I Reincarnated as the Villain in a Rom-Com, but I'm Enjoying Youth with My Favorite Heroine - Chapter 21 English

 Chapter 21 - Clothing

Since that day, no events had occurred between the protagonist, Fusegawa Raito, and me until the weekend when school was out.

I had been wary and cautious about any contact with Mashiro, but Fusegawa Raito was just living his usual rom-com life, surrounded by his three heroines, without any particularly unusual behavior.

He was probably preparing for the upcoming beach trip event. It seemed that even the protagonist couldn't handle more than that.

Reo, on the other hand, continued to talk to me casually, as if he genuinely considered me a friend. He even proactively paired up with me during gym class. His gentle, non-threatening expression was soothing.

I attended all my classes seriously, with no tardiness or absences, and I had submitted all my pending assignments. Since my reincarnation, I had been the epitome of an exemplary student... but the cold stares from the surrounding minor characters hadn't changed.

The teachers continued their harassment during classes, and they frequently called me to the student guidance office to question me incessantly about my past behavior. They never treated me like a proper student.

But even so, my spirit remained unbroken.

If there truly is a god overseeing this world, I’ve come to realize that they are not perfect.

There is a way to avoid the impending disastrous end. There's a good chance I can secure a future entirely different from the original story and experience the best youth possible.

More than anything, what keeps me going is the presence of Mashiro.

She changed for me, out of her feelings for me. She was always by my side with a gentle, innocent smile. I can't even begin to count how many times her pure kindness has saved me.

I am endlessly grateful that she's my childhood friend, and I make sure to never let my guard down during this high school life, ensuring that she isn't taken away by the protagonist.

At home, I review and preview my lessons, do strength training, and just yesterday, I even started running. I quit smoking and drinking entirely, maintain a balanced diet, and get to bed early to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

I take care of my family, help with housework, and do everything I can.

All of this is for the sake of spending the best youth with Mashiro.

To achieve the happiest ending in this world, I'm willing to put in any amount of effort.

And then Saturday arrived.

This weekend, the protagonist was on a trip, away from the area, attending the beach event with the heroines. In other words, according to the original storyline, there was zero chance that the protagonist and I, the antagonist, would cross paths. For the first time since my reincarnation into this world, I could finally relax and enjoy myself.

And so, to keep my promise to Mashiro to hang out, I stood in my room facing a large mirror.

"Now then... What should I wear?"

I pulled out a large number of clothes from my closet.

The former me was a typical delinquent, and all the clothes I used to wear out were intimidating.

You could call it "yankee-style" clothing.

There were bomber jackets with large dragons embroidered on the back, shirts and hoodies with big skulls printed on them, and flashy tracksuits that screamed "tough guy."

There were bulky boots, over-the-top black sunglasses, and flashy accessories like gold necklaces and bracelets.

There was even a special attack uniform boldly emblazoned with "Ready to Fight" that I used to walk around in without a care. It scares me to think of the old me strutting around town in such outfits.

But perhaps, as the antagonist, I had been subconsciously compelled to wear these easily recognizable "bad boy" clothes in the world of "Fusekoi."

However, that compulsion had disappeared when I, this new being, reincarnated into the world. The clothes I had from my delinquent days were no longer necessary.

"However, this is a problem... Since my reincarnation, I've only worn my school uniform, so I hadn't thought about casual clothes."

I had nothing to wear outside.

I want to leave behind the role of the antagonist.

I need to seal away all of my past fashion choices.

What I’m aiming for is a clean and fresh look. There's no way I want to dress in the "yankee" or "tough guy" style anymore.

The only options left are some plain clothes that had been neatly folded away. They looked practically new, as if they'd never been worn, and for that, I was grateful.

Fortunately, Shindo Ryusuke has a lean, muscular build with a good physique. He stands straight, and his face isn’t bad either.

Even though his appearance was meant to highlight the protagonist, he was given decent looks. He has a stern face, but I think it's safe to say he's handsome.

I should try a simple, clean, and stylish look to make the most of this appearance.

With that in mind, I quickly put on the plain clothes.

The only options for tops were plain T-shirts and a jacket, so those were set. But for the bottoms, I still had a few choices.

There were baggy pants, ripped jeans, and shorts... Oh, what’s this?

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans from the closet and quickly put them on.

The slim pants emphasized the length of my legs, making me look even taller than I already am. And just by pairing the plain short-sleeve shirt with a lightweight jacket, I instantly looked more mature.

