I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 34 English

 Chapter 34 - Night Sky

From then on, we focused and kept studying diligently.

I helped Mashiro, while Reo taught Nishikawa, each of us addressing our respective weak points.

During the study session, whenever I was asked something, I could answer effortlessly, and the three of them were surprised by how easily I explained things.

Mashiro, in particular, was full of praise, saying, “Ryusuke, you’re such a great teacher! Everything’s sinking in so easily!” Reo, impressed by this, also continued teaching Nishikawa with enthusiasm.

Eventually, today’s study session came to an end as we approached the school’s final closing time.

At Kio Academy, the final closing time is 8 p.m., so it was already pitch-dark outside. While there were other students who stayed behind to study for tests, by the time the closing time rolled around, most of them had already left. We packed up and left the empty classroom, and on our way to the entrance, we didn’t encounter a single other student. That was proof enough of how few people were still around.

Mashiro, who had stepped outside first, was gazing up at the sky.

I stood next to her and looked up at the night sky as well.

“Wow, you can see the stars. They’re so beautiful...”

“Yeah, the weather’s nice today, so you can see the moon clearly too. It’s not often you get a view like this.”

“Yeah, it’s really beautiful. It feels kind of strange looking up at the night sky from school like this. But it’s fun!”

“True. For both of us, it’s a scene we don’t usually get to see.”

The stars, scattered across the canvas of the night sky like jewels, captivated both me and Mashiro. As she said, the night sky felt different today—mysterious, somehow—and much more beautiful than usual.

As we stood side by side, gazing at the night sky, Reo and Nishikawa, who had just come out of the entrance, called out to us.

“We often stay this late because of club activities, so it’s a shame we can’t appreciate the night sky with the same freshness as Ryusuke and Mashiro-san.”

“Isn’t the night sky always the same? Whether it’s clear or cloudy, what’s the difference?”

“Kyoya, you need to be a bit more romantic.”

“Romantic, huh? Yeah, that’s probably a word I’ll never relate to.”

Reo shrugged his shoulders at Nishikawa’s comment and shook his head.

Mashiro and I laughed softly as we listened to their conversation. After exchanging a glance, we turned to face Reo and Nishikawa.

“Reo, Nishikawa, thanks for today. I really enjoyed studying with you guys.”

“Me too! I got more studying done today than I ever have, thanks to you two!”

“I’m glad you feel that way. Kyoya was also way better at remembering things today compared to usual.”

“Hey, Reo. That makes it sound like I’m normally terrible at remembering things!”

“Well, I’m not denying it.”

“Ugh... You little—!”

I couldn’t help but envy the way Reo and Nishikawa could talk so freely with each other. Deep down, I wished I could get that close with them someday too.

“Oh, Ryusuke. Do you have plans for another study session tomorrow or the day after?”

“Yeah. Until the test day, Mashiro and I are planning to study together every day in that room.”

“In that case, do you mind if I join in again? I still need to prepare more for the test, and seeing how well you teach Mashiro-san, I’d like to ask for your help as well.”

“I’d be happy to help as much as I can. Though I’m not sure if there’s anything I can teach to the second-highest student in our grade.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Ryusuke. Honestly, I think you’re way smarter than I am. No need to be humble. I’m looking forward to learning from you.”

“Thanks, Reo. That really means a lot. I still struggle a bit with subjects that require memorization, so I’d appreciate studying with you too.”

“Great, then it’s settled. Mashiro-san, I look forward to studying with you tomorrow as well. And Kyoya will join us, so I hope you’ll get along with him.”

“Yes, Reo-kun. I’m looking forward to getting to know both of you better. Nishikawa-kun, let’s work together again starting tomorrow, okay?”

“Wh-what!? Y-yes...!!”

“Haha, maybe studying together will help you stop stumbling over your words, too?”

Mashiro giggled as she watched Nishikawa’s nervous reaction, clearly amused.

After enjoying our conversation for a while, we finally left the school.

