A Noble Young Lady Who Is Supposed to Be Studying Abroad, But For Some Reason She Is Only Training to Be a Bride - Chapter 21 English

 Chapter 21

"Bride training."


Lily's nonsensical answer left the TV reporter speechless.

This would be a broadcasting disaster if it were live.

"She's new to Japanese... she's here for a study."

I hurriedly interjected to cover for her.

Please, I hope this part gets cut.

"Ah, I see... And your name?"

"I'm Amelia Lily Stafford. I came from England."

"England, wow, from the UK! Your Japanese is very good!"

"Not really."

Lily smirked proudly.

The awkward atmosphere began to lighten.

"So, you're here on a study. Are you staying with a host family?"

"Yes. I'm staying at his house."

"Oh? You two must be close?"

"Yes. We're lovey-dovey."

"Hey, Lily..."

Don't say weird things.

It's misleading!

"How did the two of you meet?"

"Last year, Sota... he came to England to study abroad. That's where we met."

"In England? So, did you follow him here?"

"Well, something like that."

...Lily, do you even understand what you're answering?

"Are you returning from a date now?"


"Where to?"


"Asakusa! Nice. Did you do any food tours?"

"Yes. We ate the chest (oppai)."

"...the chest (oppai)?"

The worst mistake at the worst time...

"It's 'a lot (ippai),' right?"

I corrected her.

Realizing her mistake, Lily blushed and cleared her throat.

"Sorry, I misspoke. Please cut that out."

"Ah, yes."

The reporter continued with a wry smile.

"What are your plans for tomorrow? Anywhere you're going?"

"He's taking me to Tsukiji Outer Market."

"Tsukiji! That place is famous for its food tours too."

"So I've heard. I'm looking forward to it."

...I have a bad feeling about this.

"How about it? Can we do a close-up report on your date tomorrow?"

"That's fine."

"Wait a minute."

I cut in, panicked.

A close-up report?

You've got to be kidding!

"What is it?"

"Please, anything but that."

In just this short interview, there have been too many confusing statements that could lead to misunderstandings.

If Lily spills anything during a whole day of filming...

If it's edited and broadcasted nationwide, it would be trouble.

"It's just one day."

"Lily, I want to spend it alone with you."

I held Lily's hand and looked into her eyes.


"Is that so...?"

Lily fidgeted shyly.

Then she turned back to the TV.

"I'm sorry, but he prefers it to be just the two of us. No filming."

"Is that so... I apologize for intruding on your date."

"No worries. It was fun."

"Then, I wish you happiness!"

And so, the TV station's interview ended.

With content like this, it's bound to be cut.

...It has to be cut, right?

Please let it be cut.

Later on.

We were broadcasted nationwide as the "International Lovey-Dovey High School Couple" on that program.

Give me a break.

That's fake news!!


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