I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 64 English

 Chapter 64 – A Peaceful Summer Day (2)

On my way to Mashiro's apartment, I decided to stop by the supermarket and buy some snacks for her. That's when I stumbled upon something interesting.

It was a summer classic—watermelon.

Though it was a small variety, it was supposed to be quite sweet and flavorful. Thinking it would be perfect for enjoying the summer with Mashiro, I decided to buy one.

With the watermelon in a plastic bag, I continued towards Mashiro's place, walking through the sun-drenched residential streets.

It had been hot yesterday, and today was no different. Even though it was still morning, the cicadas' cries were already buzzing loudly in my ears.

Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I finally arrived at Mashiro's apartment. I climbed the stairs and pressed the doorbell in front of her door.

I could hear the sound of slippers pattering on the floor from the other side of the door, gradually getting closer.

As soon as the door swung open, Mashiro burst out, dressed casually in a light blue T-shirt and denim shorts—cool and laid-back.

The moment she saw me, her face lit up with a smile as bright as a blooming flower.

Unlike me and Mai, she hadn’t gotten any sunburn at all. Her skin was still as white and translucent as ever, which only made her stand out more. Yesterday, she had been careful to reapply sunscreen several times, and it seemed to have paid off.

“Good morning, Ryusuke! I’ve been waiting for you!”

“It’s almost noon, actually. Did you just wake up?”

“Ahaha… I was so sore from muscle pain that I couldn’t get up earlier.”

“Ah, I see. That explains the bedhead.”

“Huh? Oh no, I really do have bedhead... How embarrassing.”

Blushing, Mashiro touched her hair and tried to fix it with her fingers, fumbling around as it didn’t quite cooperate. Her usually tidy hair sticking up awkwardly was so cute that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t worry about the little things! Come on in, let’s get some studying done today.”

“Hold up, I brought something for you. We can eat it together later.”

I handed Mashiro the plastic bag with the watermelon inside. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the round, small melon.

“Wow, a watermelon! You bought this for me?”

“Yeah. I thought it’d be nice to have something summery.”

“I’m so happy, thanks, Ryusuke! I’ll cut it up for us later.”

“Sure, I’m counting on you. It'll be fun to have it during our break.”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too. Come on in, I’ve also got some cold tea ready.”

“Thanks, I’ll take you up on that.”

Following her lead, I stepped into the living room as usual.

The table was neatly organized for studying, and with the air conditioner running, the room felt comfortably cool.

Mashiro put the watermelon in the fridge and started preparing cold drinks. I sat down on the sofa, listening to the clinking of ice cubes.

I'll ask Mashiro about Reo’s suggestion for the summer festival after we finish studying. If we start talking about it now, we’ll just get distracted and won’t get anything done. It’s important to do things in the right order.

As I was thinking that, Mashiro came back into the living room, holding two glasses.

“I’ve chilled the watermelon, and here’s some iced tea. You can add milk or sugar syrup if you like.”


With a smile, Mashiro handed me a glass and sat down beside me, her expression soft and warm.

Seeing her smile, I couldn’t help but relax and take a sip through the straw.

The perfectly chilled iced tea slid down my parched throat, cooling me down from the summer heat outside.

As I enjoyed the tea, I noticed Mashiro watching me with a gentle smile.

“You’ve got a great tan, Ryusuke. It looks really cool.”

“Cool, huh? I just figured I got sunburned, really.”

“I think it’s great. The tanned look suits you—it’s refreshing and makes you look like an athletic, sporty guy.”

“Well, if you say so, maybe this sunburn isn't so bad after all.”

It didn’t feel bad to be called cool by Mashiro, but it was still a bit embarrassing to be complimented so directly. Since I knew she wasn’t just flattering me, it felt even more intense.

Even though we were in a nicely air-conditioned room, my face started heating up. Of course, Mashiro noticed and, with a mischievous smile, leaned in closer to take a look at my face.

“You’re easy to read, even with a tan. I can tell your cheeks are red.”

“This is just because it’s hot! It’s summer, after all.”

“Haha, you’re so cute when you try to dodge the question, Ryusuke.”

“Ugh... You’re always teasing me like that.”

“It’s just too much fun! Your reactions are so funny.”

“Geez... You really are something.”

I sighed in mock exasperation, and Mashiro giggled and extended her left hand toward me.

“Hey, let’s compare our tans. I want to see how much you’ve gotten compared to me.”

“Comparing with you seems a bit pointless, though.”

“It’s fine! C’mon, give me your hand.”

Her clear blue eyes looked at me with such sincerity that I couldn’t refuse, so I gave her my hand.

She placed her small, soft hand next to mine on the table, and we both looked at the contrast between my sunburned skin and her fair complexion.

“You didn’t get tanned at all, Mashiro. Both Mai and I got roasted at the beach yesterday, but you’re still so pale.”

“That’s because I was diligent with my sunscreen. I reapplied it several times and used the good waterproof kind.”

“You’re so thorough. Maybe I should start taking notes from your skincare routine.”

I said that, holding her hand in mine.

Even putting aside the fact that she’s a girl, it’s rare to see girl with such beautifully cared-for hands.

Her pink, rounded nails gleamed like pearls, and they were neatly trimmed, giving off a sense of cleanliness. Her skin was smooth, radiant, and almost translucent, with slender fingers that were soft and silky. It felt like holding a piece of art, and I found myself admiring her hand as I held it.

“Your hands are really pretty, Mashiro. They’re small and delicate, like a doll’s. But they’re warm, too.”

I let those thoughts slip out, and Mashiro’s face turned bright red as she averted her gaze. It seemed she wasn’t expecting to be complimented on her hands and was a bit flustered.

“I can tell when you’re blushing too, Mashiro. Even without a tan, your cheeks go red easily.”

“T-that’s just because it’s hot! Yeah, that’s it, it’s just the heat!”

“Oh, now you’re trying to dodge the question, just like me. You’re really cute, Mashiro.”

“Ugh… Now you’re teasing me…”

I couldn’t help but laugh at how she was mimicking my excuse.

Mashiro pouted a little and shot me a look of mock annoyance, but when I gently patted her head to smooth things over, she softened into a smile again. Her expressions shifted so easily, and it was never boring to watch her. Spending time with her was always fun.

After goofing around for a bit, we finally reached for our pens and textbooks.

“Let’s get started on the summer homework. I’d like to make some progress before lunch.”

“Right! Let’s begin with English.”

“Sounds good.”

And so, we spent the rest of the morning studying together.

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