It turned out that Reo and Nishikawa shared the same route home as us, so the four of us walked together. Since it was already quite late, I planned to walk Mashiro all the way to her apartment.

Mashiro seemed to enjoy teasing the flustered Nishikawa, and even though he was embarrassed, he seemed happy to talk to her.

Watching those two from behind, I walked alongside Reo.

“Kyoya is really funny, huh? He’s always like that when talking to Mashiro-san.”

“Yeah, ever since we hung out at the mall last Saturday, he’s been like that. But Mashiro also seems to be enjoying making new friends.”

“You’ve known Mashiro-san since childhood, right? I’m a bit envious of your relationship with her.”

“Envious, huh? Well, I’ve caused Mashiro a lot of trouble. You know that I’ve been a delinquent, and I’ve made her worry more times than I can count.”

“Ryusuke, you’ve got quite the reputation as a bad boy. I was really surprised when I found out we were in the same class in high school. Kyoya told me you were pretty wild back in middle school, too.”

“Yeah, I started acting out around my second year of middle school. Before that, I was a serious student... but I strayed from the path.”

“But now, it seems like you’re doing your best to get back on track. You’re showing that through your actions. Honestly, it surprised me today—like seeing a completely different person.”

“Haha... I just cut my hair, dyed it black again, and dressed a little better. That’s all.”

“Even small changes can make a big difference. At least to me, the change is so drastic that I can hardly believe you were ever a delinquent.”

“Is that so? Then I guess it’s a big success.”

“But, Ryusuke, can I ask you something? You started coming to school regularly, attending classes, and even changed your appearance. What made you decide to do all of this? I really want to know.”

“Oh yeah, I did say I’d tell you another time, didn’t I? I guess I can tell you now, Reo.”

I looked at Mashiro walking ahead of us.

Then, turning to face Reo, I scratched my cheek and answered.

“At first, it was just for myself. But now... it’s all for Mashiro. I want to see her smile, and I want to protect her. That’s why I wanted to change.”

“For Mashiro-san, huh? That’s quite a cool thing to say, Ryusuke.”

“Reo, this isn’t the time for teasing.”

I smiled wryly at Reo’s comment, but he gave me a serious look and smiled gently.

“I’m not teasing. I really think it’s cool.”


“If it were just empty words, I might’ve teased you. But you’ve already shown through your actions that you’re trying to change. Anyone who hears that and sees what you’re doing can’t help but think it’s cool.”

“Thanks, Reo. I really appreciate hearing that.”

Reo’s sincere words warmed my heart.

“Ryusuke, keep up the good work. I’m rooting for you... Oh, looks like this is where we part ways. Kyoya and I will head off here.”

“Yeah. See you at school tomorrow.”

“Yup, looking forward to tomorrow’s study session. Come on, Kyoya, let’s go.”

“Y-yep! R-right...”

“Haha, thanks again, Mashiro-san. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye, Reo-kun! Nishikawa-kun, see you!”

Waving goodbye to Reo and Nishikawa as they walked away, Mashiro and I resumed walking down the same path.

“Well, Mashiro, I’ll walk you to your apartment today as well.”

“Thanks, Ryusuke.”

Even in the dimly lit street illuminated only by streetlights, Mashiro’s smile was so bright and cute. Just looking at her cheerful face made me feel like I could take on school again tomorrow.

As we walked, our hands brushed against each other.

Before we knew it, we were holding hands naturally, without either of us making a conscious effort.

Fingers intertwined, sharing each other’s warmth.

As if to reassure ourselves of the other’s presence, I squeezed her small hand gently, and she squeezed mine back.

Then, looking up at me, she spoke.

“Ryusuke, let’s stay together forever.”

“Yeah, together. Mashiro, I’ll always be by your side.”

“Thank you. I’m counting on you!”

Mashiro’s innocent smile was so filled with happiness that I wanted to keep looking at it forever.

I swore to protect this happiness. From now on, always.

With that renewed determination, we walked together under the starlit sky, matching each other’s steps.

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