I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 19 English

 Chapter 19 - Friend

The stares from my classmates during the afternoon classes were unbearable.

Most of them had witnessed the scene where I yelled at Fusegawa Raito.

The background characters in this story must subconsciously recognize the protagonist as a figure of justice. So, if someone like me, the designated villain, rebelled against that justice for any reason, then it’s only natural that their hostility would be directed at me in this way.

While the protagonist and the heroines continued with their romantic comedy scenes as if nothing had happened, I could hear the heroines frequently asking Raito things like, "Is your arm okay?" and "If anything happens, feel free to talk to us."

Clearly, the event I sparked with the protagonist had become widely known.

This was an unexpected development, something that didn’t happen in the original story, and it was a situation where the knowledge from my previous life was no longer of any use.

All the progress I’d made—attending classes diligently, becoming friends with Reo, the best friend character—was suddenly back to square one... No, perhaps I had been dragged back even further, into negative territory.

As I was tormented by these worries, all the classes for the day finally ended, and it was time to go home.

Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist, met up with Sakuramiya Miyuki, the student council president who had been waiting for him in the hallway, and left school with the heroines, Hanazaki Yuna and Himeno Karen, in tow.

I was wary that Raito might try something against Mashiro, the girl he had injured, after school, but perhaps my hostile glare, full of clear intent, had some effect when I told him to "stay away from Mashiro."

As he glanced at me, he quickly turned away and left in a hurry, almost as if fleeing. Given that, I shouldn’t have to worry about him approaching Mashiro for a while.

I intended to check on Mashiro’s leg and, if necessary, walk her home before heading back myself. Just as I grabbed my school bag and stood up—

“Ryusuke, got a moment?”

A gentle voice called out, making me turn around.

There he was, raising his hand slightly with a friendly smile.

"Reo, what about your club activities?"

"They're about to start. But there's still a bit of time before that," 

Reo Kizaki, the best friend character of the protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, and the person I managed to befriend during today's gym class, replied.

Reo slowly walked towards me.

Reo was protagonist’s best friend, which meant today’s incident had surely reached his ears as well. Just like the other background characters who had openly displayed their hostility towards me, he probably didn’t have a good impression of me either. More than anyone, as Raito’s best friend, he might harbor even stronger feelings against me.

Uneasy, I averted my gaze from him.

"I heard about what happened today. It sounds like you had a rough time during lunch."

“...Yeah. Of course, you’d know, being close to Fusegawa.”

"Well, yeah. Plus, other friends from different classes told me that you were rough with Raito."


I listened in silence to what Reo had to say.

I was certain that he would now condemn me as the villain who had harmed his best friend, Raito.

But contrary to my expectations, Reo continued to smile kindly.

"Even though I wasn't there to see it myself, I talked to some friends and came to the conclusion that you weren’t in the wrong, Ryusuke."

“Reo... But why do you think that? The truth is, I did shout at Fusegawa.”

"Sure, but it was because you were worried about your childhood friend, right? Raito wasn’t paying attention while he was focused on his phone, and ended up bumping into her, causing her to get hurt. I think it’s only natural for you to get angry."

“How do you even know that Mashiro is my childhood friend…?”

"I have a lot of connections, you know. Friends in other classes told me about your relationship with Mashiro."

Of course, that’s what you’d expect from the high-spec, handsome best friend character. Reo has many friends besides Fusegawa Raito, so it’s no surprise that word of our connection reached his ears too.

"Although our friendship is still new, I have a sense that you’re not someone who would act out violently or lash out without reason. I think you’re honest and sincere."

“You can tell that much just from playing basketball together?”

"Well, I’ve been watching how you conduct yourself during classes and breaks for a while. Playing basketball just confirmed what I suspected—that you’re a straightforward and gentlemanly person. Although, to be honest, I was still a bit cautious until we actually played together."

“I see. But you’re overestimating me. I used to skip school all the time and do nothing but delinquent things.”

"Even so, you’re trying to change now, aren’t you? At least, that’s how it seems to me. I can sense that you’re working hard to turn over a new leaf and live seriously."

There was no hint of doubt or hostility in Reo’s eyes. He gave me a pat on the shoulder and spoke with a refreshing smile.

"What I wanted to say is, no matter what others think of you, I consider you a friend. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to talk to me. If I can help, I will."


I was at a loss for words. I never expected to hear such kind words.

Reo is different from the protagonist and the heroines who flock around him. He treats me, the villain, without any prejudice. That made me incredibly happy, and I was genuinely glad to have someone like Reo call me a friend.

"Also, about what happened today—I think Raito was the one in the wrong. You mentioned it yourself, but walking around school while looking at your phone is dangerous. There are lots of people around, so there’s a real risk of bumping into someone. Mashiro got off with just a mild sprain, but it could have been much worse. She could have hit her head and gotten seriously injured. I’ll talk to Raito myself. So don’t worry about it, Ryusuke."

Reo’s kind words made my hands tremble as I looked at him.

I had thought that everything I had built today had collapsed in an instant. I thought that my friendship with Reo had come to an end.

But I was wrong. The efforts I made to shed my villainous role weren’t in vain. The fact that Reo was standing by me was proof of that.

Reo embodies the ideal friend that everyone longs for. He has a strong sense of what is right and wrong and remains true to his beliefs, never swayed by the opinions of others.

Reo's unwavering sense of justice, driven by sincerity and honesty, is something that even the world's strongest forces couldn't bend. 

If he could be easily swayed, he would never fulfill his role as the best friend character who supports the protagonist. Only someone with a truly strong will could be the emotional support for a protagonist facing countless challenges.

And this person—Reo—was telling me that I was in the right. That meant my path to the perfect youth I desired wasn’t closed off after all. I would continue striving towards my happy ending, step by step.

"Oh, it’s almost time for practice. I guess I’ll see you later."

"Reo, good luck with your club activities."

"Thanks. Be careful on your way home, Ryusuke."

"I will."

Reo waved and left the classroom.

I grabbed my bag and followed after him.

A breeze blew in through the window, as if urging me on. Encouraged by that wind, I headed to the classroom where Mashiro was waiting.

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