I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 17 English

 Chapter 17 - As a Villain

Such a development was not in the original story. However, a new tale was indeed about to unfold right before my eyes, where the protagonist and the heroine were destined to meet. An irregular development was taking place.

The protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, looked down at Mashiro, who he had collided with, in a flustered manner.

Mashiro, who had fallen on her butt, had a shocked expression as she held down her skirt, which had flipped up, with both hands. Her face turned bright red as she looked up at Fusegawa Raito and said in a trembling voice,

“Did you… see?”

“No, no! I didn’t see anything! Really, I didn’t see anything!”

Fusegawa Raito shook his head desperately, his face blushing. But his expression clearly indicated that he had seen under Mashiro’s skirt.

I know this scene. I’ve seen similar scenarios many times in the story of "Fusekoi."

A "lucky pervert" moment—an event typical in romantic comedies, happening due to a sudden mishap.

Such events typically only occur between the protagonist and the heroine. But here it was, happening between Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist, and Mashiro.

Their encounter was not by chance but by fate.

Mashiro, having become the world’s most beautiful girl, was given a new role as a heroine, and this world enforced that role upon her.

The situation where Mashiro collided with Fusegawa Raito and fell was orchestrated, forcing it to happen.

Mashiro falling, her hand touching the floor, her skirt flipping up and revealing her underwear—all of it was the result of the world exerting its force to create this "lucky pervert" event with the protagonist.

And at the same time, my body being paralyzed as if by some spell was also because this world was interfering with me.

I am Mashiro’s childhood friend, and if she had fallen, I should have been the first to help her up, faster than Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist.

But I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. This world didn’t allow it.

It kept restricting my movements, ensuring that the villain never moved to help the heroine before the protagonist did.

“Anyway, stand up. The afternoon class is about to start soon, so come on.”

Saying that, Fusegawa Raito gently extended his hand to Mashiro.

If she takes that hand, their romantic story will begin. She will become one of the heroines surrounding the protagonist, spending her days as part of the harem.

I certainly wanted to change the tragic fate I had seen for Mashiro in the original story. I wished for her happiness even if it meant denying my feelings.

If Mashiro becomes one of the heroines around Fusegawa Raito, she might not reach a catastrophic ending in the future. She wouldn’t turn to evil, vowing revenge on Fusegawa Raito and the heroines.

But—even so, I couldn’t allow it. I didn’t want to allow it. This was selfish. I didn’t want to give up on Mashiro.

I wanted to spend my youth with her.

Together, we had decided to face the absurdities of this world.

With a cry from my heart, Shindo Ryusuke within me also spoke out in anger.

Mashiro is my childhood friend, a precious friend, an irreplaceable person. She changed herself for me. It was her feelings for me that transformed into effort, allowing her to shine as the most beautiful girl.

Yet, just because Fusegawa Raito is the protagonist of this story, he is trying to take away someone precious to me. Even if this world allows it, we will never forgive it.

Shindo Ryusuke roared in my heart like a blazing fire. But now, we were just background characters, unable to interfere in the world of Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist, and Mashiro, the heroine.

This world tells us to remain mere background characters.

(Screw that…!)

We have to stop this, no matter what.

Even if it breaks the norms of this world, we didn’t want Mashiro to be taken away.

Move, move—move!!!!!

Clenching my teeth and fists, we fought against the rules of this world.

And that anger, that hatred, awakened the role within us.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

I found my voice. My body moved.

I grabbed Fusegawa Raito’s outstretched hand toward Mashiro and raised my voice in anger.

“You knocked Mashiro over! The least you could do is bow your head in apology! What the hell do you think you’re laughing about!?”

“Wha…!? Y-You, Shindo Ryusuke…!?”

Fusegawa Raito was surprised by the sudden turn of events.

But I didn’t care. I forcibly pulled his arm. Fusegawa Raito’s face twisted in pain.

I glared at Fusegawa Raito and spoke in a strong tone.

“I saw you. This happened because you were using your phone while walking in school! It’s dangerous!”


“What if you caused serious injury to the person you collided with!?”

“N-No… I’m sorry.”

Fusegawa Raito looked away as I yelled at him.

I pressed on.

“You don’t apologize to me! Apologize to Mashiro!”

“O-Okay… I wasn’t paying attention, I’m really sorry, um, Mashiro-san?”

After Fusegawa Raito finally admitted his fault and apologized to Mashiro, I lifted her from where she had fallen.

“Ryu… Ryusuke…?”

I gently reassured Mashiro, who was looking at me with a red face.

“Are you alright, Mashiro? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I-I’m fine, Ryusuke. But, why? This is… a princess carry…”

She averted her eyes from me, her cheeks turning even redder. Her ears were also flushed. She was embarrassed about being carried princess-style, but now she had to endure it.

“I’ll take you to the nurse’s office. Even if you’re not in pain now, it’s better to have the nurse check you. It looked like you twisted your ankle when you fell, just in case.”

“But class is about to start…”

“You’ve been diligent in attending classes, so it’s okay to take a little break. I’ll explain everything to the nurse, so don’t worry.”

“But… I’m more worried about your attendance…”

“It’s fine. Let’s go. Hold on tight.”

“O-Okay, thank you, Ryusuke…”

Mashiro put her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

I smiled gently at her and left the classroom with her in my arms.

In my arms, Mashiro’s face was red, but she seemed happy and was smiling.

As I walked down the hallway, holding her carefully, I recalled what had just happened.

I thought about why I, who had been just a background character, was able to move. The anger and hatred within me had stirred my previously immovable body. As a result, I was able to interfere in the rom-com narrative of the protagonist and the heroine.

I understood what this meant.

There’s only one event where the villain can interfere with the absolute justice that is the protagonist in a story.

(It’s begun… the storyline where I am ruined by the protagonists.)

At that moment, I proved to the world that I was a clear enemy to the protagonist. I exercised my role as a villain against the protagonist.

Being a villain doesn’t just mean hindering the protagonist. That’s just a process; the real role lies beyond that.

In a rom-com, the role of the villain is to become an obstacle to the protagonist and the heroine, ultimately being defeated by the protagonist and exiting the story in ruin.


I was okay with that.

If I had remained a mere background character, I couldn’t have protected Mashiro. Fusegawa Raito, the protagonist, would have taken her away. So, I chose the path of opposing the protagonist to change that fate.


“Hmm? What is it, Ryusuke?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Hehe, you’re acting strange.”

Seeing Mashiro’s smile as she giggled in my arms, I engraved a new vow in my heart.

I won’t let anyone take Mashiro away.

To protect her, I won’t fear getting hurt.

I will fight against this world until the very end. I will never give up.

I will absolutely seize happiness with Mashiro—together.

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