I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 27 English

 Chapter 27 - The Arcade

The four of us visited an arcade inside a shopping mall.

Taking Nishikawa, whom we just met today, to karaoke seemed like a bit of a stretch, and simply window shopping would probably be boring. So, I figured the best way to bond with him was through the arcade.

The arcade was bustling with people, especially since it was a weekend.

Families with children and couples gathered around the crane games, while young people like us populated the areas with arcade games and rhythm games.

In the midst of it all, Mashiro's blue eyes sparkled as she looked at a particular game.

"Look, look! That stuffed animal is so cute!"

She was gazing at a crane game, inside which sat a giant stuffed cat. As a cat lover, things like this probably made her excited.

"Do you like those kinds of things, Mashiro?"

"Yes! I love them! But I'm not very good at crane games, so I always mess up and can never get anything..."

"I see. Crane games are tough, aren't they? I'm not great at them either. How about you, Kyoya? You're good at games, right?"

Nishikawa, prompted by Reo's question, thought for a moment before answering.

"I haven't really played crane games much. I'm more into competitive games like FPS."

"Are you talking about 'Airex'? The online shooting game you play, Kyoya? I've seen a lot of gameplay videos of it online."

"Yeah. It's called 'Airex Legend.' I play it every day after I get home from club activities. There's a ranking match mode where you can test your skills, and I'm at Diamond rank right now."

[TL Note: Apex Legend]

"That's impressive. Are you aiming to become a professional gamer?"

"No way. Diamond rank isn't high enough for that. Above Diamond, there's Master, and then Predator above that. To go pro, you'd need to at least reach Predator."

Mashiro, overhearing Reo and Nishikawa's conversation, reacted with excitement.

"I know Airex! Ryusuke is really good at that game too! Hey, Nishikawa-kun, why don't you try playing with Ryusuke? I think it would be fun!"

"...Shindo, huh? But, you see, there's an internal rating system and other details. If you want to play with someone like me at Diamond rank, you'd need to be around Platinum level or higher—"

Before Nishikawa could finish, I cut in to reveal my own rank.

"Don’t worry about it, Nishikawa-kun. I’ve been at Predator rank for a while now."

"P-Predator!? No way, Shindo, you’re at Predator rank...!"

"Well, I spent a lot of time playing instead of going to school... Unlike you, who’s serious about club activities, I had plenty of time for games."

"No, but still, that's incredible...! Only a limited number of people can reach Predator rank, and you have to be seriously skilled to get there!"

"Ah, well, this season seems like it’s going to be tough. I’m too busy with studying, working out, and house chores to focus on gaming."

"Th-Then... If you ever have some free time, would you play with me? I really want to get better!"

"I don't mind at all. As long as you're okay with it, Nishikawa-kun."

"P-Please! I’d be really grateful!"

Nishikawa, who quickly warmed up once we started talking about his favorite game, really is a typical high school boy. The animosity he had before seemed to vanish completely once he realized we shared common interests.

"Did you hear that, Reo? Ryusuke is at Predator rank!"

"Yeah, I don’t really get it, but it sounds amazing."

Mashiro and Reo watched our exchange with warm smiles.

Feeling a bit embarrassed by their gaze, I looked away. Mashiro came closer and gave me a playful pat on the back.

"Okay, Ryusuke! Let’s show Reo-kun and Nishikawa-kun that you’re good at other games too! How about the crane game?"

"You just want me to win that stuffed animal from the crane game, don't you?"

"Haha, you caught me. But pretty please?"

"Sigh, fine."

Today, I had come prepared to show my gratitude to Mashiro. If she wanted a stuffed animal, winning one was a piece of cake.

I led the group over to the crane game machine. As I pulled out my wallet, Nishikawa asked me a question.

"Shindo, are you good at crane games too, not just Airex...?"

"Just watch. I didn’t spend all that time goofing off for nothing."

I inserted a coin and began operating the crane. My target was the stuffed cat sitting in the center of the glass case.

This type of crane game has only one prize inside the case, and you have to skillfully maneuver the crane multiple times to eventually drop the stuffed animal into the retrieval slot.

Normally, you'd have to insert several coins and slowly move the stuffed animal little by little to win it. But with all my experience playing crane games, I could handle the crane with precision.

The crane I operated descended slightly off-center from the stuffed animal. To beginners like Reo and Nishikawa, it probably looked like I had missed. But this was just the setup for winning the prize on the next attempt.

I inserted another coin and operated the crane again. This time, it moved exactly as I wanted. Reo and Nishikawa reacted in surprise as they watched.

"Whoa! The arm hooked onto the tag's loop!"

"So that’s how it works. The first move was to adjust the stuffed animal’s angle, and the second was to hook the arm through the tag loop and lift it."

As they described, the crane arm I controlled caught the tag perfectly and lifted the stuffed animal towards the retrieval slot.

Finally, when the crane arm opened, the tag slipped off, and the stuffed animal dropped into the slot.

"Something like this. If the store hasn’t set it up too tightly, you can sometimes get it on the first try, but this one took two tries because it was a bit off."

