I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 42 English

 Chapter 42 - Torrential Rain

Before I knew it, summer vacation had arrived.

Mashiro and I had been talking every day at school—discussing where to go for a beach trip, what to bring for camping, and more. Sometimes we disagreed, but even those moments were fun.

Our excitement for summer break kept growing, and each day, I found myself heading to school with a lighter step. Mashiro, too, seemed more excited with each passing day, her smile growing brighter as the last day of school approached.

But when summer vacation finally came…

“Rain… Seriously, rain?”

I sighed deeply as I stared out of the living room window.

It was pouring. The rain was so heavy, driven sideways by the wind, that visibility was almost zero.

Yesterday, when I checked the weather on my phone, the chance of rain was 0%.

The forecast had promised sunny skies and perfect weather for a while—ideal for outdoor activities. Yet, when the day arrived, we were greeted with an unexpected downpour.

According to the weather report, a rapidly developing low-pressure system was to blame. In short, the forecast had been completely wrong.

Mashiro and I had planned to go camping today.

It was something Mashiro had wanted, and we’d decided to start summer vacation with a camping trip on the very first day.

The plan was to set up a tent at the forest park, cook curry together, gaze at the night sky, and then sleep in the same tent. It was supposed to be a perfect evening, and I had everything prepared.

But then morning came.

I woke up full of energy, only to see huge raindrops pelting against the window.

And the downpour was so intense that going outside was out of the question.

We were supposed to leave around noon, so I had been hoping the rain would stop all morning. But instead of clearing up, the weather worsened, with the wind picking up as well.

By the time 1 PM rolled around—the time we were supposed to leave—I called Mashiro to tell her that today’s camping trip was canceled.

Mashiro’s reply came with a hint of disappointment. Even over the phone, I could tell she was feeling down, and that made me feel even worse.

But there was no fighting the weather. Forcing ourselves outside in this storm, risking something happening to Mashiro, was out of the question. We had no choice but to give up on camping for today.

“You seem down, Onii-chan…”

As I sat on the living room couch, staring outside, my younger sister, Mai, spoke to me.

Her track and field practice had been canceled due to the rain, so she’d been stuck inside all day, just like me.

Mai looked at me with concern.

She knew about all the plans Mashiro and I had made for summer vacation.

"To think that my grumpy Onii-chan, who’s never done anything summer-like before, is finally going to have a summer with Mashiro like a proper couple!" 

She’d been so happy for us, as if it were her own joy. Seeing me like this must have worried her.

Not wanting to make her sad, I tried to force a cheerful response.

“I’m fine, Mai. The camping trip is just postponed. We can always reschedule for a nicer day. I’m not bothered by it.”

“There’s no convincing anyone when you say that with a face like you’re about to cry. You really wanted to go, didn’t you?”

“...Yeah, I did. Mashiro’s disappointed too, and I was really looking forward to it. But there’s nothing we can do about the weather.”

“True… There’s nothing we can do about the rain. Ugh, what a cruel thing for the gods to do. On the first day of summer vacation, no less…”


It really feels like the gods are against me. Why else would they try so hard to keep me and Mashiro apart? The timing was just too cruel.

Maybe this weather was caused by the gods of this world, trying to stop Mashiro and me from enjoying our camping trip.

If that were the case, it would explain this sudden weather shift.

"As a villain, there’s no way you’re allowed to go camping alone with the most beautiful girl in the world, Mashiro."  

"Villains should stay at home and spend their summer vacation in loneliness, as befits their role."

It felt like that was the message the universe was sending.

I could sense a certain malevolence in the air, as if the world itself disapproved of me and Mashiro having fun together.

If I’m right about this, the situation is serious.

We’ve planned a lot of outdoor activities for this summer. Swimming at the beach, attending summer festivals, and watching fireworks are all on our list.

There are no descriptions in the original story about how Shindo Ryusuke and  Amanatsu Mashiro spend their summer vacation. The focus is on the summer break adventures of the protagonist and his three heroines, with no mention of us, the villains.

At the very least, can’t we villains be allowed to enjoy the parts not shown in the original?

But it feels like the story is still hurtling us toward the ruinous ending that’s been set for us. The plot is determined that we villains live out our days as villains, only to be judged and punished by the main characters in the end.

If this keeps up, there’s a chance the weather will continue to ruin all of our plans for the rest of summer vacation.

It’s as if the world doesn’t think someone like me, a villain, deserves the kind of youthful romance the main characters get to enjoy.

But I refuse to give up. I won’t let go of this.

Even villains deserve a taste of youth.

No matter what obstacles come our way, I’m determined to spend the best summer vacation ever with Mashiro.

I pulled out my phone, thinking of ways to salvage the situation. I racked my brain, searching for an alternative plan for spending time with Mashiro. Just then…

My phone rang.

On the screen, a cute cat icon appeared. I immediately pressed the call button and held the phone to my ear.

From the other end, I heard a familiar, sweet voice.

"Hello, Ryusuke! Sorry for calling out of the blue."

It was Mashiro.

Her voice was bright, cheerful, and filled with a bubbly energy. It was so soft and comforting that it warmed my heart.

Just hearing her voice made the gloom from earlier disappear.

“What’s up, Mashiro? Didn’t I already call you about canceling the camping trip about an hour ago?”

“Yeah, I remember. But since then, I’ve been thinking all day about what we could do instead.”


“Yeah, I just can’t give up on camping with you, Ryusuke. I was really looking forward to it, so I kept thinking of a way to make it happen.”

Her words made my chest feel warm.

Mashiro had been just as excited as I was.

She’d been looking forward to today, and even though the rain had ruined our plans, she was still trying to find a way for us to be together.

Then Mashiro made a suggestion that surprised me.

“So, I thought… if we can’t camp outdoors, why don’t we do something like camping indoors instead?”

“...Huh? Camping indoors?”

Isn’t that basically just a sleepover? I thought that, but Mashiro’s voice over the speaker had a mischievous, playful tone, as if something exciting was bound to happen.

“Anyway, come over to my place now. I know it’s tough with the rain, but… please?”

“I don’t mind, but what do I tell my family? They’ll know it’s impossible to camp outside with this weather…”

“It’s fine, just tell them you’re staying over. I’ll talk to your mom and convince her, so you take care of Mai-chan, okay?”

“Got it. I’ll let my sister know. Anything else?”

“Nope, that’s all for now. We’ll talk more when you get here! Take care on your way, and sorry for making you come out in the rain.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy you invited me.”

“Hehe… I’ll be waiting, Ryusuke. See you soon!”

After the call ended, I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

She really is like a storm.

But thanks to her, I feel much better.

Mashiro is always like this—lifting my spirits when I need it most. And once again, I’m reminded of something important.

No matter what this world throws at us, there’s no stopping Mashiro’s boundless energy and optimism.

Even the gods couldn’t stop her from finding a way to enjoy summer vacation with me.

Since coming to this world, I’ve drawn strength from Mashiro’s lively, cheerful nature time and time again.

I’ll trust her once more. As long as I’m with her, I know we can overcome anything, no matter how tough things get.

With renewed determination, I began preparing to head to Mashiro’s house.

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