Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 9 English

 Chapter 9 - Marimo and Machu Picchu

The world, it seems, often turns just as Marimo says.

I hate to admit it, but there's been enough proof since childhood—more than enough to fill ten octopuses and squids—and to still deny it would seem like an act of rebellion against society.

The sound of being a rebel tickles a boy's heart, but considering the current times, it's tough to live against the wind.

There's the stubborn old man who refuses interviews at his ramen shop, who would probably prosper more if he accepted them.

Long introduction aside, this time, too, things went just as Marimo said.

As she claimed, Onigawara-kun was a talent to be proud of anywhere.

First, to get used to accounting, I gave him last year's budget sheets for each club activity and said,

"Customize it to your liking."

To my surprise, he transformed the numbers in just a few hours, trimming the waste and rolling out efficiency.

What a transformation.

A before-and-after even a craftsman would praise.

It wasn't just customization; it was like plastic surgery.

When Karin and I praised him, he simply said,

"This is all I can do."

—Wow, how cool.

"Haha, see? I told you Takezou-kun is amazing!"

I couldn't find any words to counter Marimo's smugness and surrendered.

And so, once again, the world turned just as Marimo said.

"I guess I'm the Eiffel Tower."

It's not that the record of the conversation skipped; the scene just changed abruptly.

Annoying, right? My apologies.

It's casual chat time after work.

The topic was, "If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

It turned into a question like something Bartholomew Kuma would ask, but since I can't teleport you to your favorite spot, please bear with me.

Onigawara-kun is still new to the student council.

Of course, he is; he only joined a few days ago.

So, as the renowned lubricant man of Hanamatsuri Academy, it's natural for me to lead the talk session. The excitement of having a male conversation partner for the first time also helped, and the conversation flowed lively.

"Ah, that's nice. You can see the Arc de Triomphe too. Well, I've never been there, so I don't quite understand the layout of the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. Probably like Tokyo Tower and Skytree, I guess. But I don't know. So, Onigawara-kun, you're a fan of France, huh?"

"Yes. I like France. Not just for tourism, but also as a patisserie. It seems my father also spent a few years there training when he was young."

"Ah, I see. Speaking of which, what was it called? Oh, right, éclairs! Éclairs are French pastries, aren't they?"

Marimo, who was approving documents at her desk, suddenly lit up.

"Kou-chan! There are also macarons, Mont Blanc, financiers, soufflés, crème brûlée, and galette des rois from France!! And I love them all! They're so delicious, they make my cheeks fall off!"

"Ga, galette, huh? Garage sale? I don't quite get it, but wow, impressive. Now get back to work."

"Grumble grumble! I want to chat too! You're mean!!"

It's unfair to think I'm cold-hearted.

Because right now, Onigawara-kun and I are chatting while waiting for Marimo to finish her work.

Karin went home quite a while ago, saying she had chores.

It's completely dark outside, and we're still here, so it's not cold-hearted but rather warm.

Should we just go home then?

Don't be silly, I can't let a girl walk home alone in the dark.

"Where would you like to go, Kirishima-senpai?"

"Hmm... Maybe Machu Picchu? Mysterious places are great. Just the sound of it is mysterious. It would definitely rank high on the list of tourist spots you'd want to say out loud."

"Ah, that's nice. Such a big thing in such a place... Indeed, it's a man's romance."

"Exactly. Machu Picchu is great!"

"Oh, sorry, senpai. I need to go pick some flowers."

"Okay, take care."

Onigawara-kun, who should have been talking about a man's romance, left the room like a lady.

With a handkerchief in his mouth.

Today's handkerchief was yellow with discreetly elegant floral embroidery.

Indeed, as the son of a patisserie, even his handkerchief choices are elegant.

I thought Marimo would start spouting trivia about Machu Picchu, but contrary to my expectations, she was quiet.

When I looked up to see what was going on, Marimo was blushing and trembling.

She's probably holding her breath alone again, I thought, but I couldn't help but be concerned—that's my bad habit.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Hyaa!? I-I wasn't listening! I didn't hear anything you guys were talking about! Not at all, not at all, not at all!!"

"...Huh? Oh, right."

What's with this sudden declaration?

But she was part of the conversation just now.

So she was listening.

"Sorry! I actually heard everything! But it can't be helped, right? You're a boy. It's natural, or rather, a sign of health to be interested in such things. But since there's a girl here, you should be a little more considerate, you know?"

After staring for a while, Marimo started her own explanation.

And I could hear the gears of conversation screeching.

Such a mismatch.

It felt like the despair of messing up at the bottom of a Tetris game, thinking, "Ah, this is probably going to be off till the end."

"No, no, there's no male or female in Machu Picchu, right?"

"Miaa!? Don't say it so loudly!!"

"Huh? What do you think Machu Picchu is?"

Marimo's face turned even redder.

Like a Slime Beth.

"Eh, isn't it a naughty word!? I know that much!!"

—This girl is really an idiot.

Why does she know the names of French pastries but not Machu Picchu?

As always, she surpasses my understanding with ease.

Try to keep up.

Afterward, I tried to turn off Marimo's idiot mode by explaining Machu Picchu with illustrations.

Machu Picchu must be furious at being slandered.

Really, how can you keep slandering so many things, one after another?

Like a skilled apparel clerk.

And it was impossible to turn off the switch.

"Eh, so the rich terrine milk isn't a naughty word?"

"That's the pastry bread you were eating earlier! Understand what you buy!!"

Sorry, Shikishima Baking.

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