serious to talk about."

Lily said with an unusually solemn face.

A serious talk? ...That makes me nervous.

"Okay, I understand. Let's go then."


I took Lily's hand.

Her shoulder twitched.

"What's wrong?"


Lily said with a slightly red face.

...Is she embarrassed?

Well, given the context, it's natural.

And so, I crossed the goal line holding the hand of "the cutest girl I think of."

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