Even Though She's a Genius and Beautiful Childhood Friend, She Becomes Careless Only Around Me - Chapter 15 English

 Chapter 15 - Marimo and the Tsundere

Today, it seems only the first-year students have an extra hour of class, leaving just Marimo and me in the student council room.

And, unusually for today, we have no work at all.

The orienteering event planning is progressing well thanks to Karin's excellent pace, and the club activity budget has already been roughly estimated thanks to Onigawara-kun's efficiency, leaving only the inspection.

The first-year duo is so capable that Marimo and I have nothing particular to do, spending a languid hour after school doing nothing.

"Marimo, want some tea?"

"I'll have some! Um, I'd like hot chai!"

"We don't have that, only hojicha."

"Ehh! I don't want hojicha; it's too bitter."

"Hey, you were eating hojicha-flavored ice cream the other day."

"Ice cream is different! I want something sweet."

She's taking advantage of the situation, wanting something sweet.

I'll teach her that life doesn't always go as one wishes.

Life isn't sweet.

"...We do have Milo."

"Eh!? Why, why? I love Milo! Make it, make it!"


It was good that Milo was on sale when I happened to go restock supplies the other day.

She should be thankful to me for walking the extra distance to a supermarket farther away.

And just to clear up any misunderstanding, I didn't buy Milo for Marimo.

I bought it because I wanted it.

"Here. It's hot, so don't burn yourself."

"You should've made it cold then."

"We don't have milk! Besides, it's a bit chilly for April today. Girls shouldn't cool down their bodies."

"Okay. Oh, Kou-chan, you're having hojicha? You're not drinking Milo?"

"I can't drink something that sweet. I'd prefer cola... Well, hojicha isn't bad either."

"Golden Week is coming up soon."


"Kou-chan, do you have any plans?"

"Not really. Maybe I'll re-read some manga. I've been reading Naruto again lately."

"Ah, you liked that, didn't you? When we were in elementary school, you'd shout 'Kege Bunshin!' And you even sprained your ankle jumping from high places! Kou-chan was so cute back then."

"What are you talking about, Naruto is interesting. You don't read it, Marimo, do you?"

"Because... The fighting scenes look painful, and I can't watch them."

"That's what's good about it. You don't understand a man's heart."

As I sip the hojicha, I start craving some sweets.

There are Happy Turns in the cupboard.

...Yes, indeed.

I feel bad for the juniors, but I'll have these for myself.

"Ah, no fair!"

"Here you go."

"Wow! Chocolate balls! They're delicious, the peanut flavor! What's with these?"

"...I found them in the courtyard the other day."

She can eat chocolate while drinking Milo?

Just so you know, this is a diabolical trap meant to turn Marimo's mouth into a sweet hell.

"Is that so? Strange things do happen... Thanks, Kou-chan!"

"Don't thank me... Well, I did pick them up."

Right now, Marimo's mouth should be in hell.

Heh, sometimes I do devilish things.

Sometimes I want to play the villain; it can't be helped.

"Let's play a game!"

"That's sudden. But sure. Othello? Shogi? Or cards?"

"Nuh-uh-uh. Not such low-level games, Kou-kun! I've just thought of a very stylish game."

She's come up with something weird again.

But since there's nothing else to do, I'm not opposed to taking her up on it.

"So, what are the rules?"

"From now on, if you speak any English words, it's a penalty game! Um, I want a penalty game that will make Kou-chan embarrassed. Nihahaha!"

"That's a nasty way of thinking. Don't start with harassment. Also, that game was played by Tsurube and Shimura Ken with Ninety-Nine while bowling during New Year's a long time ago. If you claim originality, you might get scolded, you know?"

"Right! The penalty game will be to praise the other person! Nhehe, isn't that good?"

I didn't ask for this.


It wouldn't matter if you were knocked down, right?

Just so you know, Marimo is terrible at these kinds of games.

She's not suited for genius.

"Then let's go! Start!!"



"Ha, Marimo is disqualified!"

"That's safe! The game starts after saying 'start!' So, that's safe!"

"I'll let the initial start word slide, but you said it four times after, right? Now, it's a penalty game. Come on, praise me."

Just as I thought.

She's too weak for this to be a conversation.

And now begins the fun penalty game.

She might as well shed tears of frustration while apologizing for always causing me trouble.

Hehe, this is getting fun.

"Fine, I'll say it. Um, even though you always look scary, you're kind when it comes to helping out in a pinch."

"Yeah. That's right. I'm kind, aren't I?"

"Um, even when I'm not involved, you're considerate of those around you and don't overlook people in trouble."

"Oh, oh. Well, if my kindness were a mountain, it'd be as big as Everest, right?"

"And, you treat everyone fairly, no matter who they are!"

"Well, yeah. My name is Kouhei, after all, so it's like... it's in my nature, right?"

"Last one! Um, what should I say..."

I can't take it anymore.

I've reached my limit.

Penalty game? Indeed, it is.

But Marimo isn't suffering at all.

And what about me?

Why do I have to feel so itchy, like I want to scratch a spot on my back between my shoulder blades where my hands can almost but not quite reach?

This penalty game, I'm the one being punished.

"Enough! I get it, I get it! Let's stop for now!!"



"Kou-chan said it too! Penalty game, penalty game!!"


I'll just praise Marimo and end this ridiculous game.

This game has mentally drained me. What is this, a game of darkness?

"Ah. Right. Um, praising Marimo..."

"That's terrible! Why are you struggling so much? Can't you say something good about me?"

"Wait, I'm thinking! There's a lot to consider... Ah, no, that was a mistake!"


What is this?

Did I do something wrong?

I've never experienced such a shameful play in my life.

Let's just stop this, seriously.

With high school girls, just saying "cute" should be enough.

Right, that's what I'll do.

"...Cu, cute. Well, sometimes, just sometimes. You have cute moments."

"Pfft, Kou-chan, your face is all red!"

"It's not like that, okay!? Don't get the wrong idea!!"

"Sorry, I'm late!"

"I've just finished as well. Oh, did something happen?"

The juniors enter, earlier than I expected.

"Nothing? There's nothing. Well, nothing for me, at least. Why?"

Life is full of various things.

Yes, even I have my off days.

Hey, God, how long will you watch?

I'll treat you to a cup of Milo, so go home already!!

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