"Not bad... right?"

I did a quick turn in front of the mirror to check myself out.

Yeah... I think it's not bad. I'll pair these with the running shoes I bought yesterday. They look like sneakers, and I chose a subtle color, so they should go well together.

As I wandered around the room, thinking if there was anything else I could add—knock, knock—I heard a knock on the door.

"Onii-chan, I’m coming in!"

It was my sister, Mai. Without waiting for my reply, she opened the door and walked in, freezing when she saw me.

What’s with this reaction...?

Could it be that this outfit doesn’t suit me? But it shouldn’t look that strange...

I looked at her anxiously, but she suddenly ran over to me, her eyes sparkling.

Ignoring my confusion, she exclaimed excitedly.

"Onii-chan, you’re wearing totally different clothes than usual!! Wow! That’s so cool!!"

"So... so cool...?"

"Yeah! You usually dress so much like a yankee, but right now, you look like a fresh, stylish guy!"

"R-Really? If it looks good from a girl’s perspective, then I guess I succeeded..."

"You said you were turning over a new leaf, and you really have. That’s amazing, Onii-chan."

"Well, yeah. I’ve been trying to change myself in various ways."

"Mhm, at least from what I see, you look cool, and I think other girls would agree."

"If you’re saying that, Mai, then I can be somewhat confident."

I stood in front of the mirror once more, looking at myself from head to toe.

A little more tweaking would be ideal, but I’d done everything I could for now.

With this look, I probably won’t be seen as a delinquent when I walk outside. And if even my sister thinks I look like a fresh, stylish guy, maybe I can stand tall with a bit of pride.

As I checked myself out in the mirror, Mai giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Mashiro-san told me, you know. You’re going on a date today, right? I’m so happy to see you putting so much effort into this!"

"A-A date, you say. It’s just a little shopping trip today, not anything that could be called a date..."

"Eh~? But you’re going out with a girl, just the two of you, right? Normally, that’s considered a date, isn’t it? Even if you don’t think so, Mashiro-san was really excited, saying she’s going on a date with you!"

"...!? Mashiro... thinks it’s a date with me?"

"Yep, yep! So, make sure you’re really pumped up and do your best for Mashiro-san today! I’m rooting for you!"

With that, she playfully slapped me on the back and returned to the door, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh, and not just me, but Mom’s rooting for you too. You’ve been helping out a lot with chores lately, and you’re working hard at school, right? That’s why Mom said she’s going to give you a lot of allowance today. Isn’t that great, big brother?"

"Even Mom’s supporting my relationship with Mashiro?"

"Of course! To us, Mashiro-san is the only person we can rely on. She’s the one who could set you straight, you know. She’s always been watching out for you, making sure you didn’t get into too much trouble."

"Watching out for me...? She just used to hang out with me late into the night, that’s all."

"Nope, nope! She’d call you to her apartment late at night so you wouldn’t go to any weird places, you know? You always ignored me and Mom when we told you to come home."

"So she was making sure I wouldn’t go to any weird places at night..."

"Exactly. She also kept telling you not to drink or smoke, right? And she used to report to me about how you were doing, all because she was worried about you. She always asked me for advice on how to help you change."

I see... So that’s what it was.

So that’s why my sister Mai and Mashiro were in contact every day. It makes sense. The Shindo Ryusuke before my reincarnation was a disgrace, to the point where I feel embarrassed thinking about it.

The reason Mashiro stayed with me late at night was to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn’t go down the wrong path.

She shared my situation with my sister, discussed how to help me turn my life around, and even tried to get me to quit drinking and smoking—now that I think about it, my old friends Kogane and Obayashi mentioned it too. They said Mashiro was furious when I tried to drive without a license.

Mashiro had been doing a lot behind the scenes for me. I’m only now realizing the true intention behind her actions.

"So! Make sure to properly thank Mashiro-san today, okay? Aren’t you cooking dinner for her? She was really looking forward to it!"

"Yeah. I can’t thank Mashiro enough. I hope I can repay even a little of the debt I owe her. I’ll do my best."

"Yeah, that’s the spirit! Go for it, big brother!"

With that, Mai cheerfully left the room.

My sister is rooting for me too.

She’s cheering for me to leave behind the role of the antagonist and walk the right path.

I want to live up to her expectations. I want my mother to be proud of the person I’ve become.

And above all, I want to express my gratitude to Mashiro, who has been watching over me all this time.

With renewed determination, I grabbed my bag and left the room.

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