I retrieved the stuffed animal and handed it to Mashiro. She smiled brightly and hugged the stuffed cat tightly.

"As requested, I’ve secured the cat plushie for you, Mashiro."

"Thank you, Ryusuke! You’re the best—so dependable and super cool!"

"The way you’re complimenting me, it sounds like you want the black cat plushie next to it too, doesn’t it?"

"Hehe, yeah. I really like the black cat too, Ryusuke."

"Alright, just wait here. It looks like it’s in an easy spot to grab, so I’ll get it quickly."


I moved over to the next crane game and started operating the crane again. As I did, I overheard Reo and Nishikawa talking behind me.

"Hey, Kyoya. Ryusuke is a really kind person, isn’t he? He helps his friends without a second thought."

"I’m not sure yet... I mean, I can tell he’s amazing... He’s one of the best in the game I play, and he’s incredibly good at crane games too..."

"Are you thinking that Ryusuke is just pretending to be nice? Is that what you think, Kyoya?"

"I can’t help it... The Shindo Ryusuke I heard about and the one standing here now seem like two completely different people..."

"Yeah, I get that. But I’m sure that eventually—no, pretty soon—you’ll see Ryusuke’s good side too."


Nishikawa fell silent after hearing Reo’s words. It was a silence that could be interpreted either way.

But I could sense it. The hostility he had when we first met was no longer there. Now, there was a feeling of curiosity about me.

Soon after, I secured the black cat plushie from the other crane game, just as Mashiro had requested. As I was about to hand it to her, Reo spoke to me.

"Ryusuke, it’s about time for us to head home. It’s getting late."

"Got it. You and Nishikawa-kun must be tired from club activities, and you’ve got practice tomorrow too."

"Yeah. We didn’t get to play for long, but I had fun. Even though Kyoya might look grumpy, I think he actually enjoyed himself too."

"Who knows? Well, if you say so, then I’ll take it as a compliment."

"Please do. Anyway, see you at school on Monday. Thanks again, Ryusuke."

"Same here. Thanks a lot."

After saying goodbye to me, Reo started to leave the arcade with Nishikawa. But Nishikawa looked like he had something to say and turned back towards me.

He seemed a bit nervous, his expression showing a hint of tension. He mumbled to himself, trying to say something, but no words came out.

Just then, Reo gave Nishikawa a push, nudging him towards me. Surprised, Nishikawa stopped in front of me.

"Come on, Kyoya. If there’s something you want to say, just say it."

"Uh... Oh, uh... yeah..."

Encouraged by Reo, Nishikawa looked me in the eye. His gaze seemed determined.

"S-So, Shindo... You said you’d play Airex with me, right? And, uh... I want to exchange IDs, so could we swap RINE?"

"Of course, Nishikawa-kun. I’d be happy to."

"T-Thank you, Shindo..."

Nishikawa quickly pulled out his smartphone. We exchanged RINE contacts with each other.

"Alright then. See you later, Nishikawa-kun."

"W-Wait... I have one more favor to ask."


When I tilted my head, Nishikawa turned to Mashiro and showed her his RINE QR code.

"M-M-Mashi... Mashiro-san! C-Could you scan this QR code and add me... please...?!"

With his face flushed red, Nishikawa held out his phone to Mashiro and bowed his head.

"Oh, you want to exchange with me too!? Yay! You said we’d be friends, so I’m really happy!"

"I-I’m honored... to hear that...!"

Mashiro beamed as she scanned Nishikawa’s QR code. The notification that their contacts had been exchanged popped up on both of their phones.

"Nice to meet you, Nishikawa-kun!"

"Y-Yes!! P-Please take care of me...!"

"Hehe, that’s a funny way of replying. Did you get nervous and trip over your words?"

"I-I'm sorry...!"

"It’s okay, it’s okay. No need to apologize. Let’s just be good friends from now on, okay?"

Smiling brightly, Mashiro alternated her gaze between Nishikawa and her phone contact, while Nishikawa, his face still beet red, seemed to tremble with joy.

Ah, I get it now. Ever since Mashiro showed up, Nishikawa had been acting shy, and now I understand why.

He probably fell for Mashiro's charm too. She’s not just the most beautiful girl, she’s also sweet and approachable. No wonder Nishikawa was desperate to exchange contact information.

"Ryusuke, Mashiro-san, can I exchange RINE with you too? I know I’m piggybacking on Kyoya’s request, but I’ve been meaning to ask."

"Of course! I’ve been wanting to become better friends with you, Reo-kun, and I’m sure Ryusuke feels the same!"

"Yeah, just like Mashiro said. I’d love to have your contact info, Reo."

"Really? Thanks, both of you."

Reo, just like Nishikawa, showed us his QR code. Mashiro and I scanned it, completing our RINE exchange.

"Alright then, let’s keep in touch, Ryusuke, Mashiro-san."

"Looking forward to it, Reo."

"Me too, Reo-kun!"

And so, we successfully exchanged contact information with each other.

Now, I could get closer to Reo, and someday Nishikawa would come to understand me too.

Feeling happy about that, I waved goodbye to Reo and Nishikawa as they left the arcade.


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